courts, xix; King's arms, xxvi; members, xxvii-
Manor courts, xx
xxviii; message from governor, 1, liv; ministers
Maryland, Province of: advancement of trade,
reading prayers at county courts, 214; nisi prius,
165; apprentices, xiii; artisans, xii; Assembly, ix;
xix; procurement of law books, xxvi; reduction
boundaries, ix; capital, ix, xi; Catholic ele-
of number of county court justices, xxv; re-
ment, viii-xi, xii, xiii, xl; cattle marking, xv;
formation of jeofailes, cxii; representation to
cattle raising, xv; Church of England, xi-xii;
governor, xxx, Iviii; supernumerary taxables,
commission to governor, x-xi; commodity
214; titling, use of, Ixxxiv
prices, xiv; constitutional struggle, xi; constitu-
Hundred courts, xx
tion of, xxi, xliv, xlvii; Council, ix, x, xvi, xvii;
Hundreds, xli, Ixiii, Ixx, 4
see also Governor and Council; currency, xiii;
Hue and cry, xl, xliii
defense of, 284; English merchants, xiv, xx, lix;
exports, xiii, xiv-xv, xlviii, xlix; foodstuffs, xiii,
Indians: bounties to, Ixiv; differences with, xxi,
xv ; freemen, xii; French and Indians, ix; furs,
xlvii; mistreatment of, Ixx; offenses by, xxi; land
xiii; husbandry, xv; imports, xiv-xv; inter-
grant by, recorded, 616-17
colonial trade, xii, xlviii; Jacobite party, ix;
Infant: binding out, 7, 8, 59, 131, 164, 181, 183,
judicial establishment, xviii-xxii; labor supply,
188, 208, 255, 283, 324, 326, 347, 350, 376, 547,
xii-xiii; law enforcement, philosophy of, Ixxix;
560; ordered brought to court, 542
law enforcement, state of, xlix-li; maladminis-
Inferior courts, xx
tration of justice, x; manufactures, xiv-xv;
Ireland, native-born subjects, xxiv
militia, Ixx, cviii; naval stores, xiii; new laws
(1692), xi; Nicholson's program, xi; parishes
Judgment book, xviii
Judicial establishment, Province of Maryland,
established, xi; plantations, xi; population, xi—
xii; practice in, xxi, xxx, xl; printed laws, cxv-
cxvi; proprietary rights reserved, x; proprietary
XV111 — XX11
Jura regalia, ix
rule, viii-xi; Protestant Association, x; Protest-
Jury, use of, see sub Civil procedure, Criminal pro-
tant element, viii-xi, xii; Quakers, xl, xcix; quo
warranto proceedings, ix; rangers, xxviii, 284;
relations with Pennsylvania, xlvii, Ixviii-lxix;
Keeper of the Great Seal, see Court of Chancery
religious denominations, xii; religious toleration,
xi; revolution, ix-xi; rights and liberties, xlv;
Kent County, division of, xvi
Kent County Court: arrest of judgment, Ivii;
completion of pending business, xvi; criminal
cause, Ixxix; persons crossing into Pennsylvania,
Ixviii; rules and orders, Ixxxiii
royal charter, viii-ix; royal governors, x-xi;
royal gubernatorial instructions, xi; royal pre-
rogative, xi, xxix-xxxi, ciii; royal province, x-xi;
scire facias against charter, x; seditious activities,
xlix, Ixix; servants, xii-xiii; shipping, xii, xiv;
King in Council: address to, Ixviii-lxix, 113; ap-
slaves, xii; state house, 521; taxables, xii;
peals to, xix, xxii; policy toward chartered
tobacco fleet, xiii, xx, xl, Ixviii-lxix; tobacco
colonies, ix
marketing, xiv; tobacco prices, ix, xiii, xiv;
tobacco raising, xii, xiii; towns, xi; weather,
Land: agreement to convey, 258; conveyance of,
xiii, xv
490; lease of, 76-77
Maxim of law, cv, 309
Land boundaries, testimony regarding, 221
Merchants, custom of, 230-31, 468, 603
Land, title to, see sub Actions
Merchants, use of, 149, 570
Law officers : opinions, xvi, xx, xxxv, xl, Iviii, Ixv,
Minute books, xvii— xviii, Ixxvi, 92
214; preparation of writs, Ixix
Law, rules of, xx
Naval officers, xxxii, xxxiii, Ix, Ixi, 521
Laws and orders, Province of Maryland, xliii-
Navigation bonds, execution on, 214-15
xliv, lvi
Notes: actions on, lix, 29-30, 72, 83-84, 115, 124,
Laws and constitutions of England, xli, 465
132-33, 167, 200-01, 229, 270-71, 287, 301,
Laws and customs of England, Ixx
330-31, 366-67, 377-78, 413, 428, 445-46,
Laws and customs, Province of Maryland, Ixx
478-79, 527-28, 567-68, 573-74, 575; credit in
Laws of England, xxi, xxii, xxxi, xl, xlv, xlvi,
account, 222, 305, 595; not accepted, 263, 338;
xlvii, xlviii, li, Hi, liii, Iv, Iviii, Ixxi, Ixxxii, cxii,
nonpayment recorded, 183
452, 464, 495, see also sub Acts of Assembly
Laws of God, lii-liii, 452, 460, 461-63, 464-65,
Oaths: the Association, 520; by alleged father of
495, 496
bastard, 435, 490; allegiance and abhorrence,
Laws of the Province of Maryland, xliii-xliv, 1, li,
xxiv; allegiance and supremacy, xvi, xxiv,
lii-liii, Iv, Iviii, Ixxi, 452, 460, 461-63, 464, 465,
xxxvii, xli, 1 87 ; appointed by act of Parliament,
495, 496
xvi, xxi, xxiv-xxv, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxvii, xli, 4,
Leet jurisdiction, xx
63, 64, 187-88, 202, 212, 242, 361, 375, 490,
Letter of attorney, recorded, 275-76, 290-91, 617
520-22, 547; as to attendance by witnesses, see
Letters testamentary, xcvi, 135, 205, 253, 562,
sub Civil procedure, allowances to witnesses;
577, 583, 585, 589
by attorney, xxviii, 4, 7, 64, 188, 242, 547; by