1777. |
ordinary or usual rate payable by single persons at any such ferry,
and a reasonable
reward for the baggage, to be ascertained by agreement with the commanding
officer, or by the oath of some indifferent person, which oath may
be administered
by such commanding officer; and in case he shall hire the ferry-boat
for himself
and party, he shall pay half of the ordinary rate or hire for such
boat or
boats; and in such places where there are no regular ferries, but all
hire boats at the price they can agree for, officers, with or without
parties, are to
agree for boats, at the same rate as other persons in like cases; the
expences of
the said ferriages to be paid by the commanding officer or quarter-master,
and if
such officer has not a supply of money for such purposes, then to give
to the keeper
of the ferry a certificate, ascertaining the sum due, which certificate
shall entitle
him to receive his pay of the treasurer of either shore, the said money
so advanced
to be charged by either the treasurers of this state in the same manner
as monies
advanced for carriages and teams, and boats and vessels aforesaid. |
An ACT to direct the forms of the commissions to the judges and
justices, and civil officers of this state, and
the oath of office to
be taken by the governor, the chancellor, judges,
justices, and
all civil officers of this state. |
Oaths of office
to be
taken by |
BE it enacted,
the general assembly of Maryland, That the governor, chancellor,
judges, justices, and all other civil officers of government, shall
take the following oaths respectively, before they enter into the execution
of their respective offices. |
The governor;
The oath of the governor. " I, A. B. elected
governor of the state of Maryland,
" by the senate and house of delegates thereof, do solemnly promise
" swear, that I will, to the best of my skill and judgment, execute
the said office
" diligently and faithfully, according to the constitution and laws
of the said state,
" without favour, affection or partiality; and that I will, to the
utmost of my
" power, support, maintain and defend, the state of Maryland, the constitution
" and laws, the freedom and independency thereof, against all open
enemies, or
" secret and traiterous conspiracies, and will constantly endeavour
to protect the
" people thereof, in the secure enjoyment of all their rights and privileges;
" that the laws of the state be duly observed, and that law and justice,
in mercy,
" be executed in all judgments, and that I will peaceably and quietly
resign the
" office of governor, to which I have been elected, at the period to
which my
" continuance in the said office is or shall be limited by law and
the constitution.
" So help me God." |
Member of
the council; |
The oath of a member of the council, " I, A. B.
elected a member of the
" council of Maryland, do solemnly promise and swear, that I will,
to the best of
" my skill and judgment, execute the said office diligently and faithfully,
" to the constitution and laws of the said state, without favour, affection
" partiality, that I will not divulge or make known any of the proceedings
" and orders of the council which shall be directed by them to be kept
secret, unless
" when the same shall be called for by either house of assembly.
So help
" me God. |
Chancellor; |
The oath of chancellor. " I. A. B. chancellor,
do solemnly promise and swear,
" that, as chancellor, I will do equal right and justice according
to law, equity,
" and good conscience, in every case in which I shall act as chancellor,
" without sale, fully without any denial, and speedily without delay,
and will behave
" myself justly, honestly and faithfully, in the said office, according
to the
" best of my knowledge and understanding. So help me God." |
Judge of the
court of admiralty; |
Oath of judge of the court of admiralty. "
I, A. B. do solemnly promise and
" swear, that, as judge of the court of admiralty, I will do equal
right and justice
" according to law, in every case in which I shall act as judge of
the court of admiralty,
" freely without sale, fully without any denial, and speedily without
" and will behave myself justly, honestly and faithfully, in the office
" judge of the court of admiralty, according to the best of my knowledge
and understanding.
" So help me God. |