THOMAS SIM LEE, Esq; Governor.
An ACT to repeal the several acts of assembly heretofore made relative
to the export of provisions. |
1781. |
BE it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That all acts of assembly
heretofore made, prohibiting the export of provisions, shall be and are
hereby repealed (except so much of the said acts as forbids the export
provisions of the meat kind by water, which shall continue and remain in
force during the time limited by said acts, or any of them, any thing herein
the contrary notwithstanding.) |
Acts repealed,
&c. |
An additional supplement to the act for raising the supplies for the
year seventeen
hundred and eighty-one.
Allowing bacon to be paid for the tax
at the rate of 1f per pound. |
An ACT for building a bridge over Tuckahoe creek.
The courts of Talbot and Queen-Anne's
are to assess each the sum of £. 40, and the court of Caroline
is to assess the sum of £. 80, to be paid to the commissioners named
in this act, any two of whom
may cause the old bridge to be pulled down, and apply the materials, with
the money granted by this act,
to the building a new bridge at the same place; and they may agree with
a contractor or contractors for
the whole or parts of the work, or they may purchase materials and hire
workmen. They are authorised,
in case of necessity, to sue the collectors; and they shall, immediately
after completing the work, render
an account to each of the county courts. If one of them shall die,
or refuse to act, the others may choose
a person in his room; and if the whole shall die, or refuse, the justices
of Caroline may, by warrant, appoint
others in their room. |
An ACT to procure an immediate supply of cloathing and flesh provision
for the
troops, and a sufficient number of horses for light-horse
and for carriage.
The certificates granted under this
act are to bear interest, and one third of them, with the interest,
may be discounted annually, until the whole be paid; and the discounts
shall be endorsed on the certificates. |
An ACT for the relief of William Hopper, of Caroline county, late collector
the tax. |
An ACT to make valid the proceedings of the vestry of Port-Tobacco
parish in
Charles county, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
The vestry of the said parish, and
of several others, were prevented, by an invasion, from meeting on
last Easter Monday, and they have, notwithstanding, acted since that day.
Their proceedings are confirmed,
and a power given to choose vestrymen and wardens on
the last Monday of July next, instead of
the said Easter Monday. |
An ACT to repeal the act
of assembly to regulate auctions. |
BE it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the act of assembly,
entitled, An act to regulate auctions, passed at a session of assembly,
and held at the city of Annapolis, on the seventeenth day of October last
past, shall be and is hereby repealed. |
An act repealed. |
An ACT to enable Thomas Barnett and Jane his wife to exchange part
of a tract
of land called Ennalls's Outrange, with Robert Harrison,
for part of a tract of
land called Manning's Marsh. |
An ACT to collect arms.
The lieutenants, or any field officers,
are empowered to take away all fire arms, except pistols, from
nonjurors. Any other persons likewise, on an emergency, may be thus
disarmed by a lieutenant and
two field officers. If arms are secreted, or attempted to be secreted,
the offender shall forfeit them and
£. 5 besides; otherwise the arms are to be valued by the lieutenant,
and a certificate given for them, to
be discountable in taxes; but when the occasion for which the arms are
wanted shall cease, they may be
restored at the election of any owner who is a nonjuror. |