Georges County, xi, xv, xxxiii, cxiii; evidence,
VI, c. 12, c. 15, xcviii; 23 Hen. VI, c. 10, Ixxxv;
xcix; execution, cvii-cix; failing to report taxa-
32 Hen. VI, c. 30, xcviii; 3 Hen. VII, c. 1, xli;
ble, xlviii, Ivii, 166; fathering bastard child, xlvi,
19 Hen. VII, c. 9, Ixxxiii; 23 Hen. VIII, c. 10,
see also sub Presentments; fee schedules, xxxv,
Ixxxv; 23 Hen. VIII, c. 15, ciii; 35 Hen. VIII,
xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii-xxxix, xlii, Ixxviii, Ixxxi,
c. 6, Ixxix; 37 Hen. VIII, c. 8, Ixxv; 2 P. & M.
cvi-cvii; fornication, xlvi, Ivi, Ixxiii, 169; grand
c. 13, xli; 4 and 5 P. & M., c. 7, Ixxix; 5 Eliz. I,
juries, Ixxii, Ixxiv, 2, 187, 520; hog stealing,
c. 9, xlvii; 14 Eliz. I, c. 9, Ixxix; 18 Eliz. I, c. 5,
xlviii, Iv, Ixxii, Ixxviii, Ixxix, 548; Indian trade,
Ixii; 18 Eliz. I, c. 14, xcviii; 27 Eliz. I, c. 5, xc,
xlvii, Ix; judicial attendance, xxiii; judicial
xcviii; 28 Eliz. I, c. 5, Ixii; 31 Eliz. I, c. 10,
system, xi; jurisdiction of county courts, Iviii;
Ixii; 4 Jac. I, c. 3, ciii; 21 Jac. I, c. 4, Ixii; 21
jurisdiction of Court of Appeals, xviii; juris-
Jac. I, c. 13, xcviii; 21 Jac. I, c. 23, cxi; 16 and
diction of Provincial Court, xx, Iviii; jurisdiction
17 Car. II, c. 8, xcviii; 22 and 23 Car. II, c. 1
of single justice, xx, Iviii; jurisdiction of two
(Coventry Act), xlv; 22 and 23 Car. II, c. 7,
justices, xxi; keeping court records, xvii-xviii;
xlv; 1 Wm. & Mary, Sess. 1, c. 8, xxiv; 4 and 5
lands, resurvey of, Ixvii; laws of England, xliv-
Wm. & Mary, c. 4, Ixxxv; 7 and 8 Wm. Ill, c.
xlv; limiting appeals, xx, xxii; maintenance of
22, xxiv, Ixii; 7 and 8 Wm. Ill, c. 34, c; 8 and
highways, Ixi, Ixiii-lxiv; marriage with slave,
9 Wm. Ill, c. 11, ciii
xlvi; master-servant relationships, xiii, 182-83;
Administration, letters of, xcvi, 244, 266, 304, 356
militia training, cvii; mistreatment of servant
424, 533, 568
or slave, xlviii; neglect of office, xlvii, Ixi; offic-
Administration of estates of intestates, xxii, xcii-
ers' fees, Ixxx-lxxxi; offices of profit, xxix,
xciii, 23, 61
xxxv-xxxvi, xxxix, xlii; orphans' estates, Ixvi-
Administration of justice, xvii
Ixvii, Ixxii-lxxiii; overseers of highways, Ixiii-
Administrators, actions against, xcii
lxiv; parish levies, Ixvi; parishes established, xi;
Affirmation, use of, xcix
penal statutes, lix-lxii; pressmasters, Ixiv; pri-
Alienation money, 7
ority of debts, xciii; process in criminal causes,
Anne Arundel County: coroner, xxxii; deputy sur-
Ixxiii ; procurement of law books, xxvii ; proof of
veyor, xxxiii; sheriff, xxxii; undersheriff, xxxii
account, xciv; providing appeals, xx; public
Anne Arundel County Court : action in, 145; appeal
roads, Ixiv, Ixix; public tobacco, tampering
from, c; attorney, xxxi, xxxii; clerk of the court,
with, xlvii; reformation of jeofailes, xcvii, cxii;
xxxii; deputy commissary, xxxii; justice, xxxii
refusal to take oath or execute office, xlvii;
Appeals, see sub Court of Appeals, Court of Chan-
regulating appeals, cxi-cxii, 74, 237, 240, 319;
cery, Provincial Court, County Courts, Civil
regulation of offices, xlvii; regulation of or-
procedure, Criminal procedure
dinaires, Ix-lxi, Ixiv, Ixxii, 156, 168, 249; regu-
Apprentices, Ixvii, Ixxii
lation of servants, xlvi, xlvii, Ix, 93, 182, 227,
Arbitration, Ixx, cii, 163-64, 579
233, 346, 613; regulation of slaves, xlvii, xlviii,
Attorney general, xxxii, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxviii, 14,
Ix; remedial statutes, Ix, Ixii-lxiii, 142-44, 235-
215, 430, 435, 615
40; Sabbath violations, Ixi; servant's freedom
Attorney, liberties and privileges, 524, 587
goods, Ixxi; service of process, Ixxxiv; set-off,
Attorneys' fees, action for, lix, 47, 67, 117-18, 219-
xciv-xcv; small debts, Iviii; spreading false re-
21, 267, 305, 331, 364, 418, 509, 540, 587, 610-
ports, xlvii; statute of limitations, xci-xcii, 81,
266, 304, 567; stealing, xlviii, 459, 493-94;
Attorneys in county courts, qualifications of, xcvii
taking horse without leave, Ivi, 484; tenure of
Auditors, see sub Civil procedure
sheriff's office, xxxviii; theft, xlviii, Ixxviii,
Ixxxii; tobacco marketing, xlviii, Ix, 62, 143-44;
Bail, see Recognizances, Mainprize sub Criminal
trespass, xlviii; usury, Ix; weights and measures,
Ixiv; wolf bounties, Ixiv
Baltimore County Court : attorney admitted, xxxi,
Acts of Parliament: Acts of Trade, xxi, xxii, Ixii;
xxxii; contempt, xxiv; fines, xxiv; grand jury
appointing oaths, xxi; local in nature, xlv; mak-
summons, Ixxiv; justices refusing to serve, xxiv;
ing felonies, xlv; Navigation Acts, xviii; penal
nonsuit, c ; orphans' jury, Ixxiii ; parties in propria
statutes, lix; regulatory acts, xviii; where laws
persona, cxv; persons crossing into Pennsylvania,
of province silent, xlv; 4 Ed. I, St. 2 (Statute de
Ixviii; persons found presentable, Ixxvi; rules
officio coronatoris) , xli; 6 Ed. I, c. 1, ciii; 13 Ed. I,
and orders, Ixxxiii-lxxxiv, xcix, cxv; scire facias,
St. 1, c. 31 (Westminster II), xxi, cxii; 13 Ed.
xxiv; trial by justices, xcviii; trial procedure, xciv
I, St. 1, c. 45, cix; 13 Ed. I, St. 2, c. 1 (Statute
Bill of exchange : protested, lix, Ixxxix, xcvi, xcvii,
of Winchester), xliii; 15 Ed. II, c. 1, xxx; 1 Ed.
civ, 148-49, 230-32, 468, 569-71, 603-05; re-
Ill, St. 2, c. 16, xlv; 4 Ed. Ill, c. 2, xlv; 14 Ed.
ferred to, 562; recorded, Ixx, 163, 571
Ill, St. 1, c. 1, xcviii; 25 Ed. Ill, St. 5, c. 17,
Bill of review, xxii
Ixxxiii; 34 Ed. Ill, c. 1, xlv; 36 Ed. Ill, c. 15,
Bill obligatory, see Writing obligatory
xcviii; 4 Hen. IV, c. 18, xxx; 11 Hen. IV, c. 3;
Birth recorded, 348, 519
xcviii; 1 Hen. V, c. 5, Ixxv; 2 Hen. V, St. 1,
Board of Trade, xxvii
c. 2, cxi; 2 Hen. V, St. 1, c. 8, xli; 9 Hen. V,
Bridge, repair of, 350, 375-76, 513-14, 541, 547
St. 1, c. 4, xcviii; 4 Hen. VI, c. 3, xcviii; 8 Hen.
Bridewell, Ixx