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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
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Hughes, Thomas, xxviii, xxxii, 4, 5, 13, 26, 27,

Hutchison (Hutcheson), William v. Leman,

28, 29, 34, 62, 82, 83, 87, 89, 97, 138

Hicford, 515, 524, 616

Hughes, Timothy, 346

Hyatt, Charles, 183, 325, 348, 356, 389

Hulse, Richard (Cecell v.), 56, 179, 181, 245, 271-

Hyatt (Hyat), Charles (Deavor, admr. of v.), [1],


247, 281, 292, 295, 343, 358, 370

Hulse, Richard, et al. v. Willesey, Phillip, 39, 47,

Hyatt, Charles (Deavor, admr. of v.), [2], 247


Hyde, Elizabeth, 348

Hulse, Richard, et al. v. Willesey, Phillip, exec.

Hyde, Hannah, 348

Fry, 39, 47, 104

Hyde, Ruth, admr. of (Charlett, admr. of v.),

Hulse (Hulce), Richard (Small v.), 107, 115, 157,

246, 251, 290, 315


Hyde (Hye), Ruth, admr. of (Greere, admr. of v.),

Hulse, Richard (Tracey v.), Hxn, 54, 109, 122

210, 215-16, 272

Hume, John v. Henry, James, 344, 349, 352-53

Hyde, Thomas, 22

Hunt, Col.—, 58


Hunt, Cornelius (Carmalt v.), 159, 177, 209

Inglesby, Robert, 221

Hunt, Cornelius ([His Majesty] v.), 188, 212, 247

Ireland, xxiv, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 22, 41, 51, 59, 62,

Hunt, Cornelius (Millsteed v.) , 107, 155

112, 162, 181, 186, 212, 235, 238, 248, 276, 282,

Hunt, Dr.—, 22

291, 294, 324, 346, 359, 375, 393, 429, 434, 457,

Hunt, Wolfrim (Paggen and Co. v.), 343

489, 518, 519, 520, 546, 553

Hunt, Wolfrim v. Prather, William, [1], 161, 178,

Isaack, Joseph, [Jr.], 325


Isaack, Joseph, [Sr.], 325

Hunt, Wolfrim v. Prather, William, [2], 373, 386

Isack, Richard, 10

Hunter, Mary, 162, 180, 212, 248

Ivey, Daniell, et al. v. Chapman, John, xciv, 453,

Hunter, William, 64, 1 12, 346

466, 514, 543, 572-73

Hunter, William (Clarke v.), 456, 514-15

Ivey (luey), Daniell, et al. v. Jackson, William,

Hunter, William (Norris v.), 179, 181, 245, 271

108, 114, 176,209,224-25

Hunter, William (Stone v.), 454, 482

Ivey, Daniell, et al. v. King, Henry, 18, 37

Hunter, William v. Elliott, William, 157, 166, 209,



Jackson, — , and Co. v. Brothers, — , exec. of, 516,

Hunter, William v. Marsh, Gilbert, 157, 178, 209


Hunter, William v. Norris, John, [1], 157, 166,

Jackson, — , and Co. v. Mockeboy, Matthew, 433,

209, 245, 275, 289, 308-09, 486, 512

436, 485

Hunter, William v. Norris, John, [2], 486, 512

Jackson, — , and Co. v. Sporne, Nicholas, 515, 543,

Kurd, Andrew (Beall v.), 55, 109, 178, 182, 234-

Jackson, — , and Co. v. Wheeler, Charles, 546


Jackson, George (Bayley v.), 389, 456, 485

Kurd, Andrew (Phillmore v.), 109, 123-24, 160,

Jackson, Joseph, and Co., xxviii, lix


Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Addison, Joseph, 433,

Hurle, Daniell (Smith v.), 55, 106

436, 485, 514, 525-26

Hurle, Daniell v. Gibbs, Samuell, 18, 37

Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Anderson, Robert,

Hurle (Hurley), Daniell (Watts v.), 432, 476-77


Hurse, Daniell v. Jures, James, 359

Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Cash, John, 454, 480-

Hurst, John, 145, 146


Husband, William, 368

Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Chaffee, Richard,

Hussey, Thomas v. Athey, George, 55, 63, 151-52,

admr. of, 488, 499, 543, 590-92

177, 210, 247, 280

Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Chapman, John, [1],

Hussey (Hussy), Thomas v. Warrington, Joseph,

391, 396, 469-70

55, 108, 114, 176,209

Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Chapman, John, [2],

Hutcheson, — , 47

391, 396, 485, 514, 542, 545, 560-61

Hutcheson, George, 60, 61

Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Gaskin, William, 454,

Hutcheson, George (Stowe v.), 19, 37


Hutcheson, Ruth ([His Majesty] v.), Ivi, Ivin, 458,

Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Groome, William,

485, 497

322, 343

Hutchings, Francis, 313

Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Hall, Joshua, 373

Hutchison,— , 86, 610

Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Murdock, John,

Hutchison (Hutcheson, Hutchinson), William,

546, 612-13

xv, xxiv, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, xlii, Ixviii, ci, 1,2,4,

Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Prather, Thomas, 373

6, 14, 15, 22, 26, 38, 47, 51, 52, 53, 57, 59, 60,72,

Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Vaughun, Thomas,

279, 294, 323, 345, 519, 520, 547, 553, 560, 589,

[1], 391,422-23, 431

590, 597, 599, 600, 613, 614, 616, 617

Jackson, Joseph, and Co. v. Vaughun, Thomas,

Hutchison (Hutcheson), William (Sporne v.),

[2], 392, 423-24,431

454, 466, 514, 543, 616

Jackson, William (Ivey el al. v.), 108, 114, 176,

Hutchison (Hutcheson), William v. Furguson,

209, 224-25

Hugh, 432, 472-73

Jamaica, xxxi



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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
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