Governor and
council to appoint
surveyors. |
III. And be it
enacted, That the governor and council hereby are authorised
and requested, to appoint such an additional number of surveyors
as they may think necessary to complete the surveys of the land sold
aforesaid, or whose plats and certificates shall be returned to the land-office
aforesaid, and shall be received and examined by the examiner-general. |
Caveat may be
entered, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That any person or persons may enter a caveat
to any certificate aforesaid within six months from the time the same is
returned, and the chancellor shall hear and determine the same in the
same manner as in other cases of caveats entered upon certificates
to the land-office. |
Purchasers, on
payment, &c.
entitled to a
deed, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That where any sale hath been made by the intendant,
or the commissioners of confiscated property, of land heretofore patented,
and the patent recorded in the land-office, the purchaser, upon payment
of the purchase money, and obtaining a receipt for the same, and upon a
certificate of the sale being lodged with the register aforesaid six months,
unless the chancellor otherwise determines upon hearing any caveat to the
same to be filed within the time aforesaid, shall be entitled to a deed
the land and premises purchased, conveying such estate therein as was
agreed to be sold, which deed, being prepared by the party, shall be
sealed and delivered, by the chancellor on behalf of the state, and being
so executed and recorded among the records of the general court, or
of the county court where the land may lie, within six months from the
time of such execution, shall be good and effectual in law; and any purchaser
of property shall, upon a certificate of the purchase money
being paid, be entitled to a deed, to be executed as aforesaid, which when
so executed, shall be recorded among the records of the general court,
of the county court where the purchaser may reside, or may have made
the purchase, within six months from the date of such deed. |
taken off, &c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That all reserves made of any land in this state
for which no patent ever issued, (except only the reserve to the westward
of Fort Cumberland and the reserves of the city of Annapolis and Baltimore-town,)
shall be taken off, and any land within the said reserves may
be taken up as other vacant land, at the price of seven shillings and six-pence
current money per acre, or at such other price as such vacant land
hereafter may be directed by the legislature to be taken up at. |
Persons holding
lands may take
out patents,
&c. |
VII. And,
whereas there are sundry citizens of this state who hold
lands in virtue of patents granted by the late proprietaries of Pennsylvania,
antecedent to the running and settling of the divisional line between the
two states: And whereas it was mutually agreed by the two proprietaries,
that all inhabitants on either side of the boundary line who obtained
patents for their lands in Pennsylvania or Maryland should have their titles
confirmed in which ever they happened to fall; therefore, Be
enacted, That any person or persons holding lands within the limits
of this
state, granted and patented by the proprietaries of Pennsylvania antecedent
to the settlement of the said divisional line, and which were, before the
running and settling the divisional line aforesaid, considered as lying
the limits of Pennsylvania, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, shall
be at liberty to take out and receive patents from the land-office of this
and the register of the land-office of the western shore is hereby empowered
and directed, on application of any of the above described landholders,
and upon their producing their Pennsylvania patents or authenticated copies,
which shall be lodged in the land-office, to grant a patent or patents
for the lands expressed in such original grant or grants, and the person
persons thus receiving patents in exchange shall not be liable to pay any |