WILLIAM PACA, Esq; Governor.
by the United States in congress assembled within the said time, and
a commission
shall be issued by the governor to the said delegates in form aforesaid. |
An ACT for the discovery of confiscated British property. |
BE it enacted,
the general assembly of Maryland, That the intendant of
the revenue be authorised and required, at any time before the first
day of
January, seventeen hundred and eighty-six, to call on all persons having
confiscated British property in their possession, or the title papers
thereof or relating
thereto, to discover and make known, and deliver up the same; and if
the said intendant
has probable and good ground to suspect, that any person holds the
same in
trust for any British subject, or conceals the same, or any deeds,
writings, or evidence
of the title to such property, he may and shall direct the attorney-general
file a bill in the high court of chancery, on behalf of this state,
for the discovery
of such trust or concealed property, and for delivering up such deeds,
writings, and
evidence of title to the same, and thereupon proceedings shall be had,
and decree
made, according to the rules of the high court of chancery in such
cases. |
Intendant to
cause papers
to be delivered
up, &c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That if any person having possession of any confiscated
British property, and not having a fair claim of title thereto, or
having obtained
the possession of any property formerly belonging to any British subject,
in virtue
of any gift, grant, sale, devise or conveyance, made or executed since
the nineteenth
of April, seventeen hundred and seventy-five, and before the first
of December,
seventeen hundred and seventy-nine, by any person declared to be a
subject by the act to seize, confiscate and appropriate, all British
property within
this state, with intent and design to cover and protect such property
from confiscation,
or by any conveyance, gift, grant, sale or devise, made since the first
of December,
seventeen hundred and seventy-nine, by any person declared a British
subject as aforesaid, not bonâ fide in pursuance of some
contract or agreement made
before that day in writing, or for the just payment of a debt due before
that day
by the person making such grant, conveyance or sale, to the person
receiving the
same, and shall not discover the same property, and the circumstances
under which
the same is held, and deliver up the same and the title papers thereof
to the intendant
of the revenue, by the first day of January, in the year seventeen
and eighty-six, such person shall forfeit one fourth of the value of
the property;
and if any person having possession of any such property shall voluntarily
the same, the intendant shall have full power and authority to sell
the same to such
person at a reasonable price, secured to be paid to this state, and
after the first day
of January, seventeen hundred and eighty-six, the intendant, on waving
the penalty,
may direct a bill to be filed as aforesaid, against any person having
possession of
such property. |
Forfeiture on
persons having
of B. property,
&c. |
An ACT to empower Charles Steuart, administrator of John Bennett, to
of the real estate of the said John Bennett, for the
payment of his debts. PR. |
An ACT to continue the acts
of assembly therein mentioned. |
An ACT to impose duties on certain enumerated articles imported
into and exported out of this state, and on all other
wares and merchandise, imported into this state. |
BE it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That from and after
this present session, the following duties shall be and are hereby imposed
on the articles herein after enumerated, and upon all other goods, wares
and merchandise, imported into this state, to wit: Madeira wine,
six-pence per
gallon; port wine and claret, four-pence per gallon; all other wines, three-pence
per gallon; all kinds of distilled spirits, two-pence per gallon; coffee,
shillings per hundred weight; loaf sugar, six shillings per hundred weight;
brown sugar, one shilling per hundred weight; green tea, nine-pence per
pound; |
Duties on imports,
&c. |