Blown meat
to be seized,
&c. |
VII. And be it
enacted, That if any butcher, or other person, shall sell, or offer
for sale, any meat within the said market which shall be blown, in such
case it shall
and may be lawful for the clerk of the said market to seize all such meat
sold or offered
for sale in the said market, and the same to condemn to and for the use
of the
prisoners confined in Baltimore county gaol; and the butcher, or other
for every such offence, shall forfeit and pay the sum of forty shillings
current money. |
Provisions to
be weighed
in scales, &c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That from and after the first Monday in March next,
all meat, and every article of provision sold by weight within the said
shall be weighed in scales and weights tried and adjusted by the standard
of the
county, or the standard to be provided and kept by the commissioners as
And any person offering provision for sale within the said market, who
shall make
use of or weigh with steelyards, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty
current money for every such offence. |
Clerk to hire
out the stalls,
&c. |
IX. And be it
further enacted, That the clerk of the said market shall have full
to rent or hire out the stalls and shambles in the said market-house, and
the rooms
and apartments over the same, and shall keep a fair and just account of
the profits
arising from such rents, and of all fines and forfeitures he shall receive
by virtue
of this act, and shall apply the same according to the directions of the
of the said town for the time being; and the said clerk shall be allowed
for his services out of the public money belonging to the said town, at
the discretion
of the said commissioners, not exceeding the sum of thirty pounds current
money per annum. |
To take an
oath. |
X. Provided
always, and be it enacted, That before any clerk, to be nominated
and appointed as aforesaid, shall enter upon his office, he shall be obliged
take an oath, or affirmation, before some justice for Baltimore county,
justly, truly
and impartially, to perform the several duties required of him by this
act, and the
several oaths to the government appointed by law, and subscribe the oath
of abjuration,
and repeat and sign the test. |
In case of
death, &c.
another to be
chosen. |
XI. And be it
enacted, That in case of the death, removal, or other disqualification
of any clerk of the said market, immediately thereupon, or as soon as may
be, the commissioners of the said town, or the major part of them, shall
and appoint some other person, duly qualified as aforesaid, to be clerk
for and during
the residue of the year, who shall have full power and authority as clerk
the market in the said town. |
To enter into
bond. |
XII. And be
it further enacted, That every person nominated and appointed clerk
the said market, shall, before he takes on himself the execution of the
said office,
enter into bond, with two sufficient securities, to be approved of by the
said commissioners,
or the major part of them, in the sum of one hundred pounds current
money, payable to the commissioners of the town of Baltimore for the time
being, and their successors, with condition thereto, " That he will well
and faithfully
" discharge his duty, agreeable to the act of assembly, entitled, An act
" establish a market in Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county, and to regulate
" said market, and that he will render to the said commissioners, and their
" when by them required, a just and true account of all monies as he shall
" receive by virtue of his office, and that he will pay and apply such
monies so
" received, as the commissioners aforesaid for the time being, or the major
part of
" them, shall order and direct. |
Penalty on
persons driving
horses into
the market-house,
&c. |
XIII. And be
it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any person whatever,
wilfully to lead, ride or drive, into the aforesaid market-house, any horse,
mare or colt, or to kill or slaughter in the said house any beast of the
beef, sheep,
or hog kind, under the penalty of ten shillings current money of this province
every such offence. |
how to be recovered. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That the penalties by this act imposed, except on the
clerk of the said market for non-attendance, shall be recovered by, and
in the |