Letchworth, Joseph, 43, 160, 179, 210, 247, 280,
Knowles, James v. Addis, Richard, 107, 114
Kunholt, John, 348
Keirsteed, Jochem v. Phillmore, William, 18, 26,
50, 106
Lamar, Thomas, li, 15, 294
Kelly, Bryan, 362
Lamarr, Thomas, 278
Kelly, John, 362
Lambard, [William], xlv
Kempton, William, 346
Lancaster,— (Small v.), 372
Keneston, — , 385
Langley, Capt. — , 149
Keniston, Deborah, 616
Lanman, John, 57, 58
Keniston (Keneston, Kenneston), Deborah,
Lannam, John, 283, 350
admrx. Keniston (Taney v.), 487, 507-08
Lannam, John, Jr. 283
Keniston (Keneston), Deborah (Thought v.),
Lannam, Richard, 283
Ixxii, 554
Lannam, Thomas, 283
Keniston (Keneston), Thomas, 8, 111, 113, 284,
Largo (tract), 7
285, 324, 347, 389
Larkin, John, 599
Keniston (Keneston, Kenestone), Thomas, admrx.
Larkin, John v. Robinson, Robert, 293, 294, 301
of (Taney v.), 487, 507-08
Law, Mary, 12, 21, 41, 58, 111, 155
Keniston, Thomas (Ball v.), Ixiii, 210, 215, 275,
Lawrence, Thomas, 231
Lawrence (Laurence), Sir Thomas, xxxii, xxxiv,
Keniston, Thomas (Forrest v.), 247, 250, 282, 290,
xxxivn, 41, 43, 63, 165, 279, 360, 361
294, 320
Leafe, Francis (Carletons v.), 161, 176
Keniston, Thomas, gar. Macdaniell (Keene v.),
Leake, Richard, 457
16, 37, 49, 58, 106, 111, 133-34
Lecount, John, 275, 276, 290, 291
Keniston, Thomas (His Majesty v.), lii, 21, 24, 39
Lee, Edward, 53
Keniston (Kinniston), Thomas (Simons v.), 4,
Lee, John, 283
182, 212, 242, 248
Lee, William, 64, 180, 203, 208, 283, 284 285
Keniston (Keneston), Thomas v. Groome, Wil-
325, 327, 491
liam, 389, 428
Lee, William v. Bemerton, Miller, 516, 543
Keniston, Thomas v. Wayford, William [1], 16, 37
Leech, John, Jr., 294
Keniston, Thomas v. Wayford, William, [2], 16,
Leifsley, Elizabeth, 279
Leman (Lemon), Hickford (Hutchison v.) 515,
Kenniston, Thomas, 5
524, 616
Kent County, xvi, xx, Ivii, Ixxixra, Ixxxiii
Leman (Lemon), Hickford (Mathews v.) 515,
Kerstead, — , admrx. of v. Davis, David, Sr., 516,
524, 605
524, 616
Leman, Hickford v. Dent, William, 358, 363
Key, James, 362
Lenam, John, 458
Keyser (Keysey), Timothy, and Go. v. Bigger,
Lenham, John, 491, 493, 495
Wallter, 545, 608
Lennam, John, 444, 615
Kilburne (Kilburn), Richard, xxviii, xxxii
Lennam, John (Brothers v.), 432, 436, 482, 485
Kilburne (Kilborne, Killburne), Richard v.
Lennam, John (Willson, execs. of v.), 487, 510-11
Harbert, Alexander, [1], 20, 26, 50, 107, 145-
Leonard, Henry, Ixxin
46, 247
Letchworth, Joseph (Bourman, Sr. v.), 56, 108,
Kilburne (Kilborne, Killburne), Richard v.
Harbert, Allexander, [2], 20, 26, 50, 107, 156
Letchworth, Joseph (Brightwell v.), 20, 36
Killow (Killowe), John (Marsham v.), 55, 106
Letchworth, Joseph (Charlett, admr. of v.), 246,
Killow, John v. Rought — , admr. of, 57
252-53, 280, 286
Kilty, John, xliiiw, xlvn, Ixxvw, Ixxxiiiw, xcviiirc,
Letchworth, Joseph (Dunkin v.), 344, 358
ciiin, cxin, cxiin, cxvi
Letchworth (Letchwith), Joseph (Dunkin, admrx.
King, Henry, 385, 389, 534
of v.), 372, 378-79, 391
King, Henry (Ivey et al. v.), 18, 37
Letchworth (Letchwith), Joseph (Hackett v.),
King, John v. Newport, DanieU, 372, 390, 431
344, 351-52, 359, 374, 431
King, John v. Simkeson, David, 372, 390
Letchworth, Joseph (Keirsteed v.), 43, 160, 179,
King, Walter, 222
210, 247, 280, 285-86
King, William v. Cooper, William, admr. of, 210,
Lewen, Phillip, 327
215, 275, 282, 289, 293, 320
Lewin, Phillip, 394, 400, 401, 416, 493, 495
Kingsbury, James v. Tracey, Teague, 55, 107,
Lewis, John, 510
114, 155
Lewis, Matthew, 39, 53
Kingsbury (Kingsberry), James v. Willson,
Lewis, Matthew (Biggs v.), 157
Jonathan, 557, 559, 562, 564
Lewis, Matthew (Cecell v.), 157
Kinsland, William, 376
Lewis, Matthew v. Biggs, Robert, 17, 39, 50, 91-
Kinton, Edward, xc
92, 109
Kinton, Edward v. Wapple, James, xc, 322, 334-
Lewis, Nicholas (Carletons v.), 373, 379-80
35, 344
Lewis, Nicholas (Prather v.), 374, 388