THOMAS JOHNSON, Esq; Governor.
The oath of the judge or justice of any court.
" I, A. B. judge or justice, do solemnly
" promise and swear, that (as judge or justice) I will do equal right and
" justice according to the law of this state, in every case in which I
shall act as
" judge or justice, freely without sale, fully without any denial, and
speedily without
" delay, and will behave myself justly, honestly and faithfully, in
the said office,
" according to the best of my knowledge and understanding. So help
" God. |
Judge or justice; |
The oath of an attorney at law. " I, A. B.
do solemnly promise and swear,
" that I will well and truly behave and demean myself in the office of
attorney of
" _______ court, in all things appertaining to the duties thereof, according
" the best of my skill and judgment. So help me God." |
Attorney at
law; |
The oath of attorney-general, clerk of the general
and county courts, and all other
civil officers of this state. " I, A. B. do solemnly promise and
swear, that I will
" well and truly behave and demean myself in the office of _______ in all
" appertaining to the duties thereof, according to the best of skill and
" and without favour, affection or partiality. So help me God." |
&c. |
Form of a commission to the judges of the court
of appeals and the general
court. The state of Maryland to A. B. C. D. &c. Esquires,
greeting. Be it
known, that reposing great trust and confidence in your integrity and sound
in the law, you, and every of you, are jointly and severally appointed
assigned judges of the court of appeals, or general court, (as the case
may be) to
do equal right and justice according to the law of this state, in every
case in which
you shall act as judge, jointly or severally, freely without sale, fully
without any
denial, and speedily without delay. And you, and every three or more
of you,
are assigned judges of the court of appeals, or you, and every one or more
of you,
are assigned judges of the general court, (as the case may be) to execute
the office
of judge of the said court justly, honestly and faithfully, according to
law; and
you are to hold and execute the said office of judge for and during you
good behaviour.
Given under the seal of the state of Maryland, this ___________ day
of ____________ in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
Witness C. D. Chancellor. |
Form of a
commission to
the judges of
the court of
appeals and
general court; |
Form of a commission to the judge of the court of
admiralty. The state of
Maryland to A. B. of _______ county, Esquire, greeting. Be it known,
that reposing
great trust and confidence in your integrity and sound judgment in the
you are appointed and assigned judge of the court of admiralty, to do equal
and justice according to law, in every case in which you shall act as judge,
without sale, fully without any denial, and speedily without delay; to
execute the
same office of judge of the court of admiralty justly, honestly and faithfully,
to law; and you are to hold and exercise the said office of judge for and
during your good behaviour in your said office. Given under the seal
of the state
of Maryland, this _______ day of ____ in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and seventy-seven.
Witness C. D. Chancellor. |
Judge of the
court of admiralty; |
Form of a commission to the justices of the county
courts. The state of Maryland
to A. B. C. D. &c. of ________ county, gentlemen, greeting. Be
it known,
that reposing great trust and confidence in your knowledge, integrity and
love of
justice, you and every of you, jointly and severally, are appointed
and assigned justices
of _______ county court, to do equal right and justice according to the
of this state, in every case in which you shall act as justice, freely
without sale,
fully without any denial, and speedily without delay; and you, and every
three or
more of you, are assigned the justices of _______ county court, to execute
the same
office justly, honestly and faithfully, according to law, until you shall
be duly discharged
charged from you said office. Given under the seal of the state of
this ______ day of _______ seventeen hundred and seventy-seven.
Witness C. D. chancellor. |
Justices of the
county courts; |
Form of a commission to a sheriff, coroner, surveyor,
or any other civil officer
of government. The state of Maryland to A. B. of _______ county,
greeting. Be it known, that reposing especial trust and confidence
in your prudence
and honesty, you are appointed sheriff, or one of the coroners, or surveyor,
of _______ county, to hold the said office of _______ with all lawful fees,
privileges and benefits, to the said office of ________ belonging, until
you shall be |
Sheriff, &c. |