THOMAS JOHNSON, Esq; Governor.
this or the United States, may be ordered to march, shall, on the written
of any officer having the quartering, disposition, direction or command,
such battalion, detachment, troop or company, issue his warrant or
warrants to
one or more constables of the county, requiring him or them to provide
boats or
vessels for the transportation of such battalion, detachment, troop
or company,
with their baggage and military stores, by hire or contract, on the
terms hereafter
ascertained for prest boats or vessels; and if a sufficient number
cannot be so procured,
then to press such a number as will make up the deficiency; but if
emergency be such as not to admit of the delay which may arise from
an endeavour
to procure such boats or vessels by contract or hire, then such judge,
member of the council, or justice, shall issue his warrant to such
constable or constables
as aforesaid, requiring them immediately to press such a number of
and vessels as may be wanted for such public service; and the owner
of such boat
or vessel, where the tunnage of such boat or vessel shall be from fifteen
to twenty
tun, shall be paid at the rate of twenty shillings per day; and where
the tunnage
shall be from twenty to twenty-five tuns, at the rate of twenty-five
shillings per
day; and where the tunnage shall be from twenty-five to thirty-five
tuns, at the
rate of thirty shillings per day; and where the tunnage shall be above
tuns, at the rate of one shilling a tun per day, till such boat or
vessel shall be discharged;
and, after such discharge, every such owner shall be paid in the proportion
aforesaid, for every day such boat or vessel shall be in returning
back, allowing
a day only for every thirty miles from the place of discharge. |
IV. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That if any military officer, for the use of whole troop
any carriage shall be provided, shall force and constrain any carriage
to carry more
than one tun, or to travel more than twenty miles in one day, or shall
not discharge
the same when carried sixty miles from the place where such carriage
prest, or shall suffer any non-commissioned officer or soldier, except
such as are
sick and unable to travel, or any women or servants, or any other person
the army, to ride in the carriage, or shall force any constable, by
any threats, to
provide saddle horses for himself or servants, or shall force and horse
from any
owner, or shall impress any carriage or vessel whatever, such officer,
every such offence, shall forfeit and pay to the party grieved a sum
not exceeding
fifteen pounds nor less than three pounds fifteen shillings, on conviction
on the oath of one or more credible witness or witnesses, before a
justice of the
county where the offence was committed, the said penalty to be adjudged
at the
discretion of such justice, who shall commit the offender till payment. |
Penalty on officers
carriages to
carry more
than one tun,
&c. |
X. And be it
enacted, That the commanding officer or quarter-master, or the
officer having the charge of the baggage, military stores, provisions,
sick and
wounded, aforesaid, shall, on the discharge of the said carriage and
team, or boat
or vessel, pay for the hire or use of the same; and if such officer
has not a supply
of money to answer such expences, then he shall give to the driver
of such carriage
and team, a certificate, expressing the burthen such carriage and team
was capable
of carrying, the distance it travelled, and the distance it was also
capable of
travelling, and by whom provision and forage for such driver and team
found; and shall give to the skipper of such boat or vessel, a certificate,
the tunnage of such boat or vessel, and the distance it sailed from
the place where
it was hired or impressed; which certificates shall entitle the bearer
thereof to receive
of the treasurer of either shore of this state the pay directed by
this act.
And if such carriages and teams, or boats and vessels, were employed
in the continental
service, then the expences of such carriages and teams, or boats or
the said treasurer shall charge to the continent. |
Officers to pay
for the use of
carriages, &c.
or give a certificate,
&c. |
XI. And,
to prevent any dispute about the passage over ferries, and the price
therefor, Be it enacted, That
where any troops or baggage shall be carried over
any regular public or county ferry, in this state, it shall be lawful
for the commanding
officer, either to pass with his troops as passengers, or to hire the
entire to himself and his party, debarring others for that time, in
his option;
and in case he shall choose to take passage for himself and party,
as passengers, he
shall only pay for himself, and each person under his command, one
fourth of the |
In what manner,
are to be paid,
&c. |
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