U. Scott to
deliver certificates,
&c. |
IV. And,
whereas many certificates remain in the hands of Upton Scott,
Esquire, late examiner-general, Be it enacted,
That he be directed to deliver, on
or before the first day of July next, all certificates in his hands, whether
or not, to the register of the land-office for the western shore, and the
said register
shall receive the fees due on each of the said certificates as have been
and passed by the said Upton Scott, and pay the same over to him or his
and the said register shall deliver any erroneous certificate to the owner,
his giving his receipt therefor, and paying the fees due for examining
which he shall also pay over to the said Upton Scott, or his order, and
the owner
may compel payment of such fees from the surveyor, who returned such erroneous
certificate, or if dead from his executor or administrator. |
Certificates to
be corrected,
&c. |
V. And,
whereas there may be certificates in the land-office which include
land lying within some one of the reserves made by the late proprietaries,
Be it
enacted, That no grant shall issue on such certificate, but the
same shall be corrected
so as to exclude any land lying within any reserve. |
Governor, &c.
to instruct surveyors,
&c. |
VI. And,
whereas divers persons may, by mistake or misapprehension of the
late act for the opening the land-office, conceive that they have a right
to take
up lands, heretofore reserved for the use of the late lord proprietary,
as common
vacancy, Be it enacted, That the governor
and council shall (and they are hereby
requested as soon as conveniently can be done) give instructions to all
the surveyors
in the several counties of this state, not to run the lines of any common
warrant, special warrant, or warrant of resurvey, issued, or hereafter
to issue, out
of the land-office, for common vacancy, into the manors or lands heretofore
reserved for the use of the late lord proprietary, lying adjacent to such
manors, or
which may have been otherwise reserved for the use of said property, or
may have been heretofore set apart for the use of the Nanticoke Indians;
and it
is hereby declared, that the said reserves shall be appropriated to such
uses and
purposes as the general assembly shall hereafter direct and appoint. |
Caution money
to be repaid,
&c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That any caution money which may have been paid
into the treasury for such reserves shall, on application to the governor
and council,
be immediately repaid to the person applying for and who hath paid in the
same, and an order shall be given to such party on the treasurer of the
shore where
the payment may have been made, to return such caution money, or repay
same out of the first money that may come into the treasury. |
Caveated certificates
to lie
six months,
&c. |
VIII. And,
whereas many certificates lie in the office caveated, Be
it enacted,
That every such certificate shall remain for six months after the first
day of July
next, after which time, if caveat be not prosecuted or subpœna
taken out to bring
the same to a full hearing, patent may issue; and, for the information
of all concerned,
the register of the land-office for the western shore shall make out a
of all certificates, the name of the person, the name of the land, and
in what
county, and by whom caveated, and the time when, and shall transmit such
in the nature of a public letter, directed to the clerk of each county
within this
state, who shall give public notice of the receipt thereof, by advertisement
set up
at the door of the court-house of said county, or at the door of the place
the county courts have been usually held for his county. |
Warrants not
executed, new
ones may be
granted, &c. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That where any special or common warrants shall not
be executed, new warrants may be granted in lieu thereof, or they may be
towards the composition on any certificate, and shall thereupon be entitled
patent of confirmation; but nothing herein shall be taken or construed
to oblige
or compel the owner or possessor to pay for surplus land, or in any manner
weaken the title of such owner, or to give any person except the owner,
the grant heretofore issued, a right to take up or obtain a grant for any
such surplus. |
Warrants may
be renewed,
&c. |
X. And be it
enacted, That all special or common warrants granted before the
first day of March, seventeen hundred and seventy-seven, may be renewed
at any
time within six months from the first day of July next. |