LI. |
at the rate of seven pounds ten shillings on every hundred pounds which
may be lent to this state in gold or silver (after the said eight thousand
shall be so obtained); and a premium of five pounds on every hundred pounds
on loans in bills of credit of the old or new emissions, at their value;
in wheat,
weighing not less than fifty-eight pounds per bushel, at seven shillings
and six-pence
per bushel; fresh merchantable fine wheat flour, at twenty-two shillings
and six-pence per long hundred weight, in cask well pegged or nailed; or
articles of cloathing fit for soldiers, at their ready money price in specie;
the said
wheat or flour to be delivered to the commissaries of the respective counties,
navigable water, or at some mill or other secure house within ten miles
and that the said last mentioned premium be allowed on loans of crop tobacco
inspected since the fifteenth day of September last, in hogsheads weighing
less than nine hundred and fifty pounds net each, which tobaccoes shall
be repaid
in kind, in the same county and of as good weight as that may be which
is lent;
the said monies and tobaccoes to be delivered to the treasurer of the shore
where lent, or to any senator or delegate of the county where such loan
may be made; and the said articles of cloathing to be agreed for with and
to the commissary of stores, or such other person or persons as the governor
and council may appoint; of any of which loans or purchases, the person
receives or makes the same shall give to the lender or seller a certificate
expressing the time and all other particulars concerning the same; and
the money
or tobacco so lent shall, without delay, be sent to the treasurer of the
shore where
lent, with a copy of the certificate given therefor; and the treasurer
shall give
notice of such receipts, from time to time, to the governor and council;
and the
county commissaries shall also, from time to time, transmit copies of the
by them given to the treasurer of their respective shore, and accounts
what wheat and flour they may receive as aforesaid to the governor and
and any person lending tobacco shall be entitled to the premium aforesaid,
an interest of six per cent. and shall be paid in the same warehouse
when lent, so
far as the public may have tobacco therein; and the governor and council,
of the first loans aforesaid, are to furnish and supply the captive officers
of the
Maryland troops with forty pounds each, and the captive non-commissioned
and privates with seven pounds ten shillings each, in specie, reckoning
Spanish dollars at seven shillings and six-pence; and out of the said loans,
any other application thereof, purchase, provide, and have made up ready
for use,
cloathing for one thousand recruits, which shall be distributed to the
with all dispatch, and in just proportion, as near as may be, to the recruits
to be
raised in the respective counties by act of the present session; in the
next place to
satisfy the men who have served in the quota of the troops of this state
in the
continental service, whose times have expired, and who are therefore discharged
from the service, for their cloathing and other dues which remain unpaid;
the residue, as if the same had been raised under the act of the present
session to
raise the supplies for the year seventeen hundred and eighty-one. |
Loans to bear
interest, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That all the said loans, including the respective premiums
or allowances aforesaid, shall bear an interest of six per cent. per
which shall be paid yearly; and each senator and delegate shall lay before
the general
assembly, in the first week of their next session, lists of all monies
and tobaccoes
received by them, the times of their receipts, and the persons names from
whom received. |
Certain British
pledged, &c. |
IV. And,
to make certain the true and speedy payment of the said certificates
and interest, Be it enacted, That
the following property within this state, of
persons well known to this general assembly to be British subjects, within
description and intent of the act of this present session, to seize, confiscate
and appropriate,
all British property within this state, that is to say, the several manors
in the counties of Saint-Mary's, Kent, Charles, Queen-Anne's, Dorchester,
and Worcester, which belonged to the late lord proprietary, and which
remains unsold by the commissioners of Frederick, late lord Baltimore,
and also
all the property of the persons commonly called by the name of the Principio
company, except the part, share or interest, of Thomas Russell, a subject
of this |