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Hanson's Laws of Maryland 1763-1784
Volume 203, Page 90   View pdf image (33K)
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                        ROBERT EDEN, Esq; Governor.

    II.  Be it therefore enacted, by the right honourable the lord proprietary, by and 
with the advice and consent of his lordship's governor, and the upper and lower houses of assembly,
and the authority of the same, That the said building shall be the market-house
of the said town, and from and after the end of this present session of assembly,
two days in every week, to wit, Wednesday and Saturday, shall be held as
market days at the said market-house; and all victuals and provisions whatsoever,
brought either by land or water, upon those or any other days of the week, to the
said town for sale (except fish and oysters brought by water, all kinds of grain,
flour, bread, butter in firkins or other vessels exceeding twenty pounds net, cheese,
pork by the hog, beef or pork in the barrels or larger casks, live cattle, sheep or
hogs,) shall be carried to the market-house of the said town, there to be sold at
market hours, to wit, from any time in the morning to twelve at noon.




    III.  And be it enacted, That no inhabitant of the said town, or other person,
shall buy, or cause to be bought, of any person or persons bringing, (and within
one mile of the said town) or having brought therein any kind of victuals or provisions
for sale (except as before excepted) either upon market days, or any other
days of the week during market hours, at any other place whatsoever but at or in
the aforesaid market-house, under the penalty of twenty shillings current money
for every such offence.
Penalty on
persons buying.
    IV.  And be it enacted, That no person bringing or sending, or having brought
or sent, any victuals or provisions to the said town for sale (except as before excepted)
shall sell, or cause to be sold, the said victuals or provisions so brought or sent,
either by land or water, to the said town, or within one mile thereof, at any other
place during market hours, but at or in the aforesaid market-house, under the penalty
of twenty shillings current money for every such offence.  And if any servant
or slave shall sell any victuals or provision contrary to the directions and meaning
of this act, such servant or slave shall be punished by whipping on the bare-back,
at the discretion of any one justice for Baltimore county, provided such
whipping do not exceed fifteen lashes for any such offence.
And on persons
provisions out
of market.
    V.  And be it enacted, That the commissioners of Baltimore-town, or the major
part of them, for the time being, shall assemble and meet, between the twentieth
and last day of this present December, and between the first and the tenth
days of September yearly, and every year during the continuance of this act, and then
nominate and appoint one of the inhabitants of the said town of Baltimore to be
clerk of the said market for the year then next ensuing, whose power and authority
as clerk shall continue for and during the term of one year.
to choose
a clerk yearly.
    VI.  And be it enacted, That the clerk of the said market shall have power and
authority to take the possession, care and charge, of the market and market-house
aforesaid, during his continuance in office, and to inspect all provisions brought
thereto for sale, and to destroy any he shall find and adjudge unsound or unwholesome;
and also to try and adjust the weights and measures used at the said market,
by standards to be provided and kept there by the commissioners of the said
town for that purpose, and the same, when false or untrue, to seize and dispose of
to the highest bidder, and shall pay the money arising from such sale to the said
commissioners, to be by them applied to the use of the said town.  And the clerk
of the said market, unless prevented by sickness or other unavoidable accident or
necessity, shall, and he is hereby required to attend in the said market, from the
hour of five in the morning to the hour of eight during the months of April, May,
June, July, August, September and October, and from the hour of seven to the
hour of nine in the morning during the months of November, December, January,
February and March.  And if such clerk shall neglect or refuse to attend as
aforesaid, he shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay the sum of twenty shillings
current money, to be recovered by the commissioners of the said town for
the time being, before any justice for Baltimore county, to be paid to and applied by
them to the use of the said town; and the said clerk may be removed and displaced
by the commissioners of the said town for the time being at their pleasure and
His power.

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Hanson's Laws of Maryland 1763-1784
Volume 203, Page 90   View pdf image (33K)
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