THOMAS SIM LEE, Esq; Governor.
An ACT for the liquidation
and payment of debts against persons
convicted of treason. |
1782. |
WHEREAS citizens of this state may have claims against
persons convicted
and attainted of treason, and there is no mode by which such
claims can be liquidated: |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That every person,
having any account, debt, claim or demand, against any subject of this
state, convicted
and attainted of treason, and whose property has been, or hereafter may
sold by virtue of the act to dispose of certain confiscated British and
forfeited property,
may lay his account, debt, claim or demand, before the auditor-general,
who is hereby empowered and directed to liquidate and adjust the same,
and the
balance, if any, shall be signed by the auditor, and being passed by the
may be delivered by the claimant to the treasurer of the western shore,
who is
hereby directed to assign to him any bond or bonds taken for the sale of
the particular
estate of which he is a creditor, that may be lodged in the treasury, or
may receive the money therefor, or a certificate, which may be discounted
taxes, at the option of the claimant or creditor, provided the same do
not exceed
the amount of the forfeited property sold as aforesaid. |
How certain
claims are to
be settled,
&c. |
An ACT to suspend the collection of the tax from certain persons who
have suffered
by the enemy. PR. |
An ACT allowing a longer
time to compound on old certificates,
and making further regulations
respecting the sale of vacant lands. |
BE it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That all persons having
surveys made before the first day of March, seventeen hundred and seventy-seven,
or having surveys since made by virtue of warrants granted before that
time, may compound thereon on or before the first day of November next,
which day warrants may issue to affect the land not paid before that day,
to the
person who shall first apply for the same; provided always, that no warrant
issue to affect any survey not compounded on within the time aforesaid
limited, if
the certificate has been lost or mislaid, or erroneous, or where the owner
is an
infant, or caveat remains in force against issuing grant, or default
in payment has
not been owing to the neglect of the owner, without the express licence
of the
chancellor; and if any owner shall neglect to compound on such certificates,
may, at any time before application for a warrant to affect such land,
obtain a
grant, on paying for surplus or vacant land the sum of seven shillings
and six-pence
per acre, or for escheat lands two thirds of the actual value, and for
(if any) the full worth thereof, as in other cases. |
Persons may
compound on
surveys. |
II. And be it
enacted, That all certificates returned or to be returned in virtue
of warrants or orders granted before the first day of March, seventeen
and seventy-seven, shall lie in the office three months after the first
day of July
next; and all certificates returned upon warrants granted in virtue of
the act to
appropriate certain lands to the use of the officers and soldiers of this
state, and
for the sale of vacant lands, or hereafter to be granted, shall lie
in the office six
months after they shall be compounded on, after which times respectively
may issue, without notice, as required by the act of last session. |
Certificates to
lie three
months, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That no person shall act as a chain-carrier, unless
be first sworn or affirmed, faithfully, carefully and impartially, to carry
the chain;
which oath or affirmation any surveyor or sheriff may administer; and no
shall execute any warrant from the land-office, or the general or any county
unless the chain-carrier be first qualified as aforesaid, and it is declared
to be the
duty of every surveyor, diligently to observe the conduct of chain-carriers,
and to
take care that they faithfully execute their duty. |
to be
sworn, &c. |
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