•stable, xlii-xliii, Ixxv; copies to Governor
bery, xlviii; sexual offenses, Ivi-lvii; sorceries,
d Council, xxxv; by coroner, xli, xlii, 7, 168,
xliii; spreading false reports, xlvii, li, Ivii; steal-
/; in enforcement of Acts of Trade, Ixii; false
ing, xlviii, Iv, Ixxxii, 84, 85, 523; striking con-
ing of, 99; by juror determining value of
stable, liii; subornation of witnesses, xlvii;
irt-house and church lands, 277; by juror
taking horse without leave, Iv-lvi, 22; theft,
ermining title to church lands, 277; by jus-
xliii, xlviii, Iv, 38; treason, xix; trespass, xliii,
zs of the peace, xxiv, xxv, 4, 188, 202, 212,
xlviii, Ixxiv, Ixxvii; usury, Ix; vagabonds, xliii;
1, 375, 520-21, 522, 547; as to land bound-
violations of Sabbath, xxi, xlix, li, Ivii, Ixi,
es, 221; as to land survey, 436; to officers'
Ixxviii; violations of tobacco marketing regula-
ounts, 521; to payment of debt, Ixxxix; to
tions, xl; witchcraft, xliii
iaway time, 92; to settlement of account,
Ordinaries, keeping of, xcix, xlviii, lix
i, 313; to stand award, 164; by surveyor, 7;
Ordinary expenses, actions for, ci, 145-46, 171,
Test, xvi, xxiv, xxv, xxxvii, xli, 4, 15, 187,
194-95, 226, 263-66, 306-07, 366-67, 420,
), 375, 520, 521, 547; under-sheriff, 8, 490;
424-25, 449-50, 451, 470, 473-75, 482-84, 500-
wers of orphans' estates, xxi; see also sub
07, 510-11, 528-29, 531-32, 540^-1, 582-84,
rk of the court, Clerk of the indictments,
584-85, 585-87, 592-93, 594-96, 597-600, 609,
'il procedure, Criminal procedure, Sheriff
ises: abuse of office, Ixi; adultery, xlvi, xlix,
Orphans' estates, 61
Ixxix; affrays, xlii-xliii; against property,
Overseers of highways, li, Ixi, Ixiii-lxiv, Ixix, 250,
Ivi; against the peace, xlii, li-liv, Ixxiv,
vii; assault, li-liii, Ixxviii; assault and
Oyer and terminer, special courts of, xviii, xx-xxi
tery, li; barratry, xlii; bearing bastard child,
i, li, Ivi-lvii, 15, 130, 131, 168, 188, 285, 294,
Penal statutes, xix, xx, xlv
), 369, 490, 497, 549; bigamy, xlix; biting
Plantations, imperial control over the, ix; native-
, liii, Ixxxii; blasphemy, xlvi, xlix, 1; breach
born subjects in the, xxiv
penal laws, Ixxiv; breaches of acts of As-
Precedent books, xxxi, cxv
•bly, xviii, Ixxiv; breaches of Acts of Trade,
Prerogative office, xxxii, xxxiii
ii, xxi; breaches of the peace, li, lii, liv, 15,
Presentments : abuse of a justice, 256-57, 458, 464,
'; burning fences, xlvi, burglary, xlviii; cat-
523; assault, li-liii, 25, 26, 394, 465, bearing
killing, li, Iv, 129; charging excessive tolls,
bastard child, Ivi, 15, 71, 130, 166, 183, 227,
contempt, xlix, li, liv, Ixvii, Ixviii, Ixxii,
326, 393, 458, 523; biting ear, liii, 458, 460,
iv, Ixxvii, Ixxxi, ci, 42, 52, 59, 84, 92, 98,
465; breach of peace, lii, liv, 15, 458; cattle
, 350, 393, 395, 417, 460, 523, 560; created
killing, Iv, 71, 394, 491; cattle stealing, Iv, 491,
proclamation, xlviii-xlix; cursing, xxi, xxix,
492, 493; contempt of crown, liv, 256; disorders
,, lii, liv, 42, 60; defamation of officers,
in ordinary, Ixxii; drunkenness, lii-liv, 24-25,
ii, Ixxv; disloyalty, xlix; drunkenness, xlix,
458, 460, 461, 463-64, 465, 495, 496; failures to
i, lii, liii, liv, 60, 84, 92, 98, 523, dumping
report taxables, Ivii, 71, 166, fathering bastard,
last, Ix; enchantments, xliii; engrossing,
Ivi, 458, 539, 554; fighting, lii-liii, 458, 460,
i, xlvii, Ix; enticing away seamen, Ixviii; ex-
461, 463-64, 465, 495, 496; firing gun at, liii,
t violations, Ix; extortions, xliii; failure to
458; hog stealing, Iv, 458, 484, 497, 523, 548;
ort taxables, li, Ivii; failure to have servant's
incontinent living, Ivii, 326, 350; neglect of of-
determined, xlviii; failure to observe to-
fice, Ivii, Ixiv, 458, 484, 497 ; neglect of orphan's
co gauges, xlviii; felonies, xlii, xliii, xlviii,
estate, Ivii, 183-84; procuring to steal, 458, 494;
:, liii, Iv, Ixxvii; fighting, li, lii, liii; firing
refusal to take oath, xxiv; Sabbath violation,
i at, liii; forestalling, xliii; fornication, xlvi,
Ivii, 393, 452; spreading false reports, Ivii, 458,
;, 1, li, Ivi, 169; "foul pleading", xxix, 560,
466; stealing, Iv, 362, 458-59, 493; striking con-
boring runaway servants, Ix; hog stealing,
stable, lii, liii, 393, 458, 462, 498-99, swearing,
iii, li, Iv, Ixxx; homicide, xxi, house break-
lii, 24; taking horse without leave, Ivi, 458, 484;
, xlviii; idleness, xliii; incontinent living, Ivii;
theft, Iv, 129, 362, 458-59
)Ort violations, Ix; magic art, xliii; marriage
Pressmasters, Ixiv, xlviii, and see also sub Prince
h slave, xlvi, Ix; misdemeanors, xix, Ixxiv,
Georges County
vii; misprision of treason, xix, mistreatment
Prince Georges County: boundaries, xv, 3-4, 13;
ervants or slaves, xlviii, Ixxi; misuse of mili-
civil officers, xvi; constables, xlii-xliii, 5, 64,
marks, cviii; murder, xix, xliii; neglect of
282, 395; coroner, xxvii, xli-xlii, 7, 168; deputy
ce, xlvii-xlviii, 1, li, Ivii, 64, 402; neglect of
surveyor, 7, 14, 249, 278; division into hun-
hans' estate, Ivii, 183-84; neglect of office,
dreds, 4-5; establishment, xi, xv-xvii, 3-4, 14-
Ixii; office, refusal to serve, xlvii-xlviii;
15, Indian affairs, xxvii-xxviii; Indians within,
inaries, improper operation, Ix-lxi; perjury,
xxi; inquisitions, xlii; manors, xlii; military
!i; piracy, xlix; profane swearing, xxi, xlix,
officers, xvi, xxvii-xxviii; overseers of highways,
lii, liv, 52, 60, 92; prohibited Indian trade,
5, 42, 248, 375, 430, 484, 497, 513, 547; popula-
public tobacco, tampering with, xlvii; rang-
tion, xii; pressmasters, 5, 113, 300, 323, 324,
woods, xlviii; regrating, xlvii; rescues,
395; rights and privileges, xv; sheriff, xvi,
i; riots, xlii, liii; riotous assemblies, xlii; rob-
xxvii, xxxiv, xxxvii-xxxviii, Ixv, Ixxiv, 490, 589,