WILLIAM PACA, Esq; Governor.
the chancery court, to be by him safely kept in the chancery office;
and an
attested copy of the said bond and probate from the said court record,
shall be as
good evidence in law to maintain an action of debt for a breach of the
thereof, as if the said bond or bonds were actually produced and proved
in court. |
be it enacted, That the several naval officers, at the time they
respectively give bond according to the directions of this law, shall take
the following
oath or affirmation: " I, A. B. do swear, or affirm, that I will
" myself diligently, honestly and faithfully, in the execution of the trust
" in me as naval officer of the _____ district, agreeably to the acts of
the general
" assembly of this state, and according to my best skill and knowledge;"
and in case of neglect or failure to take such oath or affirmation, shall
and pay five hundred pounds current money; a certificate of which said
oath or
affirmation shall be recorded, together with the bond and probate aforesaid. |
To take an
oath. |
XXIX. And be
it enacted, That the several naval officers within their several
districts, for the several acts, services and things, relating to their
office, by
them and each of them to be done, shall have and receive the fees herein
mentioned, and no more, that is to say: For signing and sealing every
the sum of twenty shillings; for recording and transmitting the same, five
for entering or clearing every vessel of one hundred tuns and upwards,
fifteen shillings; for entering or clearing every vessel of fifty tuns,
and under one
hundred tuns, ten shillings; for entering or clearing every vessel under
fifty tuns,
five shillings; for every certificate of entry or clearance, or of goods
or exported, five shillings; for ever bond taken in office, five shillings;
for proving
and filing a certificate and cancelling a bond, five shillings; for every
bill of
health or bill of stores granted, five shillings; for every permit granted,
shillings and six-pence; for every oath administered, one shilling; for
a copy of
a manifest, per side, allowing one hundred and five words to a side, four-pence;
for a passport, in conformity to the twenty-seventh article of the treaty
his Most Christian Majesty and the United States of America, five shillings.
And if any naval office shall demand, take or receive, any greater sum
or sums
of money for fee or reward, than above mentioned, he shall forfeit
one hundred
pounds; and the naval officers shall each make out a fair copy or table
of their
fees, and put the sum up in some conspicuous place in their respective
offices. |
Their fees,
&c. |
XXX. And be
it enacted, That the documents and papers belonging to the
vessels of his Most Christian Majesty, shall be lodged with his consul
or deputy
consuls, to be returned to the masters of such vessels by the said consul
or deputy
consuls, on a certificate produced under the hand and seal of the naval
officer of
the district where such vessel shall have made her entry, that the duties
on her
cargo and tunnage, and legal fees of his office, are paid and satisfied. |
&c. to be delivered
consul, &c. |
XXXI. And be
it enacted, That the duties on tunnage for registering, and
entering or clearing of ships of vessels, and all fines and forfeitures,
and fees of
office imposed by law, shall be paid in gold or silver coin, as estimated
in the
act, entitled, An act to declare what foreign gold and silver coin shall
be deemed
the current money of the state. |
Duties to be
paid in gold,
&c. |
XXXII. And be
it enacted, That the first of the districts appointed for naval
officers shall be divided into two, and a ninth district erected from Piscataway
creek (including the eastern branch) up the river Patowmack to the extremity
of the state; and that his excellency the governor, with the advice of
the council,
be requested to appoint and commission a naval officer for such district. |
District to be
divided, &c. |
be it enacted, That from and after the first day of May next,
it shall not be lawful for any master or commander of any ship or vessel
forty feet keel, bound to any part or place out of this state, to carry
any seaman
or mariner (except his apprentice or apprentices) to sea, from any port
place where he or they were entered or shipped, to proceed on any voyage
to any
such port or place, without first agreeing or contracting with such seamen
or |
Masters to
contract with
seamen, &c. |