1781. |
An ACT to regulate auctions in Baltimore-town in Baltimore county.
To continue three years, &c.
Expired. |
An ACT for the trial and punishment of spies, and such as may join
the enemy.
To continue until the end of the next
session. At that session another act was passed for the same purpose,
and this was suffered to expire. |
An ACT to continue and explain the powers vested in the special council
on the eastern shore.
Upon an apprehension that Maryland
and Virginia are to be the seat of war during the present campaign,
a special council of five persons is appointed for the
eastern shore; and a majority of these five are
authorised, until the end of the next session, to exercise on that shore
all the powers vested in the executive;
but they are subject, nevertheless, to the control of the constitutional
executive. |
An ACT for the relief of certain nonjurors. |
An ACT to raise two battalions of militia for reinforcing the continental
and to complete the number of select militia.
These battalions are to act in conjunction
with the continental army, until the 10th of December.
The number of men to form these battalions is apportioned amongst the counties;
the militia is to be
classed, and each class is, within five days, to furnish a man, or two
men shall be draughted, either of
whom may, by the lieutenant or eldest field officer, be appointed to serve.
But to ease the good people
from the draught, every free male idle person, above 16 years of age, who
is able bodied, and hath no
visible means of an honest livelihood, may be adjudged a vagrant by the
lieutenant, and by such adjudication
he is to be considered as an enlisted soldier, with a choice of serving
till the 10th of December
only, or for three years, or the duration of the war, &c. and the taker
up of a vagrant is exempted from
the draught. |
An additional supplement to the act for the regulation of the staple
of tobacco.
Expired with its principal. |
An ACT to adjust the debts due from this state. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS many debts are due from this state on loan-office
for money lent, and on certificates for allowances on the journal of
accounts, and for property purchased or taken by authority of law, and
for services performed, and for monies advanced, or merchandise sold to
the public,
and it is proper that some rule should be established by law for liquidating
debts due by the state, to do justice to public creditors, and to prevent
their suffering
any loss by the depreciation of our paper money: |
Debts to be
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That all debts due from
this state since the first day of December, seventeen hundred and seventy-seven,
and which remain unsettled or unpaid, shall be liquidated and adjusted
to the table of depreciation established by congress, for the payment of
the principal
and interest of loans between the first day of December, seventeen hundred
and seventy-seven, and the eighteenth day of March, seventeen hundred and
eighty, and after that day according to the following scale of depreciation,
to wit:
Seventeen hundred and eighty, March, fifty-seven and one half; April, sixty-five;
May, June, sixty; July, sixty-five; August, September, seventy; October,
November, eighty; December, ninety. Seventeen hundred and eighty-one,
January, one hundred and ten; February, one hundred and twenty; March,
hundred and thirty. State emissions of June, seventeen hundred and
eighty, compared
with specie. April, to twentieth day, three and one half; to thirtieth
day, four;
May, to tenth day, five; to twentieth day, six; to thirtieth day, six and
one half;
June six and one half. And any person, having any claim against this
state for
any debts or contracts since the period aforesaid, shall produce the same
to the auditor-general
(or his deputy if within the sum limited for his examination) who
shall state and settle such debts, by reducing the amount thereof to the
true value
in specie at the day and time the same were incurred or entered into, or
become |