Calvert County: area restricted, xv; boundary, xv;
499, 524, 549; appearance court, Ixxxiv, Ixxxvi,
coroner, xxxvii; deputy surveyor, xxxiii; dis-
Ixxxix, cv; appearance docket, Ixxxv; argument
loyal subjects, xliv; militia officer, xxvii; sheriff,
of attorneys, xcix; arrest of judgment, civ, cxvi
xxviii, xci; storehouse as prison, 132
101, 125, 140, 198-99, 234, 275, 308-09, 328,
Calvert County Court: attorney, xxxi, xxxii; at-
370; assignment of errors, cxii; attachment,
torneys' fees, xxxi; causes transmitted from, xvi,
Ixvii, Ixxxvi-lxxix, cvi, 16, 31-32, 35, 36, 37,
xcii, cxiii, 16-17, 28, 29, 36, 43, 45, 48, 61, 73,
39-40, 43, 44, 48-49, 54, 56, 63, 64-66, 67-70,
81, 132-33; certificate that slave levy-free, 549;
106-07, 111, 115, 117-19, 120-22, 123-24,
clerks' fees, 288, 296, 298, 3 1 9; chief justice, xxviii;
127-28, 133-34, 160-61, 170-71, 174-75, 179,
completion pending business, xvi; contempt by
184-85, 190-91, 194-95, 196-97, 199-200, 210-
justices, xxix; court house, 208-09; Cranford
11, 215, 216-21, 234-35, 245-47, 251-53,
affair, xxix; deputy clerk, xxxi; judgment, 36,
254-55, 259, 271-72, 280, 285-87, 289, 292,
89-90, 105, 128, 133, 560, 564; justice, xxvii,
295-96, 297-98, 301-02, 305-06, 307-08, 320,
xxxvii; nonsuit, 105; order transmitted from,
321-22, 328-31, 351-52, 358-59, 369-70,
182; orphan's matter, 295; proof of debt before
373-74, 378-79, 386-88, 389-91, 410-12,
two justices, 313; rates of liquors, 575, 607;
414-15, 422-24, 424-29, 431-32, 434-35,
records of, 89-90; records on servant, 294
444-45, 447-48, 450, 454-55, 486-87, 508-10,
Cattle marks, recordation of, 9-11, 60, 112-13,
516, 546, 591, 609-10; attaint, cxiii; auditors,
162, 163, 213, 221, 233, 242, 250, 255, 283, 289,
ci, cii, 214, 243, 250-51, 274, 287-88, 298-99,
327, 348, 361, 376, 395, 404, 417, 428, 492,
312-15, 340, 398, 440, 451, 473, 475, 529,
510, 514, 542, 589, 609
541-42, 575, 576, 597, 599, 606-07; bail below,
Cecil County Court: persons crossing into Penn-
Ixxxiv, Ixxxvi; bail to the sheriff, Ixxxiv, Ixxxvi;
sylvania, Ixviii; practice in, xxxii
bill of exceptions, cxii; bill, use of, lix, Ixxxv,
Charles County: area restricted, xv-xvi; boundary
66, 180, 456, 466, 485, 515, 524; capias ad re-
xv, 4, 15-16; deputy commissary, xxxii; deputy
spondendum, Ixxxiii-lxxxviii, see also dockets of
surveyor, xxvii; Indians within, xxi; Roman
writs returnable; capias ad satisfaciendum, Ixxxvi,
Catholics, xl
cv-cvii, 54, 56, 108, 109, 158-60, 177-78, 210,
Charles County Court: allowances to minister in
246-47, 280-81, 292-93, 321-23, 334, 343-45,
levy, xxxvii; attorney, xxxi; causes transmitted
373, 391-92, 431-32, 454-56, 481, 486-88,
from, xvi; clerk of the court, xxxii, xxxiii; clerk
510, 513, 516-17, 545-46, see also dockets of
of the indictments, xxxi; discharge by proclama-
writs returnable; capiatur, civ; certiorari, cx-
tion, Ixxvii; grand jury summons, Ixxiv; judg-
cxi, 341; challenge of jurors, xcviii; common
ments in, xciii, 557, 559, 562; justice of, xxviii;
bail, Ixxxv; conduct of attorneys, xcix; con-
records, xviii; rules and orders, Ixxxiii-lxxxiv,
duct of suitors, xcix; consent judgment, cii;
Ixxxv, xcviii; trial by justices, xcvii; trial of
costs and charges, Iviii, Ixxxvii, Ixxxix, xciv,
criminal cause, Ixxviii; trial procedure, xcviii;
xcv, xcvi, xcviii, ci-civ, cv, ex, cxiii, 63, 244,
witnesses before grand jury, Ixxv
313, 439, 603; costs and charges awarded de-
Chancellor, see Court of Chancery
fendant, ciii, 29, 74, 82, 86, 90, 94, 96, 125,
Chartered colonies, ix, x
139, 145, 204, 224, 244, 299, 309-10, 332, 378,
Church establishment : attendance of ministers at
401, 413, 469, 476, 531, 567, 576, 580; cross-
county courts, xxxvii; church lands, Ixvii, Ixxiii,
examination, xcix; custom of the court, 83,
248-49, 277-80; church wardens, Ixi, Ixvi; mar-
377; damages, Ix, civ; debts of a higher nature,
riages, Ixvi, Ixviii; parish levies, xlviii, Ixvi, 53,
xciii, 397, 556-60, 562-63, 564-65; declaration,
279, 431 ; parish register, Ixi; reading penal laws,
Ixxxv-lxxxvii, xcvi, cii, cv, 42, 63, 141-42, 193,
Ixxii; tithables, Ixviii; vestries, xlix, Ivi, Ixvii,
355, 427, 428-29; demand for payment, 270-71,
Ixx, 249, 369; vestry clerks, xxxv; vestrymen,
318; demurrer, Ixxxix-xc, xcii, xciii, xcvii, cix,
xxvii-xxviii, xxxi-xxxii, li, Ixi, Ixv, Ixvi, Ixviii
ex, cxv, 81-82, 228-29, 266, 550-53, 577-79,
Civil actions, xlv-xlvi, see also sub Actions
591; devastavit, writ of, ex, 550, 552, discon-
Civil procedure (county courts) : account abated
tinuances, see Actions discontinued; elegit, cvi;
according to rates of liquors, 599, 600; account,
entering judgment, 427-29; essoin, lix; evi-
filing copy, xciv, xcvi; account in bar, xcv-
dence, xcix, 469, 532, 581, 584; examination of
xcvi, 78-79, 172, 274, 530, 533, 575, 581, 585,
defendant by court, 531; execution, see sub
587, 598, 601-07; account, proof of, xciv-
attachment, capias ad satisfaciendum, elegit, extendi
xcvi, 120, 408, 420, 566, 572, 575, 585, 587;
facias, fieri facias, levari facias, scire facias, stay of
affirmations, xcix-c; allowances to witnesses,
execution; extendi facias, cvi; fieri facias, Ixvii,
60, 84, 88, 92, 97, 98, 106, 154-55, 188, 203,
cvi, 157, 344; foreign attachment, Ixxxvi,
227, 242-43, 259, 295, 327, 328, 350, 376, 402,
Ixxxvii; general issue, plea of, Ixxxix, xc-xci,
417, 421-22, 482, 503, 514, 535, 542, 590, 613,
xcv-xcvi, xcvii, xcviii, cii, civ, cv; habeas cor-
615; amendment of plea, xcviii; amercement, c,
pus, cx-cxi, 99-100, 341; injunction, cxiv, 544;
ciii; appeal, cxi-cxiv, 74-75, 168, 237, 240,
imparlances, Ixxxiv-lxxxvi, Ixxxix, cix, 12-13,
319; appearances, Ixxxiv-lxxxv, 12-13, 25-26,
25-26, 47, 63, 113-14, 166-67, 181-82, 215-16,
47, 63, 113-14, 166-67, 181-82, 215-16, 250,
250, 285, 295, 325, 349, 363, 376-77, 396, 436,
285, 295, 325, 349, 363, 376-77, 396, 436, 466,
466, 499, 524, 549; inquest of damages, civ,