XVI. |
English guineas, weighing five pennyweight six grains,
1 15 0
French guineas, weight five pennyweight five grains,
1 14 6
Doubloons, weighing seventeen pennyweight,
5 12 0
Spanish pistoles, weighing four pennyweight six grains,
1 8 0
French milled pistoles, weighing four pennyweight four
1 7 6
Arabian chequins, weighing two pennyweight three grains,
13 9
Other gold coin (German excepted) by the pennyweight
6 8
English milled crowns
8 4
Other English milled silver at same rate.
French silver crowns
8 4
Spanish milled pieces of eight
7 6
Other good coined Spanish silver, per ounce
8 6
Any other gold coin of the same fineness of Spanish
or Portugal coin,
per ounce
6 13 4
And shall be deemed and adjudged in all courts of law, and in the court
of equity
and orphans courts, the current money of the state, and shall be received
as such
in payment of all debts, covenants, contracts, promises and agreements,
at the
value above expressed, except in the settlement of deceased persons estates,
the appraisements were made or the estates accounted for in dollars at
six shillings. |
&c. to be discharged
said rate, &c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That all judgments and decrees, appraisements of the
estate of any deceased person, and all penalties, fines and forfeitures,
shall only be
rendered, given, made or imposed, in current money, at the rate and value
and all mortgages, judgments, debts, covenants, contracts, promises or
heretofore made for sterling money, may be discharged in any gold or silver
coin above mentioned, at the rate of one hundred and sixty-six pounds thirteen
shillings and four-pence current money for one hundred pounds sterling. |
Proviso. |
III. Provided
always, and be it enacted, That nothing in this act contained
shall be taken or construed to repeal any part of the act for calling out
of circulation
the quota of this state of the bills of credit issued by congress, and
the bills
of credit emitted by acts of assembly under the old government, and
by the resolves
of convention. |
Continuance. |
IV. This act to continue and be in force for
and during the term of two years,
and until the next session of assembly which shall happen thereafter.
Continued for three years, &c.
by the act of November, 1783, ch. 30. |
An ACT concerning nonjurors. |
Treble tax
&c. |
BE it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the treble tax, which
nonjurors will be liable to pay on the assessment imposed by the further
supplement to the act to raise the supplies for the year seventeen hundred
and eighty-one, and the act to raise the supplies for the year seventeen
and eighty-two, and the treble tax on all county assessments, shall be
and is hereby
suspended until the end of the next session of assembly. |
Part of an act
repealed, &c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That so much of the act for the better security of the
government, as imposes on nonjurors a disability to sue for their debts,
physic, or carry on merchandise, be and is hereby repealed; and that no
menonist or dunker, shall be fined for preaching the gospel without taking
the oath or affirmation prescribed by the said act, unless it shall appear
that such
quakers, menonist or dunker, hath, by his actions and conduct, manifested
a disposition
inimical to the present government. |
An ACT to repeal all the acts of assembly heretofore made relative
to the seizure of provisions or merchandise. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the seizure of provisions within this state
hath heretofore
been adopted upon the principle of necessity only, to procure an immediate
supply for the use of the army, and the several acts passed for |