XX. |
money per acre; and the person who returns a certificate under such
shall also pay to the treasures respectively, within one year from the
time of
taking out such warrant, four shillings per acre for every acre of vacancy
in such certificate, so that seven shillings and six-pence current money
per acre
be paid to the state, for every acre of vacant land in any manner granted
warrants hereafter to be taken out; and no patent shall be delayed or denied
account of the second payment aforesaid not being made, but the register
shall, upon making out every patent including vacant land, endorse the
due, or to become due thereon, and shall also deliver an account of the
sum due,
or to become due on every patent, and the time when the warrant was taken
to the treasurer of the western shore, to be entered in a book to be kept
for that
purpose; and on failure of payment at the day on which the sum due on any
shall be payable, the treasurer shall and may lodge with the clerk of the
court, or the clerk of any county court where such patentee resides, a
of the sum due by such patentee, and thereupon such clerk shall issue fieri
facias against the lands and tenements, goods and chattels, or such
patentee, to
raise the money due on such patent; and the lands granted by such patent
be liable, in whosoever hands it may be, to be taken in execution, to satisfy
sum due on such patent; and the owners of certificates already made or
shall pay the sum of one shilling and eight-pence current money per acre;
the treasurer for the western shore, for improvements on cultivated land,
receive their actual value in current money, and for escheat lands he shall
two thirds of its real value in current money; and common or special warrants
may issue from the land-office on the western shore for any deficiency
in any
grant, on such deficiency appearing on a certificate of resurvey, and also
in the
case of caution money paid and the grant or certificate vacated; and any
warrant, or special warrant for vacant cultivation, already issued, may
be renewed
within six months hereafter, and shall be executed within one year after
renewment; and the treasurer for the western shore shall have the care
and possession
of all the debt books and other papers relative to the revenue of the late
proprietaries, and the bonds given by the said treasurers shall be answerable
the faithful discharge of their office, and compliance with the directions
this act. |
Title to surveys
&c. |
V. WHEREAS sundry persons, with the consent
of the late proprietary, or
his agents or stewards, had surveys made within the reserves, with intent
to obtain
leases thereon; Be it enacted, That
the equitable title or persons to such
surveys shall be saved, and only the reversion of the state shall be liable
to sale, in
such manner as the general assembly shall direct. |
Time for
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the time for compounding for all vacant lands
hereafter to be surveyed shall be within one year from the date of the
and all persons having surveys already made shall compound thereon on or
the first day of May next, and the purchase money on all escheats shall
be paid
within one year from the date of the warrant; after which times respectively
warrants may issue to any other person who shall apply for the same; and
governor and council, from time to time, may make and establish such rules
orders for the direction of the treasurers in issuing their titlings or
orders for warrants,
and for the conduct of the examiner-general and the registers in their
offices, and for the behaviour of surveyors, as they shall think proper,
and such rules and orders shall be observed by the said officers respectively;
if any dispute shall arise concerning the validity of surveys or the grant
of lands,
the same shall be heard and determined by the chancellor, as to all warrants
surveys heretofore granted or made, agreeable to the former rules of the
and as to all warrants and surveys hereafter to be issued or executed,
to such rules and orders as shall be established by the governor and the
council. |
Governor to
appoint an examiner,
&c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That the governor, with the advice of the council,
be authorised to appoint and commission one fit and proper person (who
shall reside
at Annapolis) to be examiner-general, who shall examine, and pas or reject, |