THOMAS SIM LEE, Esq; Governor.
state, and one of the said company, and except also the part, share
or interest, if
any, of any other subject of this, or any other subject of any other of
the United
States, and except also the lands called Beaverdam Manor and Chaptico Manor
in Saint-Mary's county, shall be and are hereby pledged and set apart as
a security
therefor; and that the said property shall be sold and disposed of in such
manner and at such time as the general assembly shall hereafter direct,
for the
sole purpose of paying and discharging the same; and that the said certificates,
for the sum thereof, including principal, premium and interest, shall be
in payment on the sale of the said property, or any other British property
that specially engaged to sink the new state bills of credit, and such
as shall be
specially engaged to make good the depreciation of the pay of the officers
and soldiers
of the quota of this state of the continental troops) as and instead of
such much
specie; and in case the lenders of tobacco payable in tobacco and the public
agree on the price thereof, then shall the produce of the sales, so far
as necessary,
be faithfully applied in the purchase of tobacco, in the same counties
where the same shall have been lent, and the lenders fully paid and satisfied
and in case the lands and other property herein before pledged and engaged
to procure a loan, should not prove fully sufficient to repay the same
as aforesaid,
the general assembly will pledge other property, on its appearing probable,
to make up the deficiency. |
LI. |
V. And be it
enacted, That any lands within this state, of which any person
has or shall hereafter die seized in fee-simple, without any heir of the
whole blood
who could have inherited if he had been a subject of this state, or without
any relation of the half blood within two degrees, that is, first cousins,
as the
same are reckoned by the common law, such lands shall escheat to the state,
the commissioners appointed to preserve British property may agree for
the sale of
the same (giving the preference to those who have already applied to the
for the pre-emption, and to those who shall first hereafter discover and
to purchase, at two thirds of the real value of such lands in specie, bills
credit, or crop tobacco inspected since the fifteenth day of September
last, weighing
not less than nine hundred pounds net each hogshead, to the value as the
same would have sold for in the year seventeen hundred and seventy-four)
on condition
that one half of the consideration be paid within three months hereafter,
within two months after the application, and the residue within nine months
after the first payment; and on application to the said commissioners for
escheat land, they may direct the clerk of the land-office of the shore
where the
land lies, to issue a warrant to the surveyor of the county to survey the
same, and
to note in his return the situation, quality and value, of the land and
and the said commissioners shall inform themselves, by any other ways
and means, of the true value of any such land; and is any person obtaining
warrant of escheat shall neglect to comply with his terms of payment, the
shall be subject to any new application which shall be first made after
such default;
and any money or tobacco agreed to be paid for the purchase of escheat
lands, shall be paid to the treasurer of the shore where the land lies,
and the treasurer
shall give his receipt therefor, which receipt shall be produced to and
with the commissioners. |
Land of persons
without heirs,
to escheat to
the state, &c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the following lots, to wit, No. 11, 38, 40, and
41, in Baltimore-town, and the land adjoining or near to Baltimore-town
to the heirs of Edward Fotterall, late of the kingdom of Ireland; the property
of Anthony Bacon, John Eversfield, George and Andrew Buchanan, James
Brown and company, Mackie, Speirs and company, Mackie, Speirs, French and
company, James Christie, John Buchanan, John Glassford and company, the
heirs of John Hyde, the heirs of Samuel Hyde, the heirs of Thomas Bladen,
of Great-Britain, known to be British subjects within the description and
of the said act to seize, confiscate and appropriate, all British property
within this
state, and such parts of the manors or lands in Saint-Mary's county, called
Manor and Chaptico Manor, which are seized and confiscated as British
property in consequence of the said act, shall and may also be laid off
in small
convenient parcels by the commissioners aforesaid, as they may judge most
advantageous; |
Lots, &c. to
be sold, &c. |
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