WILLIAM PACA, Esq; Governor.
she shall have made her entry, and not before payment of all duties
payable by
law. |
XX. And be it
enacted, That if any person shall be guilty of making a false
entry of any ship or vessel, and be thereof convicted in the general court,
or any
county court within this sate, such person shall forfeit and pay five hundred
pounds current money. |
Penalty on
false entry,
&c. |
XXI. And be
it enacted, That on all ships or vessels belonging to this state,
there shall be paid, at entrance or clearance, by the master or owner
thereof, a
duty of six-pence current money per tun, and upon all other ships or vessels
shall be paid by the masters or owners thereof, at entrance or clearance,
a duty
of one shilling current money per tun, and on all ships or vessels entering
clearing at the port of Baltimore, a duty of one penny per tun shall be
paid by
the masters or owners, to the wardens of the sid port, for the purposes
in an act of the general assembly, entitled, An act appointing wardens
the port of Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county, passed at April session,
thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, and the several naval officer
shall, and
they are hereby required, to collect and receive the said duties, and pay
the same
into the treasury of the shore where such naval officer shall reside, twice
in every
year, to wit, on the tenth day of June, and on the tenth day of December,
within twenty-one days thereafter; and the said naval officer shall be
and are
hereby allowed a commission of four per centum for collecting, receiving
paying, the duties as aforesaid; and if the said duties, or any part thereof,
remain unpaid at any of the periods on which the same ought to be paid
as aforesaid,
the naval officer making such default, shall forfeit and pay twenty per
per year on such sum as shall be due and unpaid, and shall be suspended
the exercise of his said office until the same shall be paid. |
Duty on entrance,
&c. |
XXII. And be
it enacted, That if any person shall forge or counterfeit any
register, clearance, certificate or permit, granted by any naval officer,
and shall
be thereof convicted in the general court, or any county court in this
state, he
shall be fined not exceeding five hundred pounds current money, or imprisoned
not exceeding twelve months, or suffer corporal punishment not exceeding
lashes, at the discretion of the general court, or county court. |
Penalty on
registers, &c. |
to prevent the wilful casting away, burning, or otherwise destroying
any ship or vessel, by the owner, master or mariners thereof, Be
it enacted,
That if any owner, master or mariner, of any ship or vessel above forty
keel, and registered according to law, shall, from and after the present
session of
assembly, wilfully cast away, burn, sink, or otherwise destroy, such ship
or vessel,
or in anywise direct or procure the same to be done, with intent to prejudice
any person that hath or shall underwrite any policy or policies of insurance
or of any merchant or merchants that hath or shall lade goods thereon,
of any owner or owners of such ship or vessel, or of any merchandise therein
contained, the person or persons so offending, and being thereof lawfully
in the general court, or any county court of this state, shall be adjudged
guilty of felony, and shall suffer death without benefit of clergy. |
Persons wilfully"
&c. to suffer
death. |
XXIV. And,
to ascertain how far owners of ships and other vessels shall be
answerable for goods, wares or merchandise, which shall be put on board,
lost or destroyed by the master or mariners, without the privity and consent
such owners, Be it enacted, That no
person or persons, who is, are, or shall
be owner or owners of any ship or vessel, shall be subject or liable to
answer for
any loss or damage by reason of any embezzlement, secreting, or making
with, by the master or mariners, or any of them, of any goods, wares or
which, from and after the present session of assembly, shall be shipped,
taken in or put on board, any ship or vessel, or for any act, matter or
damage or forfeiture, done, occasioned or incurred, by the master or mariners,
any of them, without the knowledge of such owner or owners, further than
value of the ship or vessel, with all her appurtenances, and the full amount
of |
How far owners
countable for
goods, &c. |