all such sums of money as may be due to the said Thomas Boyer as collector
of the public assessment and county rate aforesaid, for the year last
aforesaid by distress and sale, or otherwise, in as full and ample
manner as
the said Thomas Boyer might or could do was he now living and his said
offices for the year last aforesaid unexpired. |
XII. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the said Isaac Redgrave shall be, and is
hereby allowed, until the tenth day of May next to make collection
of the
aforesaid several sums of money, due as aforesaid to the said Thomas
Boyer for the year seventeen hundred and eighty-five, and that he the
Isaac Redgrave shall be allowed the same commission upon such collection
as the said Thomas Boyer would have been entitled to had he made the
same; and that they the said Isaac Redgrave, Benjamin Hatchinson or
John Wallis, shall not be liable to any suit or suits on or by reason
either the aforesaid several bonds entered into as aforesaid for the
said year
seventeen hundred and eighty-five, before the aforesaid tenth day of
next. |
Further time
allowed, &c. |
An ACT to confirm the title of a lot of ground in Baltimore-town, in
Baltimore county, to James McFadon in fee, for the
benefit of the heirs
of John McFadon, deceased. (A private act.) |
An ACT to grant to Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn an exclusive
right to keep stage-carriages on the public road
from the
river Susquehanna to the river Patowmack. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn, That he hath, at a very considerable
expence, set up stage-carriages on the great public road
from the river Susquehanna and Patowmack, respectively, by the way
Baltimore-town, and in consideration of the great labour and expence
such undertaking, prayed that an exclusive privilege and right to
set up, carry on, and keep stage-carriages, for conveyance of passengers
and their baggage between the said rivers on the rout aforesaid, might
granted him, his executors, administrators and assigns, for the term
of six
years: And whereas the erecting stage-carriages on the said public
will greatly promote the convenience of the citizens of this state,
affording a constant, east, and speedy conveyance of passengers, and
otherwise be of great public utility; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
said Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn, his executors, administrators and assigns,
shall have, possess and enjoy, the sole and exclusive permission, privilege
and right, and such exclusive permission, privilege and right, is hereby
given and granted to the said Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn, his executors,
administrators and assigns, for the term of five years, to commence on
first day February next, to set up, carry on, and drive, at all
times during the term aforesaid, all and every such stage-coach, post-chaise,
stage-waggon, or other stage-carriage, from the said rivers respectively
the other, by the way of Baltimore-town, and to or from any intermediate
place or places on the great public road between the said rivers, for
the accommodation and conveyance of passengers and their baggage, for
hire, as he the said Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn, his heirs, executors, administrators
or assigns, shall think proper and sufficient for the accommodation
and conveyance of all passengers who shall from time to time apply
for passage, together with their baggage, subject to the regulations
herein after mentioned. |
Exclusive privilege
to G. P. Vanhorn,
&c. |