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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
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James II, ix, xlix

Jones, William (Cecell v.), 392, 432, 455, 487, 510

James, Thomas, 10, 166, 356, 394, 400, 401, 416,

Jones, William, gar. Catterton (Cecell v.), 329


Jones, William (Hambleton v.), 19, 35-36, 108,

James, Thomas, gar. Vaughun (Tracey, admr. of


v.), 447-48

Jones, William (Parker v.), 392, 432, 455, 487

Jeffrye, Abell, 215

508-09, 538-39

Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, 617

Jones, William v. Beall, Ninian, 515, 524, 616

Jenkins, — , 137

Joseph, William, ix

Jenkins, Jeremiah, 468, 570, 617

Joshling (Josling), John (Charlett, admr. of v.),

Jenkins, John, 215

545, 549

Jenkins, Richard v. Hill, Gilles, 56, 106

Joshling, John (Murth v.), 431, 448-49

Jenkinson, Nathaniell, 456, 566

Jowles,— , 220

Jenkinson (Jenkison), Nathaniell (Mason v.), [1],

Jowles, Henry, ix, cix, 53, 279, 614

18, 39

Jowles, Henry v. Beall, Ninian, [1], 56, 63, 156,

Jenkinson (Jenkison), Nathaniell (Mason v.), [2],


392, 396, 441

Jowles, Henry v. Beall, Ninian, [2], 156, 209

Jenkinson, Nathaniell (Mason v.), [3], 453

Jowles, Henry v. Bennett, John, Jr., cvi, cix, 281,

Jenkinson (Jenkison), Nathaniell (Mason v.), [4],

292, 296-97, 322, 334

516, 544, 600

Jowles, Henry v. Bourneveetch, Jacob, 39, 56, 72-

Jenkinson (Jenkison), Nathaniell (Stone v.), [1],

73, 92, 153-54, 182, 391

18, 56

Jowles, Henry v. Davis, John, cix, 292, 298

Jenkinson (Jenkison), Nathaniell (Stone v.), [2],

Jowles, Henry v. Henry, John, 281, 288-89, 322


Jowles, Henry v. Winkling, Andrew, cix, 281, 284,

Jenkinson (Jenkeson), Nathaniel v. Poartwood,

294, 319, 322, 487, 499, 543

Martin, xcv, 372, 390, 443-44, 560

Joyce, Jane, 608, 609, 614

Jewers, James, 162

Joyce, Jane, admrx. Joyce (Willson et al., exec.

Jewers, James, Jr., 162

Willson v.), 546, 608-09

Jewres, James. See Jures (Jewres), James (His

Joyce, John, xxxvi, xxxvii, liii, 4, 23, 53, 279, 282,

Majesty v.)

295, 402, 614

Joanes, George, 5

Joyce, John, admrx. of (Willson execs. of v.),

Joanes, Richard, 9

545, 608-09

Johnson, Robert (Carletons v.), 359, 363, 388, 429

Joyce, John (Chapman v), [1], 19, 25, 50, 58, 106

Johnson, [Robert] (His Majesty v.), Ixxviiirc

Joyce, John (Chapman v.), [2], 19, 25, 50, 106

Johnson, Robert v. Oates, Thomas, 545

Joyce, John (Taney v.), 154

Johnson, Thomas, 452, 485, 547

Joyce, John v. Chapman, John, 157, 166, 209,

Johnson, William, v. Wheeler, Charles, 12, 18, 38

212, 245, 274

Jones, Edward (Gatton v.), 292, 320

Joyce, John (Willson, execs. ofv.), 486, 500-02

Jones, George, 27, 29, 277, 523

Juers, James, 356

Jones, George v. Onbee, Steven, 110, 157, 175

Jures, Alice, Ivii, Iviin, 350

Jones, George v. Orton, Thomas, 110, 114, 155,

Jures, Alice (His Majesty v.), 347, 349-50


Jures, James, 347, 349, 350

Jones, George v. Swanson, Francis, 17, 37, 49-50,

Jures (Jewres), James (His Majesty v.), 372, 389

107, 156

Jures, James (Hurse v.), 359

Jones, Hannah, 376


Jones, Henry, 282, 293, 323, 345

Kanady, Daniell, 347

Jones, Hugh (Carletons v.), 373, 385-86

Kayre v. Deurat, cv

Jones, Hugh (Mockeboy v.), 322, 325, 357-58

Keble (Keeble), Joseph, xxvii

Jones, Hugh (Taney, exec. ofv.), 109, 128-29, 246

Keech, James, 4, 14, 477, 539

Jones, Moses, 221

Keen, Richard, 385

Jones, Rev.—, 348

Keene, Richard, v. Beall, Ninian, 16, 29-30, 160

Jones, Richard, 58, 248, 282, 531, 605

Keene, Richard v. Mackdaniell, Cato, 16, 37, 49,

Jones, Richard (Mockeboy v.), 55, 106

58, 106, 111, 133-34

Jones, Richard v. Borneveetch, Jacob, 56

Keene, Richard v. Moore, James, 211, 215, 275,

Jones, Richard v. Mockeboy, Matthew, 179, 181,

289, 320

245, 275, 289, 310-11

Keene, Richard v. Swanson, Francis, 45

Jones, Robert (Carmalt v.), 210, 217

Keet, Ben, 610

Jones, Thomas (His Majesty v.), 215

Keetch, James v. Withington, Thomas, 161, 167,

Jones, William, xcvi, 27, 29, 189, 254, 255, 256,


325, 574

Keete, Benjamin, 47

Jones, William (Carletons v.), 373, 390, 431, 446-

Kehone, James, 347

47, 488, 513

Keirsey, Thomas, 347

Jones, William (Catterton, admr. ofv.), xcii, 109,

Keirsteed, Jochem v. Cooper, John, 56, 1 06

158, 166, 209, 245, 265-67

Keirsteed (Keirsted, Kiersteed), Jochem v.



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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
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