THOMAS SIM LEE, Esq; Governor.
and the said commissioners shall return to the next general assembly
a list
or account of all such British property by them discovered, to whom the
same belonged,
the persons, if any, to whose keeping they committed the same, and the
sums to which the same shall be valued in the next valuation of property,
and the
inventory aforesaid shall also be returned to the general assembly, with
the list or
account aforesaid; but in case any person shall be in possession of any
of the said
property, and claim the same, such property shall not be taken out of his
if he gives good and sufficient security in double the value thereof, that
same, if moveable, shall be produced when called for by the commissioners
any way damaged or injured, or if real, that no waste or destruction shall
committed thereon, but that the same shall be kept and preserved in as
good order
and repair as the same may then be in, until the title thereto shall be
and in case either of the said commissioners should refuse to act, or die,
in the recess of the assembly, the governor and the council are to appoint
another in his stead, to act as commissioner till the next meeting of the
assembly. |
II. And be it
enacted, That before any commissioner shall act as such, he
shall take the following oath, to wit: " I, A. B. do swear, that
as commissioner
" under the act for appointing commissioners to preserve confiscated British
" I will, to the best of my skill and judgment, execute the trust reposed
" in me, and the duties of my office, diligently, impartially and faithfully.
" help me God." |
To take an
oath, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said commissioners shall be empowered to
appoint a clerk, who shall make true entries of their proceedings, and
before he
acts as clerk shall take an oath, diligently and truly to execute his said
and each of the said commissioners shall be allowed fifty shillings, in
dollars at seven shillings and six-pence each, or in bills of credit to
the value
thereof, for each day he shall attend in the execution of his office, besides
like sum for each day's itinerant charges; and the said clerk shall also
be allowed
thirty shillings like money for each day's attendance, besides the like
sum for each
day's itinerant charges. |
May appoint
a clerk, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said commissioners are also hereby declared
to be in the full and actual seizin and possession of all property within
this state
which belonged to any person outlawed for treason, and may appoint proper
to take care of and preserve the same from waste or destruction, and inventory
and return the same to the general assembly at the next session, in the
manner as if the same was confiscated British property, to the end that
measures may be taken for the disposition thereof, in the manner most advantageous
for the public, and the purpose to which the same is appropriated. |
In possession
of property of
persons outlawed,
&c. |
An ACT to secure disaffected persons.
To continue until the end of the next
session. Expired. |
An ACT to procure a loan, and for the sale of escheat
lands, and
confiscated British property therein mentioned. |
WHEREAS it is necessary to procure a sum of specie,
for the immediate
relief of such of the quota of the troops of this state in the continental
service as are prisoners with the enemy, cloathing for the recruits to
be raised in this state, and a sum of money to defray the immediate and
expences of government, until the taxes imposed by act of this session
can be collected: |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That a premium, at the
rate of ten pounds on every hundred pounds which may be lent to this state
any sum not less than ten pounds) in gold or silver, until eight thousand
shall be so obtained, be allowed to the person making such loan; that a
premium, |
Premium on
loans, &c. |