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Hanson's Laws of Maryland 1763-1784
Volume 203, Page 89   View pdf image (33K)
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                                3  HENRY HARFORD, Esq;

    IX.  This act to continue for two years, and unto the end of the next session
of assembly which shall happen after the said two years.

    Continued for seven years, &c. by the act of February, 1777, ch. 17.  Three years before the expiration
of the said term it was again continued for seven years, &c. by the act of May, 1781, ch. 29.

                                            CHAP. XXI.
        An ACT for an addition to Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county.
Preamble.     WHEREAS John Moale and Andrew Stigar, of Baltimore-town, by their
humble petition to this general assembly, have set forth, that the said
John Moale is seized, in fee-simple, of a lot of land lying contiguous
to the said town, and bounded in the following manner; Beginning at the east
corner of the lot of land, number sixty-five, on Bridge-street, in the first addition
to Baltimore-town, on the east side of Jones's falls, and running thence north forty-nine
degrees east twenty perches, north forty-one degrees west fifty-two perches,
south fifty-eight degrees west twenty perches and the fourth part of a perch,
unto the north corner of the lot of land number seventy-one in the aforesaid addition
to Baltimore-town, and then bounding on and with the said addition unto
the place of beginning, containing six acres and one hundred and ten square perches,
more or less:  That the said Andrew Stigar is seized, in fee-simple, of a lot or parcel
of land adjacent to the said lot of land of the said John Moale, and bounded
as follows; Beginning at the end of the line " north forty-nine degrees east twenty
perches" of the said John Moale's lot, and running from thence north twenty-six
degrees and forty-five minutes east sixty-eight perches, south seventy-seven degrees
west thirty-nine perches and the fourth part of a perch, south sixty-three
degrees west twenty-nine perches and half of a perch, unto the end of the line
" north forty-one degrees west fifty-two perches" of the said John Moale's lot
aforesaid, and then bounding on the line reverse of the same unto the last aforesaid
place of beginning, containing eleven acres and fifty-six square perches, more
or less; and that they were desirous of annexing the said parcel of land to the
said town, and therefore prayed that a law might pass for that purpose:  And it
appearing to this general assembly, that to extend the limits of the said town would
contribute to promote the trade and commerce thereof;
Land to be
laid out in
streets, &c.
    II.  Be it therefore enacted, by the right honourable the lord proprietary, by and 
with the advice and consent of his governor, and the upper and lower houses of assembly,
and the authority of the same, That the commissioners of Baltimore-town, or
the major part of them, do, and they are hereby directed and required, at any time
before the last day of April next, to cause the aforesaid parcel of land to be surveyed
and laid out into lots, streets and lanes, at the proper costs and expences of the
said John Moale and Andrew Stigar, according to their respective number of acres,
in such manner as to the said commissioners, or the major part of them, shall
seem convenient; and that when the same shall be done, the said parcel of land
shall be, and is hereby declared to be, part of Baltimore-town aforesaid, to all intents
and purposes, as fully and amply as if originally included therein, and have
the same immunities and privileges as the said town, by any law or laws heretofore
made, ought to have.
                                            CHAP. XXII.
An ACT for the speedy and effectual publication of the laws of this province, and
    for the encouragement of Anne Catharine Green, of the city of Annapolis,
                                            CHAP. XXIII.
An ACT to establish a market in Baltimore-town, in Baltimore
                            county, and to regulate the said market.
Preamble.     WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that the inhabitants
of the said town have built and erected a large and convenient
building, calculated for a market-house and other public uses, on part
of a lot of land in the said town, distinguished in the plat thereof by the number
seventy-one, which, if put under proper regulations, might be rendered very useful
to the inhabitants of the said town and county, and it is prayed that an act may
be passed for holding and regulating a market for the said town;

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Hanson's Laws of Maryland 1763-1784
Volume 203, Page 89   View pdf image (33K)
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