Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Gaskin,
Winser, Jarvis, 57, 283
William, 487, 505-06
Winser, Jarvis (Wheeler v.), 56, 108, 175
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v.
Winter, Walter v. Glarke, Charles, 322, 325, 345,
Greenup, William, 486, 499, 543, 582-84
Willson, Kathrine, et al,, execs. Willson v. Her-
Withers (Weathers), John (Willson, execs. of v.),
bert, William, xcvi, 486, 543, 584-85
516, 545
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Hill,
Withington, Thomas (Keetch v.), 161, 167, 189-
John and Sarah, admrx. Willson, 502-03
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Hill,
Wood, Joane ([His Majesty] v.), Ivi, Iviw, 111, 112,
William and Sarah, admrx. Willson, 502-03.
See also Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson
Wood, Joseph (Date v.), 56, 63, 156
v. Hill, William and uxor
Wood, Joseph (Stowe v.), 18, 26, 50, 107
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Hill,
Wood, Joseph v. Date, Thomas, 54, 63, 106
William and uxor, 486. See also Willson, Kath-
Wood, Joseph (Veetch v.), 157, 177, 211, 245
rine, et al., execs. Willson v. Hill, William and
Wood, William v. Mockeboy, Matthew, Ixii, 177,
Sarah, admrx. Willson
181, 209
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Joyce,
Woodberry, William, 215
John, 486, 500-02
Woodbridge (tract), 6
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Joyce,
Woodfeild (Woodfield), Deborah, 518, 539, 541
John, admrx. of, 546, 608-09
Woodfeild, Deborah ([His Majesty] v.), Ivi, Ivin,
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Len-
393, 435
nam, John, 487, 510-11
Woodward, John (Barton v.), 280
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Mills,
Woodward (Woodard), John v. Barton, William,
John, 487, 505
247, 248, 250, 281, 282, 289
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Mocke-
Woodward, John v. Biggs, Robert, admr. of, 391,
boy, Matthew, cii, 486, 499, 531-32, 543
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Rooke,
Woodyard, 276
John, xcvi, 516, 600-01
Woollett, Waiter, 58
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Sedge-
Wootton, Simon, admr. of v. Wighte, John and
wick, Elisha, exec. Brothers, 524, 597-99
Ann, 389, 396, 467-69
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Taylor,
Wootton, Symon v. Addison, Joseph, 179, 182,
Nathaniell, 456, 482-83
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Wallker,
Wornall, Ralph, 395
Charles, 546, 611
Wornell, [Mrs. Ralph], 108, 114, 176, 209
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Wil-
Wornell (Worrell), Ralph and uxor (Prisley v.),
liams, Isaac, xcv-xcvi, 486, 499, 543, 585-87,
108, 114, 176,209
Worster,John (Underwood v.), [1], 161, 167, 176
Willson, Kathrine, et al., execs. Willson v. Winger,
Worster,John (Underwood v.), [2], 178, 180, 190-
Joseph, 486, 503-04
91, 211,219,247, 259
Willson (Wilson), Thomas, 10, 11, 111, 216, 374
Worthington, Thomas, Ixxi, 554
Willson, Thomas v. Treacy, — , adrnr. of, 543
Wynn (Winn), John (Bacon v.), 18, 45
Willson, William, 169, 174
Willson, William, admrx. of (Willson, execs. of v.),
Yates, John, 458, 489
502-03. See also Willson, Jonathan, execs. of v.
Yopp, Roger, cix, 180, 212, 248
Hill, William and uxor
Willson, William (His Majesty v.), Ixxv, 111, 112.
Yopp, Roger (Davis v.), cix, 211, 247, 280, 292,
129-30, 175
Wingate, [Edmund], xxxii
Young, George (Carletons v.), 20, 26, 50, 58, 101-
Winger, Joseph, 162, 180, 203, 278
Winger, Joseph (Owen v.), 486, 499, 518, 543, 616
03, 112, 130, 154
Young, Richard, 58
Winger, Joseph v. Taylor, John, 56, 63, 111, 156
Young, Samuell, 369
Winger, Joseph (Willson, execs. of v.), 486, 503-04
Young, William, 395
Winkling, Andrew (Cecell v.), 487, 499, 543
Young, William v. Hay, Charles, [1], 40, 47, 49,
Winkling (Winklin), Andrew (Jowles v.), cix, 281,
107, 111, 146-47, 155,417
284, 294, 319, 322, 487, 499, 543
Young, William v. Hay, Charles, [2], 55, 72