Penalty on others
&c. |
III. And be it
enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any person,
other than the said Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn, or his executor, administrator
or assigns, on any pretence whatever, during the term aforesaid, to
erect, set up, or drive, any stage-coach, post-chaise, stage-waggon,
other stage-carriage, for the conveyance of passengers for hire, from the
said rivers respectively to the other, or between any intermediate place,
under the penalty of five pounds current money for each passenger conveyed
on any part of the said public road contrary to this act, and the true
and meaning thereof, and it shall not be lawful for any person, other
than the said Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn, or his executor, administrators
assigns, or his or their agents, servers or drivers, to receive, directly
indirectly, any reward for conveying any person in any kind of stage-carriage
to or from either of the rivers aforesaid, under the penalty of five pounds
current money for every person conveyed contrary to this act, and the
true intent and meaning thereof. |
A sufficient
number of
carriages to be
kept, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn, his
executors, administrators or assigns, after the first day of March next,
shall, and it is hereby declared to be the duty of the said Gabriel Peterson
Vanhorn, his executors, administrators and assigns, respectively, to provide
and constantly keep in good order and repair a sufficient number of
stage-coaches, or covered stage-waggons, or other stage-carriages;
and after the first day of May in the year one thousand seven hundred
and eighty-seven, if required, as many post-chaises, for receipt, accommodation
and conveyance, of all passengers who may at any time during
the said term apply to him or his executors, administrators, or assigns,
or his or their agents or servants, for passage from or to the said rivers,
or any intermediate place, and as many good, stout, strong, and able
horses, as may be necessary for such carriages respectively, and shall,
prevented by the badness of the roads or some other uncommon or
unavoidable accident, perform not less than three trips in each week,
from each of the said rivers respectively to the other, from the first
day of April to the first day of November in each year, and in the
other months in each year not less than two trips aforesaid in every
week. |
Rates allowed
for passengers,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said
Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn, his executors, administrators or assigns, or
or their agents or servants, to ask, demand and receive, from each passenger
conveyed in any stage-coach, at the rate of not more than seven-pence
half-penny current money per mile, including the privilege of fourteen
pounds of baggage to each passenger in a stage-coach, and at the rate of
six-pence current money per mile in any stage-waggon or other stage-carriage,
with the same privilege of fourteen pounds of baggage to each
passenger, and at the rate of nine-pence current money per mile in any
post-chaise, with the same privilege of baggage to each passenger, and
the rate of not more than four-pence current money per mile for every
hundred pounds of baggage over and above the said fourteen pounds,
and in the like proportion for any greater or less quantity, and at the
of not more than three-pence current money per mile for every hundred
pounds of current money in gold or silver, and in the like proportion for
any greater or less sum; and if the said Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn, or his
executors, administrators or assigns, or his or their agents, servants
drivers, or any of them, shall, directly or indirectly, receive more than
the sums aforesaid respectively allowed by this act, the said Gabriel Peterson
Vanhorn, his executors, administrators or assigns, shall forfeit five
pounds current money for every such offence. |