Actions: assault, lix, 178, 181, 245, 275, 320, 372,
114-20, 122-25, 126-27, 131-33, 134, 136-39,
392; civil, Ivii; common law, Iviii-lix; covenant,
141-42, 144-46, 147-51, 152-53, 155-61, 166-
lix, ci, 13, 19, 37, 50, 76-78, 176, 181, 209, 245,
67, 171, 173-80, 181-82, 184-86, 189-95, 196-
292, 295, 326, 343, 358, 415-17, 453, 466, 514,
97, 200-01, 203-04, 206-07, 209-11, 215-17,
529, 542, 579; debt, Iviii, lix, Ix, Ixxxiii, Ixxxvi,
219-21, 222-23, 235-40, 242, 245-47, 250-53,
xci, cv, 11-13, 15-20, 26, 31-32, 32-33, 34-36,
260-61, 263-68, 269-275, 280-81, 285, 286-87,
37-40, 45-46, 47, 49-50, 51, 54-58, 59, 64, 69,
289-90, 292-93, 295-96, 298-309, 310-11, 312-
72-73,80,88-89,91-92,97,106-10, 114-16, 119,
19, 320-23, 325, 330-33, 338-39, 340-42,
125-26, 135-36, 139-40, 141-44, 146-47, 151-
343-46, 349, 351-53, 354-57, 357-59, 363-70,
52, 153-54, 155-61, 167-88, 170-71, 172,
371-74, 376-86, 387-88, 389-92, 396-98, 399-
175-79, 181-82, 184, 195-96, 197-98, 199,
402, 403-10, 411-14, 417-22, 423-25, 427-29,
201-02, 205-06, 209-11, 215, 217-18, 233-34,
431-33, 436-41, 445-47, 449-51, 453-56,
240-42, 243-47, 250, 253-54, 258-59, 260-62,
466-69, 470-81, 482-84, 485-88, 499-507, 508,
268-69, 274-75, 280-81, 285, 287-88, 289-90,
509, 510-12, 514-17, 524-32, 533-35, 539-42,
292-93, 295, 297, 301, 310, 311-12, 315-16,
542-46, 549, 555-56, 558-61, 563-71, 572-77,
317, 320-23, 325, 333-38, 339-40, 343-45, 349,
581-89, 590-601, 603-07, 609-13, 616; trespass
351, 353-54, 357, 358-59, 363, 370-71, 372-74,
quare clausum fregit, Iviii; trover and conversion,
376-77, 378, 379, 386, 388, 389-92, 396, 398-
lix, civ, 189-90, 299, 533-35; under remedial
99, 402-03, 410-11, 422-23, 425-27, 429,
statutes, Ixii-lxiii, cxvi, 142-44, 235-40; on
431-33, 436, 441-44, 448-49, 451, 453-56,
writing obligatory, see Writing obligatory, ac-
466-67, 469-70, 481, 482, 485-88, 499-500,
tion on
507-09, 513, 514-17, 526-27, 532-33, 535-39,
Actions abated, 176, 358, 413-14, 485, 591
542-46, 549, 556-58, 561-63, 571-72, 577-79,
Actions agreed, 16, 37, 49, 51, 106, 155-56, 175,
579-81, 607-08, 616; defamation, lix, civ, cxi,
190, 209, 245, 274, 289, 320, 343, 358, 363, 370,
98; detinue, lix, Ixxxiii, civ, 54, 66; detinue sur
388, 429, 456, 485, 515, 524, 543-44, 616
trover, Iviii, lix; ex contractu, cxiv; false imprison-
Actions continued, 16-17, 37, 49-50, 106-07,
ment, Ixii; for breach of Acts of Trade, Ixii;
156, 176, 209, 245, 274-75, 289-90, 320, 326-
indebitatus assumpsit, cxiii; involving title to land,
27, 343, 358, 370, 388, 429, 485, 514-15, 542-43,
xix, xx, xxii, xliii, Ivii-lviii, Ixvii; mixed, xix; on
an account, Ixxxvii, xciii-xciv, cxiii, cxiv, 28,
Actions discontinued, 16, 49, 107, 156, 176, 210,
30-31, 32, 33-34, 45, 46-47, 64-71, 75-76,
245, 320, 343, 358, 363, 485, 544
79-80, 81-82, 85-89, 90-91, 93-97, 101-04,
Actions struck from docket, 37-38, 289, 616
116-18, 119-20, 122-24, 126-28, 137-38, 144-
Acts of Assembly: abuse of office, Ixi; abuses by
46, 147-48, 150-51, 152-53, 171, 173-74, 185-
sheriffs, xli; actions of debt, Ix; actions for debts,
86, 191-93, 194-95, 197, 199-200, 203-04,
xciii, 27 1 ; adjudgment of age of servants, xlviii,
206-07, 219-21, 222-23, 224-27, 252-53, 263-
Ixiv, Ixix, see also sub Servants; administrative
65, 273-74, 286-87, 296, 298, 300-01, 302-03,
officers, xi; adultery, xlvi; allowances to justices,
303-07, 308-09, 312-15, 318-19, 331-33, 340-
xxv; amercements, ciii; appeal to King in Coun-
41, 351-53, 354-55, 363-66, 367-68, 370,
cil, xix; appeals to Provincial Court, cxi-cxii,
378-86, 396-400, 404-10, 411-13, 417-18,
74, 237, 240, 319; appointing court days, xxiii,
419-22, 423-24, 436-37, 439-40, 446-47, 449-
xliv; apprentices, Ixxii; attachments, Ixxxvi-
50, 451, 470-75, 476-78, 479-83, 500-07, 508,
Ixxxvii, see also Civil procedure sub attach-
510-11, 524-26, 528-33, 539-41, 541-42, 555-
ments; bail below, Ixxxvi; bearing bastard child,
56, 558-60, 560-61, 565-66, 572-73, 574-75,
xlvi, Ivi, see also sub Offenses, Presentments;
575-76, 576-77, 581-88, 590-91, 592-601,
blasphemy, xlvi; cattle marking, xv, Ixvi; cattle
605-07, 609, 610-13; on penal statutes, xix-xx,
stealing, xlviii, Iv, 491, 492-93; church lands,
lix-lxii; personal, xix, xx, Ivii-lviii, cxii; popu-
Ixxiii, 248-49, 277; constables, xlii, Ixiii; co-
lar, lix-lxii, cxvi; quantum meruit, cxiii; qui tarn,
roner's office, xli; costs and charges, ciii-civ,
Ix, 177, 181, 209; real, xix? xx, Ivii, Iviii; replevin,
150; county levies, Ixiv, 427-28; court adjourn-
Iviii; statutory, lix-lxiii; trespass, Iviii; trepass
ments, xxiii; court-house lands, 248-49, 277;
on the case, lix, Ixxxiii, Ixxxvi, Ixxxviii-lxxxix,
criminal offenses, xi; debts, proof of, xciv;
xc, xci-xciii, xcv-xcvi, xcvii, c, civ, cxiii, 11-13,
declaration, service of, Ixxxv; defamation of
16-20, 25-26, 28-31, 32, 33-34, 37-40, 45-47,
officers, xlvii; disabled soldiers, Ixiv; economic
49-50, 54-58, 61-63, 64-66, 66-69, 70-72, 73-
regulations, xi, Ix; equitable relief, xxii; estab-
76, 79-84, 85-87, 88-91, 93-105, 106-10,
lished church, xi; establishment of Prince