THOMAS SIM LEE, Esq; Governor.
supply payable in specific articles making it unnecessary to continue
such acts any
longer; |
A Supplement to the act to raise the supplies for the year seventeen
hundred and
Directing crop tobacco to be received
at 20f, with an allowance of four per cent. for cask, and
not to be received at all. Any public creditor, on certificates granted
under the act to adjust the debts
due from the state, may be paid in bills of credit of the last emission.
These are the most remarkable
provisions. |
An ACT to appropriate certain lands to the use of
the officers and
soldiers of this state, and for the sale of vacant lands. |
WHEREAS there are large tracts of land within this
state reserved by
the late proprietaries, which may be applied in discharge of the engagement
of lands made to the officers and soldiers of this state; and
the granting the other vacant lands in this state would promote population,
create a fund towards defraying the public burthen: |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That all the lands within
this state, in Washington county, westward of Fort Cumberland, and for
which located warrants have not issued, or surveys been made under common
warrants, and are now bonâ fide the property of any subject
of this or any of the
United States, and on which the money has been actually paid, shall be
and are
hereby appropriated to discharge the engagement of lands heretofore made
to the
officers and soldiers of this state, and the residue to the use of the
public, as the
general assembly shall hereafter direct; and no grant shall issue on any
made in virtue of such warrants before the order of the general assembly. |
Certain lands
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That there shall be a land-office held for the western
shore at the city of Annapolis, and for the eastern shore at the place
appointed for
holding the general court on that shore, under the direction and care
of the registers
of those officers for the time being; and such registers shall have the
possession and
care of the extracts of the grants and certificates of their respective
shores, which shall hereafter be made agreeable to the directions in the
form of government;
and such registers shall grant warrants for the resurveying, proclamating
or escheating, any land within any of the counties on their respective
shores; and
shall also, on the order or titling of the treasurer of their shore, issue
common or
special warrants of vacant cultivation, for the surveying any vacant land
or uncultivated, in any of the counties on their respective shores; and
warrants shall be directed to, and executed by, the surveyor of the county
the land to be surveyed or escheated shall lie, who shall return his certificate
the register of the land-office for the western shore, to be delivered
by him to the
examiner-general, who, if the same shall be imperfect, shall return it
to the said
register, to be by him transmittted to the surveyor who made the same,
for amendment;
but if the same shall pass examination, the examiner shall deliver it into
the land-office for the western shore, and the register thereof, after
payment of
the purchase or caution money (if any due) to the treasurer of the western
shall make out a grant, and present the same to the chancellor for his
and being attested by him, and signed by the governor for the time being,
the seal of the state shall be thereunto annexed. |
to be held,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That either of the treasurers may grant orders or titlings
to the register of the land-office of their respective shore, for common
to take up vacant uncultivated land, or for special warrants to take up
or improved vacant land, on the payment of three shillings and six-pence
current |
may grant orders,
&c. |
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