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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
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setting in stocks, xlviii, Hi, liii, Iv, Ixxx, 38, 52,

Ixxxvi; commission, 2-3, 227, 490; custody of,

60, 84, 92, 98, 460-61, 523; treble damages,

Ivi, Ivii, Ixxvii, Ixxx, Ixxxiv, Ixxxv, 28-29, 52,

xlvi; whipping, xlvi, xlviii, Hi, liii, Ivi, Ivii, Ixxx,

60, 84, 92, 93, 97, 98, 130, 131, 162, 168, 169,

130, 131, 188, 285, 349, 435, 466, 475, 490,

183, 257, 362, 402, 435, 452, 459-62, 463-64,

492, 494, 497, 523, 549

465-66, 484, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496,


497, 498, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 523, 541, 548,

Receivers, xxxv, 430, 521

554-55, 560, 616; dedimus potestatem, xxxvii, 3;

Recognizances: appear and answer, 347, 349-50,

departing county, xl-xli; duties, xxxviii-xli,

394; appear and answer at Provincial Court,

li, Ixvui-lxix, 7, 38, 429, 431, 521; election of

362-63; appear and prosecute at Provincial

delegates, 6, 291; execution, Ixxxvii, cvii-cviii;

Court, 482; appear and testify at Provincial

fees, xxxviii-xxxix, Ixxx-lxxxi, civ, cvi, cvii, 60;

Court, 481-82; appearance at Provincial Court,

fines, prosecution to judgment, 430; impanel

xlix, liii, Iv, 460; bring bastard and mother to

grand jury, Ixxii; impanel petty jury, Ixxviii,

vestry, Ivi, 130-31; clerk of county court, xxxiv,

xcviii; impositions upon public officers, 430; in

361-62; crown witnesses, Ixxix; custody of

misericordia, 195, 289, 453, 478, 544; method of

court records, xxxiii; execution office of sheriff,

appointment, xxxiv-xxxv; militia officers, xli;

xxxvii-xxxviii, 227; good behavior and appear-

neglect of office, xl-xli, 1, Ixi; oath, xxxvii, 227;

ance at next court, li-lvii, Ixxvii, Ixxx, Ixxxi, 8,

orders of Council, li, 429-30, 497, 498, 509,

27, 28, 38, 41, 52, 64, 85, 93, 105, 113, 129-30,

510, 511, 512, 513, 523, 541, 548, 554-55, 560,

175, 257-58, 285, 294, 324, 375, 394-95, 402,

616; posse comitatus, xxxvii, xxxviii, 3, 490; rec-

435, 452, 461-63, 464, 485, 493, 494, 497, 498,

ord keeping, xxvi; refusal to serve, xlvii; re-

523, 548, 553; maintenance of bastard, Ivi, 131,

turn of writs, Ixxxiv, cv-cvi, cix, 195, 615, see

541; make restitution, Ixxxviii, 36, 121, 122,

also Dockets of writs returnable, Dockets of

170, 175, 216, 252, 330; orphans' estates, Ixvi,

subpoenas returnable, and Dockets of venires

6 1 ; payment of court officers' fees, Iv, Ixxx, 131,

returnable; riots, xli; runaways, accessories to,

169, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 523, 541;

430; salary, 53, 279, 615; service of venire facias,

payment of debt, 51; payment of fees due

Ixxvi; special bail, Ixxv, 39, 49; summons, 213,

sheriff cviii; payment of fine, liii, Ivi, Ixxxi, 169,


349, 497, 513; payment of maintenance, Ixiii, 8,

Single justice of the peace: concurrent jurisdiction,

113; payment of judgment, 70, 193, 258, 334,

xx ; differences with Indians, xxi; examination

513, 544; prosecute offender, 85; prosecution

of notorious offenders, xl; laying out road, 23-

of appeal, 74-75, 237-38, 240, 319; stand award,

24; miscellaneous powers, xxi; small debt cases,

ci, 541

xx, Iviii

Recordation of documents, 5-6, 7, 163, 164, 165,

Slaves, xlvi, xlviii, Ixvi, Ixxii; see also sub Acts of

182, 183, 207-09, 221, 258, 260, 275-76, 290-

Assembly, Maryland, Province of, and Offenses

91, 348, 451-53, 490, 519, 571, 616-17

Solicitor general, xxxvi

Register, of Commissary General, 434

Somerset County, constables, xliii

Riot, liii, 462

Somerset County Court: criminal cause, Ixxv,

Roads, laying out, 23-24, 43, 249, 259, 276, 283

Ixxvii; orders of court, liv; reduction of number

Roads, maintenance of, 250, 282, 295

of justices, xxv; representation from, xliii; writ


of error, Ixxv, Ixxvii, Ixxviii

Secretary of the Province of Maryland, xxxii,

Special court of oyer and terminer, xviii, xx-xxi

xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxv, cvii, 63, 164-65, 279, 360-61

Special courts (civil), xx

Servants: adjudgment of age, Ixiv, 41, 59, 346-47,

St. Marys County: boundary, xv, cxiii; county

349, 351, 361-62, 376, 393, 436, 457-58, 490,

levies, 53; deputy surveyor, xxvii; Roman

499, 522-23; agreement between master and

Catholics, xl; witnesses from, cxiii

servant, 490; bastardizing, Ivi; binding out to

St. Marys County Court: capias ad respondendum,

service, 92, 554; capacity to sue, Ixxi; complaints

form of, Ixxxiii; clerk of the court, xxxi; comple-

of masters and servants, Ixx-lxxii, see also sub

tion of pending business, xvi; practice in, xxxi

Prince Georges County Court; custody of

Sub-sheriff, see Under-sheriff

servant, 347-50; custom of the country, xii, 182;

Surveyor and searcher, xxxii

damage to master's house, Ivi; extension of

Surveyor general of the customs, Ixii, cvii

time of service, Ivi, 92; freedom corn and


clothes, Ixxi, 163, 208, 227, 554; indenture, 285;

Talbot County, division of, xvi

issuance of venire facias, Ixxii; mulatto bastards,

Talbot County Court: appeal from, Ixxiii; comple-

130, 294, 369; ordered to serve, 590; runaway,

tion of pending business, xvi; criminal cause,

xxi, xliii, xlvii, Ivii, Ixviii, Ixxi, 4, 39, 92, 232-

Ixxvii; persons crossing into Pennsylvania, Ixviii;

33, 283, 327, 395, 434, 613; set free, 554, 590;

writ of error from, Ixxvii, Ixxviii

swearing the peace, Ixxi; whipping as punish-

Taxables, 22, 282, 615

ment, Ixxx; see also sub Maryland, Province of

Thanksgiving, day of, 52 1

Sheriff: abuse of office, xli, Ixi; allowances in levy,

Trade and Plantations, Lords of, ix

279; attachments, Ixxxvi-lxxxviii; amerce-

Trade and Plantations, Committee for, x, xxx

ments, ciii, 615; bail to the sheriff, Ixxxiv,

Treasurers of the Province of Maryland, 430, 52 1



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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
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