sub Prince Georges County Court, clerk of the
Ixv-lxvi; attorneys, admission of, xxix, Ixix;
court; compilation of information, Ixix; copies
attorneys, qualifications, cxv; authority to
of laws, li; county levies, Ixiv, 429-30; criminal
marry, Ixvi; bill, referral to, Ixvii; breaches,
trials, Ixxix; delivery of presentment to, Ixxvi;
Acts of Trade, Ixii; cattle marks, recordation,
drawing up bond, xxxviii, 227 ; duties in general,
xv, Ixvi; change in commissions, xix, Ivii-lviii;
xxxv ; execution, cviii; fees, xxxv, Ixxxi, civ,
church lands, Ixvii; commissions, xliii-xlv,
cvii, 220, 418; fines and forfeitures, xxxv; issue
Ivii-lviii, Ixxiv; complaints of masters and ser-
of process, xxxv, Ixxxiii-lxxxiv; liquor rates,
vants, xx, Ixx-lxxii; concurrent jurisdiction,
350, 45 1 ; method of appointment, xxxiv-xxxv,
civil, xix-xx, xlv-xlvi; concurrent jurisdiction,
360; misprision, Ixiii, 168; oath, xxxiii, xxxiv,
criminal, xix-xx, xlv-xlviii; constables, Ixix;
xxxv, 4, 63, 188, 361; qualifications of, xcvii;
coroners, xli, Ixix; county levies, xiii-xiv, xxvi,
reading proclamation, 522; record-keeping,
Ixiv-lxvi, 427-28, 428-29; county prisons, Ixix;
xvii, xxvi, xxxv, 42-43, 92, 162, 360-61; re-
court days, xxiii; court-houses, condition of,
cordation of proclamations, xxxix; repair of
Ixix; court-house lands, Ixvii-lxix; crier, xxxvi-
bridge, 514; rules and regulations, Ixxxiii;
xxxvii; disabled soldiers, Ixiv; dissents, xvii;
swearing witnesses, 105; transcript on appeal,
documents, recordation, Ixx; election of dele-
cxii; transmission of presentments, xlvii; trans-
gates, xxxix; equitable relief, xxii; errors and
mission of proceedings to Provincial Court,
mispleadings, xcvii; fines and forfeitures, xiii-
460; warrants to constables, 64, 282, 395; war-
xiv, xxxv, xxxvi; fixing liquor rates, Ix, 154,
rants to overseers of highways, 42, 248, 375,
156, 300, 350, 451, 475; gown, wearing of,
xxvi; informations, xix-xx, xlvi; judicial attend-
Clerk of the indictments: administering oath,
ance, xxv; justices of the quorum, xxiv; keeping
Ixxiv; commission, 435; consultation with, liv,
of the peace, xliii-xliv; knowledge of laws, li;
93; criminal trials, Ixxix; delivery of present-
ministers reading prayers, xxxvii, 214; non-
ment to, Ixxvi; drafting presentments, Ixxv-
suits, Iviii; ordinaries, licensing of, Ixiv, Ixix,
Ixxvi; fees, xxxvi, Ixxiii, Ixxxi; filing present-
13, 15, 154, 168, 249, 295, 300, 350; original
ment, Ixxvi; fines and forfeitures, xxxv, xxxvi,
jurisdiction, civil, xix-xx, lvi— Iviii; original
430; information, Ixxiii; method of appoint-
jurisdiction, criminal, xix-xx, xliii-Ix; orphans,
ment, xxxiv-xxxv; motion for judgment, Ixxx;
Ixvi-lxvii, Ixix, 13, 295; parish levies, Ixvi;
motion to summon grand jury, 255; nolle
personal actions, xx, Ivii-lviii; pleas of oyer and
prosequi, Ixxvii; oath, xxxv-xxxvi, 7, 188; orders
terminer, Ivii-lviii; popular actions, lix-lxii;
of Council, U; raising jurisdictional point, Ivi,
privilege of attorneys, Iviii; procurement of
183; screening presentments, Ixxiv-lxxv; speech
law books, xxvi-xxvii, Ixix; proof of account,
to jury, Ixxix; supervision by attorney general,
xciv; proprietary commissions, xliv, xlv, Ivii;
xxxvi, 435; venire facias, issue of, Ixxvi, see also
publication of intention to marry, Ixvi; public
sub Prince Georges County Court
roads, Ixiii-lxiv, Ixix; real actions, xx, xliii;
Collector of customs, ix, li, 521
record keeping, xvii-xviii, Ixix; refusal to serve
Commissary General, xxii, xxix, xxxii, xlvi, xlvii,
as justice, xxiv, xlvii; regulation of masters and
Ixix, cvii, 61, 221-22, 429, 434
servants, xiii; resurvey, warrants of, Ixvii; role
Commission of review, xxii
in administration of justice, cxiv-cxv; rules and
Commissioners at Annapolis, xx, cviii
orders, Ixxix, Ixxxiii; servant, determination of
Commissioners of the Customs, Ixii
age, Ixiv; small debt cases, xx, Iviii; standards
Common law, xxxi, xliv, xcviii, cvii, cxiii
of practice, cxv; taxables, ascertainment of,
Complaints of masters and servants, xx, Ixx-lxxii,
Ixvii, 22; weights and measures, Ixiv; wolf
see also sub Servants
bounties, Ixiv
Constables, xlii-xliii, xlvii, xlviii, li, Ixvii, Ixix,
County Palatine of Durham, ix
Ixxii, Ixxiii, 5, 6, 22, 64, 395, 462, see also sub
Court of Appeals: acts of Assembly, xviii, xxii;
Oaths, Prince Georges County
appeals from, xix; appeals to, xviii; clerk of
Coroners, xli-xlii, xlvii, cvii, 7, 168, 279, 344,
the court, xxxii, cvii; complaints of masters
432, 615, see also sub Oaths, Prince Georges
and servants, xx, Ixx; differences with Indians,
xxi; gubernatorial commission, xviii, xix; gu-
Council: member of, xxviii, xxxvii; clerk of,
bernatorial instructions, xviii, xix; jurisdiction,
xxxii, xxxiii, cvii; see also Governor and Coun-
xviii-xix; limit on appeals to, xxii; relation to
Court of Chancery, xxii; sitting of, 429; vice-
Counsel, opinion of, xviii
admiralty appeals, xxii; writ of error to, xviii
County Courts: actions of debt, Ix; actions on
Court of Chancery: appeals from, xviii, xix; fees,
penal statutes, xx; adjournments, xxiii; ad-
cvii, grand jury charge, Ixxii; gubernatorial
ministrative jurisdiction, Ixiii-lxx, 250; allow-
commission, xxi-xxii; injunctions, xxiv, cxiv,
ances to justices, xxv ; appointment of auditors,
544; interrogatories, 163; limitation on powers,
214; appointment of constables, Ixiii, Ixix; ap-
xxii; oath before Chancellor, 397; oaths to
pointment of officers, xxxiv-xxxv; appointment
justices, 520; original writs, Ixxxiii; personnel,
of overseers of highways, Ixiii, Ixix; appoint-
xxi-xxii; practice in, xxxi-xxxii; sitting of, 429;
ment of pressmasters, Ixiv; arrest of justices,
writ of error, cxi. cxiii