An ACT to prevent desertion.
To continue during the year.
Expired. This act empowered any person to apprehend a man suspected
of being a deserter, and to carry him before a justice of the peace for
examination, &c. It proposed a
reward for the apprehender, and inflicted fines on the harbourers or concealers
of deserters, and on the
constable who should neglect to execute this act, and on person who should
refuse to assist him, and upon
those who should deal for arms, horses, cloaths, or other
furniture, knowing them to belong either to this
state or to the United States. These fines were levyable by distress
and sale of goods, under a warrant, for
the sole use of the informer; and if they could not be so levied, the offenders,
for the first offence, were
to suffer three months inprisonment; for the second offence, if the fines
were not levied, the offenders
might be punished by whipping not exceeding 39 lashes.
A magistrate, upon oath or affirmation, might issue
his warrant to search any house suspected of harbouring
a deserter, and, for that purpose, to break doors if not opened on demand.
A penalty of 20 dollars,
however, was to be inflicted on any person who, without a warrant, should
break open a house under
pretence of searching for a deserter, and this penalty was to be awarded
to the party grieved, and might
be levied either on the body or goods. |
1777. |
An ACT to promote the recruiting service.
This act exempted any inhabitant of
the state, enlisting into a state battalion, or into any of its artillery
companies, from arrest for debt under £. 12 sterling, £. 20
currency, or 200lb. of tobacco; and it
also exempts his property from attachment or execution for such debt.
If an arrest, attachment or execution,
took place contrary to this act, a single justice of the peace, on complaint
of the party, or his
officer, might discharge the person; and unless it were made appear, that
waste was committed in the
property, by the soldier, his wife, or the persons having the care and
possession of it, the justice might set
aside the attachment or execution, and award costs. But this act
did not expose the creditor to be affected
by the act of limitations, on account of the delay occasioned by it.
Recruiting officers were authorised to enlist servants
or apprentices not having more than eighteen
months to serve, on paying to their masters the value to which they might
be appraised by a justice, who
was, in all cases where the recruit was entitled to freedom dues, to make
the master account to him for the
sum of £. 6 in lieu of them. But if an officer enlisted a servant
or apprentice, and neglected, on demand
of the owner, to carry him before a justice, he forfeited to the owner
the sum of £. 10, to be recovered
and levied on the person or property, under a warrant.
The governor was required to appoint in every hundred,
a person to collect blankets. The duty of
this officer was to call on every house-keeper in his district for an account
of his stock of blankets,
over and beyond the number generally used by his family in the winter,
and this account, if the
collector thought proper, was, under the penalty of £. 20, to be
delivered on oath. The like penalty
was to be incurred if one half of such surplus blankets were not delivered
to the collector. The value of
them was to be ascertained either by agreement, or by the valuation of
one sworn appraiser, and discharged
by the treasurer of the respective shore, who was to transmit, with all
convenient speed, to the governor
and council, fair lists of the blankets so collected and paid for.
The collectors, before they acted,
were directed to take an oath for the faithful discharge of duty; and for
their services they were to be allowed
a commission of five per cent. besides their reasonable charges
for conveying the blankets to the
places of deposit, which were Chester-town for the eastern, and Baltimore
or Annapolis for the western
shore. The whole stock so collected was subject to the orders of
the executive. |
An ACT to expedite the march of troops in and through
this state. |
WHEREAS it is necessary to establish some regular
plan for the supplying
of troops marching to, in or through, this state, for the defence
thereof, or of any other of the United States, with proper teams, and
carriages and boats, for expediting the march of the said troops, with
their baggage
and military stores: And whereas neither carriages or boats ought
to be impressed
for any other purpose, or in any other manner, than as directed by the
legislature; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
the general assembly, That any justice of the peace within
any county, from, through, near, or to which, any battalion, detachment,
or company, employed in the service of this state or the United States,
may be
ordered to march, shall, on the written application of any officer having
the quartering,
disposition, direction or command, of such battalion, detachment, troop
company, issue his warrant or warrants to any one or more of the constables
the county of which he is a justice, requiring him or them to provide,
in his or
their hundred or hundreds, by hire or contract, at the rates hereafter
for prest carriages and teams, such a number of carriages and teams, with
men to drive the same, as shall be mentioned in the said warrant or warrants;
and if the number required cannot be so procured, then to press in his
or their
hundred or hundreds respectively, such a number as shall be wanting to
make up
their respective deficiencies; but if the emergency of affairs requires
an immediate |
Justice, on application
any officer,
&c. shall issue
his warrant to
constables to
hire or press
carriages, &c. |