Hughes, Thomas, xxviii, xxxii, 4, 5, 13, 26, 27,
Hutchison (Hutcheson), William v. Leman,
28, 29, 34, 62, 82, 83, 87, 89, 97, 138
Hicford, 515, 524, 616
Hughes, Timothy, 346
Hyatt, Charles, 183, 325, 348, 356, 389
Hulse, Richard (Cecell v.), 56, 179, 181, 245, 271-
Hyatt (Hyat), Charles (Deavor, admr. of v.), [1],
247, 281, 292, 295, 343, 358, 370
Hulse, Richard, et al. v. Willesey, Phillip, 39, 47,
Hyatt, Charles (Deavor, admr. of v.), [2], 247
Hyde, Elizabeth, 348
Hulse, Richard, et al. v. Willesey, Phillip, exec.
Hyde, Hannah, 348
Fry, 39, 47, 104
Hyde, Ruth, admr. of (Charlett, admr. of v.),
Hulse (Hulce), Richard (Small v.), 107, 115, 157,
246, 251, 290, 315
Hyde (Hye), Ruth, admr. of (Greere, admr. of v.),
Hulse, Richard (Tracey v.), Hxn, 54, 109, 122
210, 215-16, 272
Hume, John v. Henry, James, 344, 349, 352-53
Hyde, Thomas, 22
Hunt, Col.—, 58
Hunt, Cornelius (Carmalt v.), 159, 177, 209
Inglesby, Robert, 221
Hunt, Cornelius ([His Majesty] v.), 188, 212, 247
Ireland, xxiv, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 22, 41, 51, 59, 62,
Hunt, Cornelius (Millsteed v.) , 107, 155
112, 162, 181, 186, 212, 235, 238, 248, 276, 282,
Hunt, Dr.—, 22
291, 294, 324, 346, 359, 375, 393, 429, 434, 457,
Hunt, Wolfrim (Paggen and Co. v.), 343
489, 518, 519, 520, 546, 553
Hunt, Wolfrim v. Prather, William, [1], 161, 178,
Isaack, Joseph, [Jr.], 325
Isaack, Joseph, [Sr.], 325
Hunt, Wolfrim v. Prather, William, [2], 373, 386
Isack, Richard, 10
Hunter, Mary, 162, 180, 212, 248
Ivey, Daniell, et al. v. Chapman, John, xciv, 453,
Hunter, William, 64, 1 12, 346
466, 514, 543, 572-73
Hunter, William (Clarke v.), 456, 514-15
Ivey (luey), Daniell, et al. v. Jackson, William,
Hunter, William (Norris v.), 179, 181, 245, 271
108, 114, 176,209,224-25
Hunter, William (Stone v.), 454, 482
Ivey, Daniell, et al. v. King, Henry, 18, 37
Hunter, William v. Elliott, William, 157, 166, 209,
Jackson, — , and Co. v. Brothers, — , exec. of, 516,
Hunter, William v. Marsh, Gilbert, 157, 178, 209
Hunter, William v. Norris, John, [1], 157, 166,
Jackson, — , and Co. v. Mockeboy, Matthew, 433,
209, 245, 275, 289, 308-09, 486, 512
436, 485
Hunter, William v. Norris, John, [2], 486, 512
Jackson, — , and Co. v. Sporne, Nicholas, 515, 543,
Kurd, Andrew (Beall v.), 55, 109, 178, 182, 234-
Jackson, — , and Co. v. Wheeler, Charles, 546
Jackson, George (Bayley v.), 389, 456, 485
Kurd, Andrew (Phillmore v.), 109, 123-24, 160,
Jackson, Joseph, and Co., xxviii, lix
Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Addison, Joseph, 433,
Hurle, Daniell (Smith v.), 55, 106
436, 485, 514, 525-26
Hurle, Daniell v. Gibbs, Samuell, 18, 37
Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Anderson, Robert,
Hurle (Hurley), Daniell (Watts v.), 432, 476-77
Hurse, Daniell v. Jures, James, 359
Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Cash, John, 454, 480-
Hurst, John, 145, 146
Husband, William, 368
Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Chaffee, Richard,
Hussey, Thomas v. Athey, George, 55, 63, 151-52,
admr. of, 488, 499, 543, 590-92
177, 210, 247, 280
Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Chapman, John, [1],
Hussey (Hussy), Thomas v. Warrington, Joseph,
391, 396, 469-70
55, 108, 114, 176,209
Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Chapman, John, [2],
Hutcheson, — , 47
391, 396, 485, 514, 542, 545, 560-61
Hutcheson, George, 60, 61
Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Gaskin, William, 454,
Hutcheson, George (Stowe v.), 19, 37
Hutcheson, Ruth ([His Majesty] v.), Ivi, Ivin, 458,
Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Groome, William,
485, 497
322, 343
Hutchings, Francis, 313
Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Hall, Joshua, 373
Hutchison,— , 86, 610
Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Murdock, John,
Hutchison (Hutcheson, Hutchinson), William,
546, 612-13
xv, xxiv, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, xlii, Ixviii, ci, 1,2,4,
Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Prather, Thomas, 373
6, 14, 15, 22, 26, 38, 47, 51, 52, 53, 57, 59, 60,72,
Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Vaughun, Thomas,
279, 294, 323, 345, 519, 520, 547, 553, 560, 589,
[1], 391,422-23, 431
590, 597, 599, 600, 613, 614, 616, 617
Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Vaughun, Thomas,
Hutchison (Hutcheson), William (Sporne v.),
[2], 392, 423-24,431
454, 466, 514, 543, 616
Jackson, William (Ivey el al. v.), 108, 114, 176,
Hutchison (Hutcheson), William v. Furguson,
209, 224-25
Hugh, 432, 472-73
Jamaica, xxxi