and that no subject of any state at war or enmity with this state, or
the United
States, or any of them, hath directly or indirectly, any share, property,
or interest
therein; and upon a certificate thereof granted by the governor, or in
absence by the president of the council, any naval officer shall, upon
grant a new register for such ship or vessel. |
How vessels
are to be entered,
&c. |
XVI. And be
it enacted, That every ship or other vessel arriving in this state
from any port or place, shall come without delay as near to the naval office
the district she is destined for as she conveniently may, and within twenty-four
hours after her arrival, the master or commander shall repair to the naval
of the said district, and report, and make entry of such ship or vessel
and her
cargo in the following manner, viz. he shall produce and deliver to the
officer a clearance or permit from the place where the said ship or vessel
her cargo, and the register of such ship or vessel, and also shall deliver,
his hand, two fair manifests, containing the marks, numbers and contents,
all hogsheads, pipes, tierces, casks, trinks, bales, boxes, trusses, packages,
other things, containing any goods, wares or merchandise, imported in the
ship or vessel, and shall prove the same by oath or affirmation as follows,
" I, A. B. do swear, or affirm, that this manifest contains a just, true,
and full
" account of all the cargo imported in the ship _____ whereof I am master,
" and that I have not broken bulk, unladen, or discharged any part of her
" since her arrival in Maryland;" one of which manifests shall be transmitted
to the governor and council for the time being, and the other remain with
the naval officer; and the said master or commander shall swear or affirm
as follows:
" I, A. B. do swear, or affirm, that the ship or vessel called ______
" whereof I am master or commander, and which came last from _____
is, as
" I verily believe, the same vessel described, meant and intended, in and
by the
" register by me produced, and that no subject of any state at war or enmity
" with the United States, or any of them, hath directly or indirectly,
any share,
" property, or interest therein, according to my knowledge and belief;"
and the
said register shall remain in the hands of the said naval officer, as a
security for
the payment of all duties imposed by law. And if any master or commander
ay ship or vessel shall suffer any hogshead, pipe, tierce, cask, trunk,
bale, box,
truss, package, or other thing, containing any dutiable articles, to be
opened on
board the said ship or vessel, and the goods therein embezzled, changed,
or put
into any other form or package, or clandestinely carried away, after
such ship or
vessel hath come into this state, every such master or commander, for every
offence, shall forfeit and pay one hundred pounds current money. |
Vessels not to
be entered before
&c. |
XVII. And be
it enacted, That no ship or vessel shall be entered by any naval
officer, before the master or commander shall report the same as aforesaid,
and in
case of default or neglect of the master and commander to make such report,
produce the register, as aforesaid, and in case of breaking bulk, or disposing
any part of the cargo, without making entry and obtaining a permit from
a naval
officer, the said ship or vessel, with her guns, ammunition, tackle, apparel
and furniture, shall be forfeited, and may be seized by the naval officer,
or his
deputy, and condemned in the court of admiralty, one half to the use of
the said
naval officer, and the other half to the use of this state. |
Dutiable articles
in small
vessels to be
entered, &c. |
XVIII. And be
it enacted, That every master or commander of a vessel of
or under forty feet keel, having on board any dutiable articles, and coming
this state from any port or place, shall in like manner report and make
entry of
the same, and such vessel shall be liable for the duties on her cargo,
and may be
seized until such duties be paid, or secured to be paid; provided, that
no vessel
of or under forty feet keel, shall be subject to any duty or tunnage, or
to any
costs and charges, except the sum of five shillings current money, and
no more,
to the naval officer for making the entry and return thereof. |
Vessels to be
entered where
they arrive,
&c. |
XIX. And be
it enacted, That no ship or other vessel shall be entered at any
port or place but that at which she shall arrive and report as aforesaid,
nor shall
any ship or vessel be cleared out at any naval office but that of the district
where |