613, 615-16; taxables, xii; territory included
42-43, 64, 92, 162, 165, 360-61; rules
within, xv-xvi, cxiii; unauthorized levies,
orders, Ixxxv, Ixxxix, 42, 105, 113, 350,
xxxiv; under-sheriff, xxxviii, 490
615; safety of province, 284, 388-89; Sp
Prince Georges County Court: action under re-
Courts, xxiii, 5, 6, 291, 429, 518; stocks, ;
medial statute, Ixii-lxiii; additional taxables,
5, 53; subpoena to answer complaint, 111,
615; address to governor, 165; address to King,
12; transfers to Provincial Court, cx-cxi;
348; adjournments, xxiii, 435, 553; allowances
ume of civil actions, Iviii-lix; weights and «
in county levy, xxxvii, 22-23, 42, 51-52, 64, 162,
ures, 553; whipping post, xxiii, 5, 53; we
213, 278-80, 284, 327, 427-28, 429, 434, 459,
heads, bounties for, 52-53, 278-79, 429, 6
542, 547; allowances to justices, xxv, 53, 614-
Privy Council, x, xx
15; appeals to Provincial Court, Ixiii, cxiii—
Probate and adminstration, Ixvi-lxvii, Ixix, 1
cxiv; attendance by justices, xxvi, 168, 245,
324, 375, 434, 522; attorney disbarred, xxix,
Proclamations, see sub Governor
221-22; attorneys admitted, xxviii-xxix, 5, 7,
Provincial Court : actions of debt, Ix ; appeals f
64, 242, 361; attorneys disciplined, xxix; at-
xviii; appeals to, Ixiii, c, cxi-cxiv, 74-75,
torneys' fees, xxix, 8, 615; attorneys, qualifica-
240; appellate jurisdiction, xviii, xx, Iviii,
tions of, xxxi-xxxiii; authority to assess county
Ixxxii, cxi-cxii; appellate jurisdiction, civil,
levy, 427-28; bailiff, xxxvii; cage, xxiii, 5, 53;
appellate jurisdiction, criminal, xx, Ixxiii,
chief justice, xxvii; church lands, Ixvii, 7, 248-
Ixxvii, attorney admitted, xxxi, xxxii, x:
49, 277, 278, 279; clerical misprision, Ixiii;
binding over to, xxi, xxix, xl, xlix; cattle m
clerk of the court, xvi, xxviii, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii-
recordation, Ixvi; circuit courts, xix; clerk o
xxxiv, Iv, 22, 38, 42-43, 63-64, 92, 165, 168,
court, xxxii, 215; commission, xix; compl
360, 429, 613, 615-16; clerk of the indictments,
against county levies, Ixiv; complaints of ma
xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxvi, 7, 14, 347, 435; clerk
and servants, xx, Ixx— Ixxi, c; concurrent juri
of the peace, see clerk of the indictments ; com-
tion, civil, xix; concurrent jurisdiction, crim
missioners, see justices infra; commissions, xvi-
xix-xx, xlv-xlviii; constables, lists of, Ixix;
xvii, xxiv, xxxiii, xliii-xliv, 1-2, 186-87, 324,
tempt proceeding, xl; criers, cvii; criminal p
375, 519-20; complaints heard, Ixiii, 8, 22, 23,
cutions, xviii; docket of causes, xxxvi; equii
38, 42, 84-85, 93, 105, 111, 113, 162, 294;
relief, xxii; execution, cviii; expedition pi
complaints of masters and servants, Ixxi-lxxii,
dure, Ixi; fine, liii; grand jury, 164; informat
4, 61, 163, 182, 208, 211-12, 227, 233, 295, 326,
xviii, xix, xlvi; judges and attorneys, :
327, 547, 554, 590; copies of laws, xxv, 13, 42,
judgments in, xxxiv, xciii, 215, 556-59, 562,
53, 522; conciliar orders, reading of, 213;
589, 615-16; justice, xxxvii, xciv, cviii;
county levies, 51-52, 278-80, 427-28, 614-15;
prius, xix; nolle prosequi, Ixv; nonsuits, lvi
court days, xxiii; court-house, xxiii, 6, 8, 208,
oath before justice, 146, 472; original juri
279, 326, 417, 541, 615; court-house lands,
tion, civil, xix; original jurisdiction, crim
Ixvii, 7, 14, 248-49, 277, 279; crier, xxxvi-
xix— xx ; original writs, Ixxxiii; overseers of 1
xxxvii, 402, 522; criminal jurisdiction exercised,
ways, lists of, Ixix; popular actions, lix
li-lvii; custom of court, 326; dedimus potestatem,
powers, xix; presentments, xxxiv, Ixv,
xvi, 2-3, 187-88, 520-21; deputy clerk of the
privilege of attorneys, Iviii; prosecution of
court, xxxiii; directions to clerk of the court,
ors, Ixxxii; rangers on the Potomac, 388
xxxiii— xxxiv, xxxv; discharge from county levy,
reasons of appeal, cxv; record keeping,
22, 60-61, 213, 347, 459, 549; disobedience to
remonstrance to governor, 388; rules of c
conciliar order, Ixvii-lxviii, 221-22; dissent of
mon law, xcviii; rules of court, cxi, 74, 237,
justice or justices, 295, 309, 375, 522; drummer,
scire facias, xxxiv; scope of review, cxii; s
xxxvi-xxxvii, 13-14; election of delegates, 6,
debt jurisdiction, Iviii; special bail, Ix
291, 294, 518-19; file papers, xviii; first session,
transfers to, xliii, xlviii, Ixxxi-lxxxii, cxi,
xvi, xxiii; fixing liquor rates, see sub County
100, 341, 460; writ of error to, xviii, xix; wi
Courts; gaoler, xxxviii; grand jury expenses,
error from, xviii
53; inquisitions, 53, 279, 615; justice declining
Punishments and Penalties: damages, xlvi,
to serve, 324, 375; justice dismissed, Ixviii;
555, see also sub treble damages, and four
justices, xvi, xxiv, xxv, xxvii-xxviii; justices
damages, infra; disqualification as wii
challenged, xxv, 100; justices in contempt,
xlvii; extending to life and limb, xix,
Ixviii; lack of jurisdiction, 23, 208; laws, read-
Ixxxi; extension of time of service, Ivi, 130,
ing of, 213, 547; Liber A, xvii; ordinaries,
168, 349, 369, 434; fines, xxix, xxxvii,
licensing of, see sub County courts; payment of
xlviii, li-lvii, Ixxi, Ixxx, Ixxxiii, xcix, cviii
officers' fees, 113; petitions to court, 13, 15,
42, 52, 64, 131, 166, 168, 169, 184, 324,
22-24, 51-52, 60-61, 1 12, 249, 283-84, 327, 375,
350, 393, 394, 402, 417, 452, 461, 462,
395, 434-35, 459, 498, 549; pillory, xxiii, 5, 53;
64, 465, 495, 496, 497, 555, 560; forfeitu
place of sitting, xvii, 59, 279, 346; presentment
property, xlviii; four-fold damages, xlvii, x
of clerk of the court, xxxiv, Ixv; presentment of
Iv, Ixxx, 492, 493, 494; imprisonment, ;
justices, xxxiv, Ixv; procurement of law books,
pillorizing, xlvii, xlviii, Iv, Ixxx, 492, 493;
xxvii, 553; records, xvii-xviii, xxxiii-xxxiv, 38,
vided by laws of England, xlvi; servitude,