WILLIAM PACA, Esq; Governor.
Spanish milled pieces of eight, or dollars,
Other coined Spanish silver of equal fineness, per ounce,
English milled crowns,
French silver crowns,
Johannes, weighing eighteen pennyweight,
Half Johannes, weighing nine pennyweight,
Moidores, weighing six pennyweight eighteen grains,
English guineas, weighing five pennyweight six grains,
French guineas, weighing five pennyweight five grains,
Doubloons, weighing seventeen pennyweight,
Spanish pistoles, weighing four pennyweight, six grains,
French milled pistoles, weighing four pennyweight four grains,
Other gold coin (German excepted) of the same fineness of Spanish
or Portugal coin, per ounce, |
0 7 6
0 8 6
0 8 4
0 8 4
6 0 0
3 0 0
2 5 0
1 15 0
1 14 6
5 12 0
1 8 0
1 7 6
6 13 4 |
And the several naval officers shall respectively be allowed for collecting,
for and paying the duties received by them as herein after directed,
the sum
of four per centum, on all duties collected, secured, accounted
for, and paid by
them, or any of them; and they are hereby required to account for and
pay into
the treasury of the shore where such naval officer shall reside, twice
in every year,
to wit, on the tenth day of June and the tenth day of December, or
twenty-one days thereafter, all duties or monies received by them respectively,
upon pain of forfeiting twenty per cent. per year, upon all
such sum or sums of
money as shall be received by them, or either of them, and remain unpaid
any time or times when the same ought to be paid, and of being suspended
their said office until such payment be made. |
XIII. And,
to prevent delays of the payment of the duties imposed by law,
Be it enacted, That where any person
or persons shall enter into bond for the
payment of any duty, and shall not pay the same at the time limited by
law, it
shall and may be lawful to and for the naval officer, to sue out of the
court, or court of the county where such person or persons reside, one
or more
writs of scire facias, in the name of the state, returnable to the
said court, against
any person or persons chargeable with any duty, or security for the same,
against his or their heirs, executors or administrators, to shew cause
why execution
ought not to issue against him, them, or any of them, for the duty
so unpaid,
and thereupon the defendant or defendants, upon being served with such
shall be had the first court, if it can be done with justice, and judgment
shall be
given for the duties due with an addition of twenty per cent. and
execution shall
issue on such judgment; and if the defendant or defendants named in such
facias cannot be served therewith, or upon being served refuse to plead
as aforesaid,
judgment shall be given for the duties due with the addition of twenty
cent. and execution shall issue as aforesaid. |
Bonds may be
sued, &c. |
XIV. And be
it enacted, That all goods, wares and merchandise, imported into
this state for the use and consumption of any minister or ministers of
any kingdom,
nation or state, in amity and alliance with the United States, shall be
duty free. |
Foreign ministers
duty free, &c. |
XV. And be it
enacted, That nothing in this act contained shall repeal, or
shall be construed to repeal or alter, an act, entitled, An act laying
a duty on
British vessels; and for other purposes, passed at November session, one
seven hundred and eighty-three. |
Not to extend
to a former
act, &c. |
XVI. And,
to encourage the building of merchant vessels within this state,
and to navigate them by citizens of this or some of the United States,
it enacted, That on imports in any vessel built within this state,
and navigated by
a master, citizen of this state, and by mariners, one half of whom are
of this or some one of the United States, and one half of the property
of such
vessel actually belongs to some one or more of the citizens of this state,
there shall
be a deduction from the duties imposed by this act on enumerated articles,
sixth part thereof, and from the two per cent. duty on non-enumerated
articles, |
Deduction for
vessels built in
the state, &c. |