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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
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416; judgment, lix, Ixxxix, cii-civ; judgment

444, 471, 476, 534, 560; plaint, lix; pleadings,

by confession, lix, Ixxxvi, Ixxxix, cii, 16, 31, 33,

Ixxxix-xcvi; plea in abatement, xc; plea in bar,

34-36, 59, 71, 72, 88, 114, 115-16, 119, 125-27,

xci, xcii, xciv ; plea of nihil dicit, lix, Ixxxix, xcvi,

140, 150, 154, 167-68, 170-71, 172, 175, 184,

cix; plea of nil debet, xci, xcv, xcviii, cv; plea of

192, 193, 195-96, 197, 199, 253-54, 258-59,

non assumpsit, xc, xciv, xcviii; plea of non est

297, 300-01, 302, 303, 317, 328, 333-34, 336,

factum, xci; plea of non sum informatus, lix, Ixxxix;

337, 351, 353, 370, 378, 379-80, 381, 382-85,

plea of not guilty, xc, xcviii; plea of plene ad-

405, 519, 420-22, 442, 449, 477-81, 483-84,

ministravit, xcii, 568-69; pledges of prosecution,

500, 502-08, 511, 538, 539-41, 571-72, 574,

in mercy, 80, 86, 97, 104, 134, 135, 141-42,

605, 608-12; judgment by default, Ixxxix, cii,

207, 242, 262, 269, 270, 271, 272, 310, 339,

30, 46, 102-03, 133, 136-38, 140, 146, 147,

341-42, 357-58, 366, 368-69, 377-78, 401-02,

154, 262, 265, 339, 354, 355, 357, 447, 525,

403, 410, 437-38, 440-41, 451, 471-72, 525,

529, 539; judgment by nihildicit, Ixxxix, cii, 47,

572, 600, 605; printed writs, Ixxxiv; profert,

223, 269, 311, 312, 320, 367, 368, 371, 416,

xcvi-xcvii, 135, 147, 232, 268, 426, 468, 604;

437, 446, 449-50, 536, 537, 570-7 1 ; judgment

protection, lix; provisional judgment, cii, 532,

by non sum informatus, Ixxxix, cii, 84, 92, 96-97,

581; qui tarn actions, Ix; rebutter, Ixxxix; recog-

116-17, 120, 132, 148, 151-52, 198, 202, 225,

nizance on appeal, cxi, and see sub Recog-

229, 230, 232, 241-42, 268, 274, 352-53, 357,

nizances; refusal to join issue, 86; rejoinder,

403, 408, 409-10, 418, 443, 467, 469-70, 473;

Ixxxix, xciii; replication, Ixxxix, xc, xcii, xciii,

judgment cognovit, cii; judgment cognovit ac-

ex, 551-52; resurvey, warrant of, Ixvii; remis-

tionem, cii; judgment, diminution of, 223; judg-

sion of judgment, 154; rules of pleading, 228;

ment of cassetur breve, 413, 414, 591; judgment

scire facias, writ of, Ixxxvi, cviii-cx, 40, 43, 47,

nil capiat per breve, 82, 228-29, 576, 584, 585,

48, 105, 113, 128-29,210-211,215,275,280-81,

586-87, 601; judgment non obstante veredicto, c;

288-89, 292, 296-97, 319, 342, 353, 359, 425,

judgment non prosequitur, cii, see also nonsuits

432, 438-39, 453, 467, 485, 487, 499, 512, 514,

infra; judgment quando acciderint, xcii-xciii, ex,

515, 517, 523, 543, 544, 545, 546, 549-53,

67, 151, 316, 364, 397-98, 557-58, 559, 569;

601-03, 608-09; set-off, xciv-xcvi, 172, 195,

judgment quod recuperet, cii, 76, 78, 80, 83, 87,

196, 313, 440, 444, 538, 574, 581, 584; service

91, 104, 136, 144, 153, 174, 189, 199, 201,

of process, Ixii; special bail, Ixxxiv, Ixxxv, cvi,

206, 207, 227, 237, 240, 261, 264, 266-67,

39, 49, 50, 53, 72-73, 92, 172, 173, 174, 182,

267-68, 300, 303, 305, 307, 309, 310, 317, 319,

193-94, 328, 336, 337, 351, 355, 359, 481, 482,

338, 356-57, 366, 400, 444, 471, 526, 527, 528,

483, 484, 508-09, 510-11, 523, 553, 560, 612,

532, 533, 534-35, 556, 561, 563, 565, 566, 573,

613; special pleas, Ixxxix, xci-xciii; stay of

575, 579, 581-82, 588, 593, 596, 597, see also

execution, cviii, cxi, 351, 490, 510, 513, 571;

judgment by confession, judgment by nihil dicit,

subpoena duces tecum, 47; subpoenas for wit-

judgment by non sum informatus; judgment upon

nesses, see Dockets of subpoenas returnable;

report of auditors, 299, 313, 314-15, 340, 399,

supersedeas, cxi; sureties, Ixxxv; titling, Ixxxiii;

440, 473-75, 542, 577, 579, 599, 600, 606-07;

transcript, cxii, 100; transfer to Provincial

jury charge, xcix; jury of inquisition, 416; levari

Court, cx-cxi, 99-100, 341; trial, xcvii-cii,

facias, writ of, cvi-cvii; limitation of actions,

350; trial by court, xcvii, 83, 87, 89-90, 91,

xci, cxiii, 81-82, 266, 304, 567; manucaptors,

95-96, 104, 136, 145, 201, 207, 226-27, 261,

lack of, Ixxxv, 39, 50, 72-73, 172, 173, 174,

264, 267, 299-300, 303, 306-07, 309, 310,

336, 337, 351, 509, 510, 511, 512-13; making

317, 319, 332, 338, 366, 377, 468-69, 526, 528,

up issue, Ixxxix, 42; misprision of clerk, 168;

531, 532, 533, 555-56, 557, 559, 566, 569, 573,

nonsuits, Iviii, lix, Ixxxv, xcviii, c, cii, 80, 86,

574-75, 580, 581-82, 583-84, 585, 588, 589,

97, 104, 134, 135, 207, 242, 262, 269, 270, 271,

593, 596, 597; variance between writ and dec-

272, 310, 339, 341-42, 350, 357-58, 366, 368-69,

laration, 413-14; venire facias juratores, Ixvii,

377-78, 401-02, 403, 410, 437-38, 440-41,

xcviii; verdicts, c; verification, xcvii; wager of

451, 471-72, 486, 512, 525, 572, 600, 602, 605;

law, lix, Ixxxviii; warrant to bring defendant

oath, by garnishee, 121, 134, 592, and see sub

to answer, 243, 247; witnesses heard, xcvi,

attachment supra; oath, by inquest juror, 416;

xcix; witness summoned, 92; witnesses sworn,

oath by petty juror, Ixxix, xcviii; oath by wit-

92, 98, 105, 140, 175, 242, 295, 303, 350, 396,

ness, xlvii, xciv, 92, 98, 326; oath to an ac-

410, 535, 590; writ of error, xix, cxi-cxii; writ

count, xciv, 47, 71, 76, 79, 87, 89, 95, 103-04,

of inquiry, 416; writs, return of, Ixxxiv, Ixxxvi,

105, 120, 138, 144, 146, 148, 153, 168, 173,

Ixxxvii, see also Dockets of writs returnable,

213, 225, 243, 273, 307, 308, 318, 328, 352,

Dockets of subpoenas returnable.

366, 368, 395, 397, 410, 437, 472, 477, 482,

Clerk of the court (county courts) : acting as

490, 499, 503, 514, 526, 530, 533, 539, 541,

attorney, Ixi; actions for fees, 305, 353, 418,

546, 560, 581, 585, 587, 590, 601, 613; oyer,

509, 540; administrative duties, xxxv-xxxvi;

xcvi-xcvii, 147, 232, 268, 426, 527, 538, 570;

allowances in levy, 279, 542; amercements,

petty jury, xcvii-xcviii, cxiii-cxiv, 29, 74, 76,

ciii; appearance and trial dockets, Ixxxv, 542;

78, 80, 94, 101, 125, 139, 143-44, 153, 174,

arm of Provincial Court, xxxvi; attendance at

204, 206, 224, 235, 237-40, 244, 356, 400, 401,

office, 615; clerical fault, ex; commission, see



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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
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