XLV. |
the purchaser, grantee or devisee, shall either pay the difference of
value, or shall
be considered as a mortgagee only for the security of the debt due with
interest. |
to disposal
of general
assembly. |
XIV. And be
it enacted, That all British property confiscated in virtue of this
act, and not thereby appropriated for the redemption of the bills of credit
emitted by this state, and for the payment of debts, shall be subject to
the disposal
of the general assembly. |
An ACT relating to the treble tax imposed on nonjurors and absentees. |
Treble tax
remitted, &c. |
BE it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the treble tax which
nonjurors were liable to pay, and which has been heretofore suspended by
the several acts of assembly, shall be and is hereby remitted, and the
nonjurors are hereby for ever discharged therefrom; and the treble tax
nonjurors will be liable to pay under the act of this session to raise
the supplies
for the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one, shall be collected
such nonjurors, unless the commissioners of the tax where such nonjuror
or where his property is taxed, shall be fully satisfied, and in their
judgment and
conscience believe, that the neglect of such nonjuror to take the oath
or affirmation
required by the act for the better security of the government, did not
from attachment to Great-Britain, or disaffection to this state or its
but from scruples of conscience only; in which case the commissioners may
the collector to suspend the collection of the said treble tax from such
and shall report the name of such person and his case to the next general
assembly. |
To be collected
on absentees,
&c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That the treble tax, which absentees are liable to pay
under the act for the better security of the government, shall be duly
and the justices of the several county courts shall make diligent inquiry
after such
absentees, and return their names (if not already done) to the governor
and council;
and the collectors of the several counties shall levy the same treble tax
the property of all absentees liable to pay the same, under the penalty
of being
answerable therefor in case of neglect, with an interest of ten per
cent. |
An ACT for the relief of
Thomas Beall, of Washington county. PR. |
A Supplement to the act to raise the supplies for the year seventeen
hundred and
Black state and continental state money
shall be received in payment, at the rate of two dollars for one
silver dollar, that being its present value, but should it appreciate,
the commissioners are to ascertain the
rate at which it shall be received. |
An ACT to appoint commissioners to preserve confiscated
property. |
&c. |
BE it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That William Paca,
Uriah Forrest, and Clement Hollyday, Esquires, or any two of them,
shall be and are hereby appointed commissioners for the purpose of preserving
all British property, seized and confiscated by the act of the present
to seize, confiscate and appropriate, all British property within this
state; and
that the said commissioners shall be, and are hereby declared to be, in
the full and
actual seizin and possession of all British property seized and confiscated
by the
said act, without any office formed entry, or other act to be done; and
the said
commissioners shall and may, as soon as may be, appoint proper persons,
in all
cases that they may think necessary, to enter into and take possession
of any part
of the said property, and to preserve and keep the same from waste and
or to occupy and employ the same for the benefit of the public, and to
the same, or any other of the said property, which the said commissioners
may not think proper or necessary to put into the keeping of any person
as aforesaid; |