there shall be a deduction of one eighth part thereof, and if reduced
to one per
cent. there shall be a deduction of one fourth part thereof; and on
exports in any
such vessel, navigated and owned as aforesaid, there shall be a deduction
of one
third part of the duty imposed by this act; and on imports in any vessel
within this state, and entirely owned by citizens thereof, and wholly navigated
a master and mariners, all of whom are citizens of this state, there shall
be a deduction
from the duties imposed by this act on enumerated articles, of one
part thereof, and from the two per cent. duty, a deduction of one
fourth part
thereof, and if reduced to one per cent. a deduction of one half
part thereof; and on
exports in any such vessel, there shall be a deduction of one half part
of the duty
imposed by this act; and t shall be fully proved, by oath or affirmation
of the
person requiring the deduction allowed by this act, or by other credible
to the entire satisfaction of the naval officer, that such vessel was built
this state, and is navigated and owned as required by this act, or he shall
make any deduction, and if any doubt arises, he may refer the party, with
proof, to the governor and council, whose decision shall be conclusive. |
What mariners
deemed citizens,
&c. |
XVII. And,
to ascertain what mariners or seamen shall be deemed citizens of
this state within the meaning of this act, Be
it enacted, That any mariner or
seaman, above fourteen and under fifty years of age, may repair to any
officer, and there deliver in his name, age, stature, complexion, (natural
if any) and place of birth, and require the naval officer to register him
and to give him a certificate thereof under his hand and seal of office,
such certificate shall be sufficient evidence that such mariner is a citizen
of this
state; and every registered seaman and mariner shall be exempted from all
and militia service, (except only in case of a real invasion of the state)
shall have a preference of being admitted into any hospital that may hereafter
erected in this state; and every registered seaman or mariner may, if he
wear some honorary mark of distinction; provided, that this privilege shall
infringe any stipulation in any treaty made with any kingdom or state by
United States in congress assembled; and every naval officer shall enter
in a book
to be kept for that purpose only, the names of such persons alphabetically,
their age, stature, complexion, (natural marks if any) and place of birth,
the time when registered, and annually, in the month of October, transmit
fair copy thereof to the clerk of the house of delegates, to be by him
entered in
a book to be kept for that purpose. |
When one per
cent. duty is
to take place,
&c. |
XVIII. And be
it enacted, That after the five per cent. granted to congress
shall take place, only one per cent. shall be collected by the naval
officers on
the non-enumerated articles in virtue of this act. |
A public act,
&c. |
XIX. And be
it enacted, That this act shall be esteemed in all courts of law
and equity to be a public act, and notice thereof shall be taken as such
by all
courts and persons accordingly. |
Continuance. |
XX. This act to continue seven years, and
to the end of the next session of the
general assembly thereafter. |
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to impose duties on certain
enumerated articles imported into and exported out of
state, and all other goods, wares and merchandises,
into this state. |
How duties
are to be applied,
&c. |
BE it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That three fourths of the
money collected and received for duties in virtue of the said act, shall
remitted to the continental treasury, and the residue shall be subject
to the
future disposition of the general assembly; and the duties on exports,
imposed by
the said act, shall be continued for and during the term of three years,
and no
longer. |
An ACT for the payment of the journal of accounts. |