James II, ix, xlix
Jones, William (Cecell v.), 392, 432, 455, 487, 510
James, Thomas, 10, 166, 356, 394, 400, 401, 416,
Jones, William, gar. Catterton (Cecell v.), 329
Jones, William (Hambleton v.), 19, 35-36, 108,
James, Thomas, gar. Vaughun (Tracey, admr. of
v.), 447-48
Jones, William (Parker v.), 392, 432, 455, 487
Jeffrye, Abell, 215
508-09, 538-39
Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, 617
Jones, William v. Beall, Ninian, 515, 524, 616
Jenkins, — , 137
Joseph, William, ix
Jenkins, Jeremiah, 468, 570, 617
Joshling (Josling), John (Charlett, admr. of v.),
Jenkins, John, 215
545, 549
Jenkins, Richard v. Hill, Gilles, 56, 106
Joshling, John (Murth v.), 431, 448-49
Jenkinson, Nathaniell, 456, 566
Jowles,— , 220
Jenkinson (Jenkison), Nathaniell (Mason v.), [1],
Jowles, Henry, ix, cix, 53, 279, 614
18, 39
Jowles, Henry v. Beall, Ninian, [1], 56, 63, 156,
Jenkinson (Jenkison), Nathaniell (Mason v.), [2],
392, 396, 441
Jowles, Henry v. Beall, Ninian, [2], 156, 209
Jenkinson, Nathaniell (Mason v.), [3], 453
Jowles, Henry v. Bennett, John, Jr., cvi, cix, 281,
Jenkinson (Jenkison), Nathaniell (Mason v.), [4],
292, 296-97, 322, 334
516, 544, 600
Jowles, Henry v. Bourneveetch, Jacob, 39, 56, 72-
Jenkinson (Jenkison), Nathaniell (Stone v.), [1],
73, 92, 153-54, 182, 391
18, 56
Jowles, Henry v. Davis, John, cix, 292, 298
Jenkinson (Jenkison), Nathaniell (Stone v.), [2],
Jowles, Henry v. Henry, John, 281, 288-89, 322
Jowles, Henry v. Winkling, Andrew, cix, 281, 284,
Jenkinson (Jenkeson), Nathaniel v. Poartwood,
294, 319, 322, 487, 499, 543
Martin, xcv, 372, 390, 443-44, 560
Joyce, Jane, 608, 609, 614
Jewers, James, 162
Joyce, Jane, admrx. Joyce (Willson et al., exec.
Jewers, James, Jr., 162
Willson v.), 546, 608-09
Jewres, James. See Jures (Jewres), James (His
Joyce, John, xxxvi, xxxvii, liii, 4, 23, 53, 279, 282,
Majesty v.)
295, 402, 614
Joanes, George, 5
Joyce, John, admrx. of (Willson execs. of v.),
Joanes, Richard, 9
545, 608-09
Johnson, Robert (Carletons v.), 359, 363, 388, 429
Joyce, John (Chapman v), [1], 19, 25, 50, 58, 106
Johnson, [Robert] (His Majesty v.), Ixxviiirc
Joyce, John (Chapman v.), [2], 19, 25, 50, 106
Johnson, Robert v. Oates, Thomas, 545
Joyce, John (Taney v.), 154
Johnson, Thomas, 452, 485, 547
Joyce, John v. Chapman, John, 157, 166, 209,
Johnson, William, v. Wheeler, Charles, 12, 18, 38
212, 245, 274
Jones, Edward (Gatton v.), 292, 320
Joyce, John (Willson, execs. ofv.), 486, 500-02
Jones, George, 27, 29, 277, 523
Juers, James, 356
Jones, George v. Onbee, Steven, 110, 157, 175
Jures, Alice, Ivii, Iviin, 350
Jones, George v. Orton, Thomas, 110, 114, 155,
Jures, Alice (His Majesty v.), 347, 349-50
Jures, James, 347, 349, 350
Jones, George v. Swanson, Francis, 17, 37, 49-50,
Jures (Jewres), James (His Majesty v.), 372, 389
107, 156
Jures, James (Hurse v.), 359
Jones, Hannah, 376
Jones, Henry, 282, 293, 323, 345
Kanady, Daniell, 347
Jones, Hugh (Carletons v.), 373, 385-86
Kayre v. Deurat, cv
Jones, Hugh (Mockeboy v.), 322, 325, 357-58
Keble (Keeble), Joseph, xxvii
Jones, Hugh (Taney, exec. ofv.), 109, 128-29, 246
Keech, James, 4, 14, 477, 539
Jones, Moses, 221
Keen, Richard, 385
Jones, Rev.—, 348
Keene, Richard, v. Beall, Ninian, 16, 29-30, 160
Jones, Richard, 58, 248, 282, 531, 605
Keene, Richard v. Mackdaniell, Cato, 16, 37, 49,
Jones, Richard (Mockeboy v.), 55, 106
58, 106, 111, 133-34
Jones, Richard v. Borneveetch, Jacob, 56
Keene, Richard v. Moore, James, 211, 215, 275,
Jones, Richard v. Mockeboy, Matthew, 179, 181,
289, 320
245, 275, 289, 310-11
Keene, Richard v. Swanson, Francis, 45
Jones, Robert (Carmalt v.), 210, 217
Keet, Ben, 610
Jones, Thomas (His Majesty v.), 215
Keetch, James v. Withington, Thomas, 161, 167,
Jones, William, xcvi, 27, 29, 189, 254, 255, 256,
325, 574
Keete, Benjamin, 47
Jones, William (Carletons v.), 373, 390, 431, 446-
Kehone, James, 347
47, 488, 513
Keirsey, Thomas, 347
Jones, William (Catterton, admr. ofv.), xcii, 109,
Keirsteed, Jochem v. Cooper, John, 56, 1 06
158, 166, 209, 245, 265-67
Keirsteed (Keirsted, Kiersteed), Jochem v.