Creycroft, Ignatias, 72, 73, 92, 109, 161, 167, 182,
Davis, John, cix, 19, 53, 113, 125, 129, 139, 144,
153, 180, 211, 224, 258, 323, 356, 362, 417, 444,
Creycroft, Ignatias, gar. (Fernleyv.), 176, 307-08
459, 471, 476, 518, 523, 598
Creycroft, Ignatias (Trueman, admrx. of v.), 281,
Davis, John (Addis v.), 56, 63, 142
282, 285, 293, 320, 323, 343, 345, 349, 350, 355-
Davis, John (Barrow v.), 17, 30-31
Davis, John (Battson v.), 372, 378, 391
Creycroft (Creycoft), John (Marsham v.), 158,
Davis, John (Box v.), 293, 320
161, 175
Davis, John (Bradley v.), 433, 436, 453, 514, 541-
Creycroft, John v. Tracey, Charles, 110, 114, 176
Crofts, Henry (Carletons v.), Ixi, 292, 295, 340-41
Davis, John (Carletons v.), 516, 524
Croke, Reports, xxxii
Davis, John (Deakins v.), 391, 421-22
Crotoffe (Crotehoofe, Crothoffe, Crotoff), Cortney
Davis, John, gar. Chappie (Deakins v.), 330
(Cobb v.), 373, 386-87, 389, 434-35, 456, 518
Davis, John (Groome v.), lixw, 178, 181, 245, 275,
Crotoffe, Cortney (Edwards v.), [1], 166, 209,
245, 261-62
Davis, John ([His Majesty] v.), [1], 8
Crotoffe (Crotoff), Cortney (Edwards v.), [2], 281,
Davis, John (His Majesty v.), [2], lii, 392, 394-95,
285, 294, 320
Crotoffe, Cortney (Groome v.), 55, 63, 156, 176,
Davis, John (Jowles v.), 292, 298
209, 245, 274-75, 289, 290, 306-07, 321
Davis, John (Sporne v.), 431, 449-50
Crotoffe (Crotoff), Cortney (Hollyday v.), 12, 13,
Davis, John (Trueman, admrx. of v.), [1], 178,
180, 181, 245, 275, 289, 320, 323, 345, 358
Crotoffe, Cortney (Meriton v.), 159, 161, 175,
Davis, John (Trueman, admrx. of v.), [2], 178,
322, 323, 343
181, 245, 275, 289, 310, 391
Crotoffe (Crotofe, Crotoff), Cortney (Parker v.),
Davis, John (Underwood v.), 155
12, 13, 37, 50, 90-91, 92, 159, 323
Davis, John v. Garrett, John, cxiii, 178, 182, 193-
Crotoffe, Cortney v. Carter, John, 109
94, 238-40, 242
Crotoffe, Cortney v. Edwards, Richard, 18, 25,
Davis, John v. Sedgewick, Elisha, 545, 549
50, 106
Davis, John v. Wapple, James, 12, 16
Culver (Cullver), Henry, 10, 163, 394, 400, 401,
Davis, Mary, 283
416, 444
Davis, Mary (His Majesty v.), Iviin, 21, 39
Culver (Cullver), Henry v. Small, David, [1], xc,
Davis, Nicholas, 490, 547
390, 413-14
Davis, Symon, 215
Culver (Cullver), Henry v. Small, David, [2],
Davis, Thomas, cix, 5, 58, 59, 92, 97, 248, 283,
305, 389, 452, 614
Curry, John, 84
Davis, Thomas (Beall v.), 160, 167, 206-07
Cutler, William, 232, 327
Davis, Thomas (Carletons v.), 517
Davis, Thomas (Charlett, admr. of v.), 179, 195-
Dafforne, Thomas, 275, 276
96, 392, 425, 432, 455, 487, 510
Dalton, [Michael], xxvii, xxxii, xlv, Ixxvra, Ixxvi
Davis, Thomas v. Yopp, Roger, cix, 211, 247, 280,
Danellson (Daniellson), Daniell, 10, 166, 168,
292, 296
255, 277, 284, 285, 325
Davis, William, 452, 609
Danellson, Daniell v. Mockeboy, Matthew, 293,
Davis, William (Phillmore v.), 39, 47, 57, 58, 106
321, 323, 343
Davis, William (Wakeling v.), cvn, 322, 325, 358,
Daniell, Miles, 389
370, 388
Dannill, Thomas, 302
Davis, William (Wells v.), 516, 545, 549
Darnall (Darnell), Henry, 5, 7, 12, 52, 163, 490,
Davison, Daniell, 491
Dawney, Cecilla v. Beall, Ninian, 16, 37, 49, 106-
Darnell, William, ix
07, 156
Date, Thomas ([His Majesty] v.), lv, 38
Dawson (Dauson), Edward, 11, 113, 166, 255,
Date, Thomas (Soaper v.), 54, 106, 110, 157, 166,
284, 285, 325, 375, 393, 523
209, 245, 264-65
Day, Mary v. Ryley, Hugh, Ixxi, Ixxii, 211, 233
Date, Thomas v. Wood, Joseph, 56, 63, 156
Deacres, William, 294
Date, Thomas (Wood v.), 54, 63, 106
Deakins, John, 112, 212, 242, 295, 323, 345, 348,
Davice, Hester, 609
356, 359, 362, 374, 376, 394, 400, 401, 402, 416,
Davis, Charles, 9
Davis, David, 51, 452, 453, 523, 554, 609, 615
Deakins, John (Ashforth v.), 19, 26, 50, 107, 141
Davis, David (Underwood v.), 110, 114
Deakins, John (Chappie v.), cv, 178, 181, 212,
Davis, David, Jr. (Willson, execs. of v.), 517, 524,
233-34, 243, 275, 289, 309-10
590, 616
Deakins, John, gar. Groome (Brooke v.), 444-45
Davis, David, Sr. (Kerstead, admrx. of v.), 516,
Deakins, John v. Ashforth, Michael, 11, 13, 20,
524, 616
37, 41, 50, 57, 58, 75-76, 78-79, 84, 106
Davis, Honnour (Honnor), 162, 180, 212, 248,
Deakins, John v. Brightwell, Richard, 17, 25, 50,
259, 451
96-97, 109