mariners for their wages, which agreement or contract shall be made
in writing,
declaring what wages each seaman or mariner is to have respectively during
whole voyage, or for such time as he or they shall agree to serve on board
ship or vessel; and also to express in the said agreement or contract,
the voyage
for which such seaman or mariner agreed to serve; and in case any master
commander of any such ship or vessel shall carry out of this state any
seaman or
mariner (except his apprentice or apprentices) upon any voyage to parts
the seas, without first entering into such agreement or contract as aforesaid,
master or commander shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty pounds current
money for every seaman or mariner carried out of this state, without entering
into such agreement in writing as aforesaid. |
Seamen to
sign agreement,
&c. |
XXXIV. And be
it enacted, That if any seaman or mariner shall enter or
ship himself on board any ship or vessel above forty feet keel, on any
voyage for parts out of this state, such seaman or mariner shall, and he
is hereby
obliged to sign such agreement or contract, within three days after he
shall have
entered himself on board such ship or vessel, in order to proceed on any
as aforesaid; which agreement or contract, after the signing thereof, shall
conclusive and binding on all parties, for and during the time so agreed
or contracted
for. |
To forfeit
wages, &c. |
XXXV. And be
it enacted, That in case any seaman or mariner, after agreeing
or contracting as aforesaid, shall desert or refuse to proceed on the
voyage on
board any such ship or vessel, bound to any port or place out of this state,
that shall desert from the ship or vessel to which he shall belong, at
any time
during the term of his agreement, he shall forfeit to the owner or owners
of such
ship or vessel, the wages which shall be due to him or them at the time
of his
refusal or desertion from such ship or vessel, or obstinately refusing
to proceed on
such voyage. |
Refusing to
fall may be
&c. |
XXXVI. And be
it enacted, That in case any such seaman or mariner shall
refuse to fail, desert, or absent himself, from any such ship or vessel,
after he
shall have entered into and signed such contractor agreement to proceed
any voyage as aforesaid, upon application made to any judge or justice
of the
peace by the master or commander, owner or owners, or other person
charge of the said ship or vessel to which such seaman or mariner did belong,
shall and may be lawful for such judge or justice, and he is hereby required,
issue his warrant to apprehend such seaman or mariner; and in case such
or mariner shall refuse to proceed on the voyage for which he contracted
or agreed
to perform as aforesaid, and shall not give a sufficient reason for such
refusal, to
the satisfaction of such judge or justice, such seaman or mariner shall
be committed
to the gaol of the county, there to remain not exceeding three months,
and there to be kept to continual hard labour, according to health and
of body. |
Forfeiture for
&c. |
be it enacted, That in case any seaman or mariner shall absent
himself from the ship or vessel to which he shall belong, without leave
from the
master or commander, or other chief officer, having the charge of such
ship or
vessel, every such seaman or mariner shall, for every such day's absence,
four days pay to the owner of the vessel. |
For leaving
vessel, &c. |
be it enacted, That in case any seaman or mariner shall leave
himself from the ship or vessel, to which he or they belong, before he
or they shall have a
discharge in writing from the master or commander, or other person having
charge of such ship or vessel (unless to enter into the public service
of this state,
or the United States) such seaman or mariner shall forfeit one month's
pay to the
owner of the vessel. |
Wages to be
paid within
twenty days,
&c. |
XXXIX. And be
it enacted, That upon the arrival of any ship or vessel above
forty feet keel, at any port within this state from parts beyond the seas,
or any
port or place out of this state, the masters or commanders of such ships
or vessels |