Court of Delegates, xxii
chanics of, Ixxiii-lxxvi ; prepared bills, Ixxvi;
Courts of record, xvii, xx, xlvii, lix, Ixii
recognizances, see sub Recognizances; remission
Courts of vice-admiralty, xxii, xxxii, 429
of fine, Hv, 324, 402, 417, 461, 560; review by
Court records, keeping of, xvii-xviii
Provincial Court, Ixxxii; right to jury trial,
Crier (county courts) : fees, xxxvii, Ixxxi, civ, cvii,
Ixxviii; rules of court, lack of, Ixxix; scire facias
220; functions, xxxviii, 175; neglect of office,
(fine unpaid), Ixxx; sentencing, Ixxxi-lxxxii;
402; oath, 4
special order of court, Ixxiii, Ixxvi; special
Crimes, see Offenses, Presentments
verdict, Ixxx; standing mute, Ixxvii; submission
Criminal procedure (county courts) : afflictive
to court, Hi-liv, Ivii, Ixxvii, 39, 60, 130, 257,
sanctions, Ixxxi, see also sub Punishments; al-
410, 462, 463, 464, 465, 492, 494, 495,
locutus, Ixxx, 169; allowance to witnesses, 27;
496, 497, 560; subpoena ad testificandum, Ixxix,
arraignment, Ixxvii; arrest of judgment, Ivii,
26, 130, 433, see also Docket of subpoenas re-
Ixxx; assignment of counsel, Ixxvii, 257; at-
turnable; subpoena as process, Ixxvii; subpoena
taint, Ixxxii; attorney, specially admitted,
for jurors, Ixxiv, Ixxviii, Ixxix; subpoena to
Ixxvii-lxxviii, 27, 129, 169, 394, 491, 494, 523,
answer complaint, Ivii, 42; subpoena to answer
548, 554; award, use of, Ixxviii; bench warrant,
court, 294; summons for alleged father of bas-
Ixxvi; bill returned ignoramus, Hi, Ixxvi, 24-25,
tard, 435; summons to answer complaint, Ivii,
39; burden of proof, Ixxix; capias, Ixxvi; certi-
42; swearing of witnesses, Ixxiv, Ixxix, 553;
orari, Ixxxii; challenge of jurors, Ixxviii-lxxix;
swearing the peace, Ixxiv; tales de circumstantibus,
clear by proclamation, lii-liii, Iv, Ivii, Ixxiv,
Ixxviii-lxxix; transfer to Provincial Court,
Ixxvi, Ixxvii, Ixxx, 105, 113, 175, 435, 485, 495,
Ixxxi-lxxxii, 362, 460; trial, Ixxix-lxxx; true
496, 497, 498, 523, 548; complaint, li-lii, liii,
bill returned, Ixxiii and see also Presentments;
Hv, Iv, Ivi, Ivii, Ixxiv-lxxv, Ixxvii, Ixxxii, 38, 42,
true bill, refusal to find, Iv, Ixxvi, Ixxxii, 362;
84-85, 105; confession of facts charged, Ivi, 130,
venire facias, Hi— liii, Ivi, Ivii, Ixxiii, Ixxvi-lxxvii,
131, 166, 168, 349, 452, 494; continued causes,
Ixxxi, 27-28, 38-39, 130, 168, 188, 434, 497,
39, 106, 130; cor am non judice, Ixxiii; cross-ex-
548, see also Docket of venires returnable;
amination, Ixxix; demurrer to indictment,
venire facias juratores, Ixxiv, Ixxviii; verdict, Ixxx;
Ixxvii; depositions, Ixxiv; evidence, Ixxv-lxxvi,
view of justices, Hi, 60; witnesses, Ixxviii, Ixxix;
Ixxix, 484, 497; fines, Ixxxi, see also sub Punish-
witnesses before grand jury, Hi, Ixxiv, Ixxv,
ments; grand jurors, allowances to, 15, 53, 70,
Ixxvi, 24-25, 129, 166, 255-57, 458; witnesses
168, 184, 258, 278-79, 280, 285, 326, 348, 395,
summoned, 97; writ of tales, Ixxviii
459, 499, 523; grand jury charge, Ixix-lxx,
Custom, xxii, xxxi, xliv, lvi
Ixxii-lxxiv; grand jury, constables on, Ixxv;
Custom and practice, 550-52
grand jury, foreman, Ixxvi; grand jury, size,
Ixxiv; grand jury, summoning of, Ixxiv; grand
Death, recorded, 348
jury, use of, Ixxii-lxxvi, 15, 24-25, 70-71, 113,
Deed of gift, recorded, 260, 348, 376, 451-53, 553,
129-31, 165-66, 183, 255-58, 325, 347-48, 361-
63, 375-76, 393-94, 458, 491, 522-23; impar-
Deputy auditor, xxxii
lance, Ixxvii; indictment, Ixxv; information, Ivi,
Deputy commissary, xxii, xli, Ixvii
lix, Ixxiii, Ixxxi, 85, 105, 168-69; information of
Deputy sheriff, see Under-sheriff
constable, liii, 458; jurors of the vicinage,
Docket book, 193
Ixxviii; lack of jurisdiction, 183; mainprize,
Docket of criminal causes, 38-39
xlvii; making up issue, Ixxviii; motion for judg-
Docket of subpoenas returnable, 12, 20-22, 40-41,
ment, Ixxx; nolle prosequi, Hi, Iv, Ivi, Ixxvii, 484,
57-59, 60, 1 1 1-12, 161-62, 180-81, 211-12, 242,
497, 499; offenses presented, see Presentments;
247-48, 280-81, 284, 293-94, 303, 323-24, 345-
oath, by grand jurors, xliii, Ixxiv; oath, by
46, 347, 349, 350, 359, 374, 392-93, 433, 456-57,
petty jurors, Ixxix; oath, by witness, xlvii, Ixxiv,
488-89, 517-18
Ixxix; officers' fees, payment of, Ivi, Ixxx-lxxxi,
Docket of venires returnable, 20-22, 111, 161, 180,
39, 130, 131, 169, 175, 188, 227, 460, 461, 465,
212, 247, 346, 457, 484-85, 489, 518
466, 485, 492, 548, 549, 555; orphans' jury,
Docket of writs returnable, 11-12, 17-20, 39-40,
Ixxiii, Ixxvii, 183-84; petty jurors, qualifications
54-57, 107-10, 157-61, 176-80,210-11,246-47,
of, Ixxviii; petty jury, charge, Ixxx; petty jury,
280-81, 291-93, 321-23, 343-46, 358-59, 371-
foreman, Ixxviii, Ixxx; petty jury, summoning
74, 389-92, 431-33, 453-56, 485-88, 515-17,
of, Ixxviii; petty jury, use of, li-lii, Iv, Ivi,
Ixxviii-lxxix, 27, 129, 169, 394, 459-60, 491,
493, 494-95, 548-49, 554; plea of cognovit,
England : acts of Parliament, xliv and see sub Acts
Ixxvii; plea of guilty, Iv, Ixxvii; plea of not guilty,
of Parliament; amercement of sheriff, Ixxxv;
Ixxvii-lxxviii, 27, 129, 169, 394, 459, 491, 493,
Archbishop of Canterbury, xliii; attaint, Ixxxii;
494, 548, 554; plea of non vult, Ixxvii; present-
attorney general, x, xxii; Bishop of London,
ment, form of, Ixxv; presentment, traverse of,
Ixxii, capias ad respondendum, Ixxxiii; capias ad
Ixxvii, Ixxx; presentments, by constable, Ivi,
satisfaciendum, cv; civil procedure, Ixxxiii; com-
Ixxv, 71, 166, 183, 393, 458; presentments,
mission of the peace, xlv; common law, Ixxxix,
screening of, Ixxiv-lxxv; presentments, me-
see also sub Common law; Common Pleas, xix;