WILLIAM PACA, Esq; Governor.
article the produce of any of the United States, not included in the
manifest as
aforesaid, shall be found on board any such ship or vessel, after the same
has been
cleared out by the naval officer as aforesaid, the same shall be forfeited,
and may
be seized by such naval officer, or his deputy. |
XII. And be
it enacted, That all masters or commanders of ships or vessels
removing from one district to another to unlade any goods, wares or merchandise,
or to take on board any cargo for exportation, shall produce a certificate
of their
entry, and shall not unlade any such goods, wares or merchandise, or take
board any part of their cargo, without first obtaining a permit from the
officer of the district, and in case of neglect, the cargo unladen or laden
or on board such ship or vessel, before such permit obtained, shall be
and may be seized as aforesaid; and all registered vessels carrying any
goods, wares
or merchandise, out of this state to the state of Virginia, or bringing
them from
thence, shall enter and clear; provided, nothing herein contained shall
any vessel of or under forty feet keel, and small boats, from failing to
without such a permit, shall be forfeited, and may be seized as aforesaid,
and the
master or commander thereof shall forfeit fifty pounds current money. |
Masters to
produce certificates,
&c. |
XIII. And,
to prevent any small vessels trading to or from Virginia from running
or smuggling any goods, wares and merchandise, into this state, or from
board any ship or vessel in the bay, to prevent the payment of any duty
by law, Be it enacted, That all vessels
of or under forty feet keel, belonging
to any citizen or citizens of this state, (the property whereof to be proved
to the
satisfaction of a naval officer,) shall be recorded in a book to be kept
for that
purpose, and shall have a permit, under the hand and seal of a naval officer,
the following form, viz. " Maryland, to wit: Permission is hereby
given for
" the vessel or boat called _____ the property of A. B. of this state,
to sail
" from any port or place within this state, to any other port or place
within the
" same, without being obliged to enter or clear, unless he shall have on
" any articles subject to duty; this permit to continue for one year and
no longer.
" Given under my hand and seal, this _____ day of _____ in the year 17---."
And all small vessels or boats sailing from one district to another, without
permit, may be seized and forfeited; and all such vessels coming from any
or place out of this state, to any port or place within the same, shall
be obliged
to enter and clear. |
Small vessels
to be recorded,
&c. |
XIV. And be
it enacted, That the name of any ship or vessel registered according
to law, shall not be changed without renewing her register and paying a
duty upon her tunnage; and if the property of any registered ship or vessel
be transferred, or the master thereof changed, such transfer or change
shall be
certified upon the back of her register by the naval officer of the port
or place
where the same shall happen. |
Name not to
be changed,
&c. |
XV. And be it
enacted, That if the register of any ship or vessel, granted
by any naval officer of this state, shall be lost or mislaid, if any master
or other
person having the charge of such ship or vessel, and one of the owners
shall make oath or affirmation before his excellency the governor, or in
his absence
before the president of the council, that the ship or other vessel
was, as
they verily believe, registered agreeably to law, and that the register
of such ship
or vessel was casually lost or mislaid, and that they cannot find the same,
and do
not know where it is, or what hath become of it, and that the same
hath not
been, nor shall be with their consent or knowledge, sold or disposed of
to any
person or persons, and that no subject of any state at war or enmity with
state, or the United States, or any of them, hath, to their knowledge or
directly or indirectly, any share, property, or interest therein; and shall
bond, with good and sufficient security, in the penalty of one thousand
conditioned, that the register, if found, shall be delivered to the governor
of this
state to be cancelled, and that no illegal use has been or shall be made
thereof, |
In case of loss
new register
to be granted,
&c. |