any seaman or mariner belonging to any merchant-ship or vessel, from
or being entered, into the service on board of any of the vessels belonging
to this state, or the United States; nor shall such seaman or mariner,
for such
entry, forfeit the wages due to him, during the term of his service
in such merchant-ship
or vessel, nor shall such entry be deemed a desertion. |
Part of an act
repealed. |
XLVI. And be
it enacted, That so much of the act, entitled, An act to continue
the acts of assembly therein mentioned, passed at November session,
seventeen hundred
and eighty-three, as continues the act to prevent frauds in commerce,
and to
direct the duty of naval officers, for three years, and until the end
of the next session
of assembly which shall happen thereafter, shall be and is hereby repealed. |
Act of 1783
not altered,
&c. |
XLVII. And be
it enacted, That nothing in this act contained shall repeal,
or be construed to repeal or alter, the act, entitled, An act laying
a duty on British
vessels, and for other purposes, passed at November session, seventeen
and eighty-three. |
A public act. |
be it enacted, That this act shall be deemed and taken to be
a public act, and all judges and justices are hereby obliged to take
notice of it as
such, without specially pleading the same. |
Continuance. |
XLIX. This act to continue for seven years,
and to the end of the next session
of the general assembly thereafter. |
An ACT respecting the appointment
of delegates to congress. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is necessary that each state in the union
should constantly
have delegates property authorised to act in the assembly of the United
States, |
Delegates to
be annually
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the delegates
for this state in congress shall hereafter be annually appointed on the
third Monday
in November, or on some other day of the same week, with power and
authority to meet and act as delegates for this state in congress on the
Monday in December next after such appointment, and for one whole year
to commence from such second Monday in December, and also to represent
and act for this state in a committee of the states, to be appointed by
United States in congress assembled within the time aforesaid. |
In case of resignation
to be appointed,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, If any delegate from this state in congress, after such
appointment, shall resign, die, refuse to act, or be recalled, another
delegate in
his stead hall be appointed for the remainder of the year only. |
Form of commission,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That a commission shall issue to the delegates to be
appointed as aforesaid, signed by the governor for the time being, with
the great
seal of the state thereto annexed, and the commission shall be in the
form, to wit: " To ____ _____ _____ _____ The state of Maryland reposing
" trust and confidence in your diligence, wisdom and fidelity, hath appointed
" you delegates for this state in the United States in congress assembled,
" full power and authority to you, or any two or more of you, to represent
" act for this state in the United States in congress assembled, for one
whole year
" from the second Monday in December next; and also you, or either of you,
" are fully empowered and authorised to represent and act for this state
in a committee
" of the states, which may within the time aforesaid be appointed by the
" United States in congress assembled. Given under my hand, and the
seal of
" the state, at the city of Annapolis, this _____ day of _____ anno
domini _____." |
How long
they may act,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the present delegates for this state in the United
States in congress assembled, or any two or more fo them, shall have power
authority to represent and act for this state in congress, until the fourth
day of
December next; and also each or either of them have full power and authority
to represent and act for this state in a committee of the states, to be
appointed |