Deakins, John v. Brothers, — , admr. of, 515, 543
Doegen, John, 89
Deakins, John v. Chappie, Allexander, 322, 330,
Doleberry, William, 215
373, 390, 431
Dorchester County, xi, xx, Ixv
Deakins (Dekins), John v. Davis, John, 391, 421-
Dorsett, John, 11, 389, 518, 523
Dorsett, John v. Bayley, Richard, admr. of, 281,
Deakins (Dekins), John v. Rothery, William, 372,
285, 320
Dorsey, John, 225, 369
Deavor (Dever), John v. Hackett, John, 454, 478
Dosen, Edward, 433
Deavor, John (Willson, execs. of v.), 546, 549
Dossett, John, 125, 129, 139, 144, 153
Deavor (Deaver, Deavour), Richard, admr. of v.
Dossett, John (Charlett, admr. of v.), 154
Hyatt, Charles, [1], 247, 281, 292, 295, 343, 358,
Dovall, Mareen. See Devall, Mareen.
Dove, Mary, 324, 328, 374
Deavor, Richard, admr. of v. Hyatt, Charles, [2],
Dove, Robert, 21, 41 ~ ~_
Down, Edward, 389
Decline, Derick, 459
Downing, Thomas, 293
Decres, — , 595
Downton (Dounton, Downtown), John, 459, 471,
Dehiniosa (Deliniosa), Alexander v. Webb,
Humphrey, 488, 515
Dowson, John (Mockeboy v.), 433
Dehjnjosey (Dehynjosue), Allexander v. Murfy,
Dowton, Thomas (Mockeboy v.), 455, 485
John, 281, 292, 320
Dreine, Anthony, 489, 514
Delancy (Delency), Stephen, and Co. v. Vaughun,
Dreyden, Henry, 125, 129, 139
Thomas, 392, 426-27, 432
Dreyden (Dryden), Henry (Browne v.), 322, 344,
Demall (Demiall, Domall), John, 12, 21, 40, 58,
349, 367-68
74, 76, 78, 80, 94, 101, 111, 113, 155, 282, 347,
Dreyden (Dryden), Henry (Cecell v.), 372, 390
517, 523, 590
Dreyden (Dryden), Henry (Fernley v.), 391
Denmark, Prince George of, xv
Dreyden (Draden, Dryden), Henry (Herbert v.),
Dennis, Phillip v. Prather, William, lixn, ci, 455,
xci, 246, 250, 290, 316-17, 321, 344, 373
456, 466, 488, 514, 518, 529, 541, 542, 579
Dreyden, Henry (Willson v.), 17, 49 ~
Denonghow, Barthollomew, 347
Dreyden (Dryden), Henry (Willson, execs. of v.),
Dent, Thomas, xxxiv
486, 546
Dent, William, xxiw, xxx, xxi, xxxivw, xxvi, 32,
Duley, Thomas, 106
220, 395, 435
Duley (Duly), Thomas ([His Majesty] v.), Iv, 84-
Dent, William (Gambra v.), 159, 162, 177, 180,
85,93,97, 105, 113
210, 212, 215, 248, 274
Duncan, John, 595
Dent, William (Leman v.), 358, 363
Dunhue, Mary, Iviiw, 490
Dent, William (Motterstead v.), [1], 392, 396, 441
Dunhue, Mary ([His Majesty] v.), Iviirc, 548
Dent, William (Motterstead v.), [2], 454, 466,
Dunkin, John, Ixxxviii, 36, 169, 174, 313
514, 543, 574-75
Dunkin, John, admrx. of v. Letchworth, Joseph,
Dent, William v. Mockeboy, Matthew, [1], 19,
372, 378-79, 391
26, 46-47
Dunkin, John, gar. Letchworth (Charlett, admr.
Dent, William v. Mockeboy, Matthew, [2], 546,
of v.), 286
Dunkin, John, gar. Letchworth (Brightwell v.),
Dent, William v. Padgett, Thomas, 293, 321, 331-
Ixxxviii, 36
Dunkin, John, gar. Letchworth (Keirsteed v.),
Dent, William v. Ryley, Hugh, 546, 610-11
Dent, William v. Stevens, Joseph, 17, 35, 39, 44
Dunkin, John (Trueman, admrx. of v.), 175
Dent, William v. Swanson, Francis, 18, 26
Dunkin, John v. Letchworth, Joseph, 344, 358
Denton, Henry, 6, 214, 222, 325, 369
Dunkin, Sarah, admrx. Dunkin v. Letchworth,
Devall, John, 347
Joseph, 372, 378-79, 391
Devall (Dovall), Mareen (Marine, Marreen,
Dunnington (Dunington), Francis (Bayne v.),
Morreen, Murreen), 15, 125, 129, 139, 144,
456, 481
164, 248, 282, 325, 347, 362, 453, 456, 458, 489,
Durant, Francis, 566
491, 548
Durham, Francis (Brightwell v.), 18, 25, 50, 58,
Devall, Mareen (Marine), (Carletons v.), 373, 386
80-81, 84
Devall, Mareen (Marine), (Willson, execs. of v.),
Durham, Palatinate of, ix
487, 504-05
Durrham, Francis, 5
Dew, Ninian, 99, 100, 283
Dholohundee, John, 393
Earle,— , 341
Dickeson, Mary, 221
Eastern Branch (Potomac River), xxviii, 259
Dickison, John, 221
Eastern Shore, xixn, xxxii
Dickison, Thomas, 221
Edlin, Richard v. Rothery, William, 157, 166, 199
Dixon, Thomas (His Majesty v.), [1], 215
Edlow, Joseph (His Majesty v.), [1], 215
Dixon, Thomas (His Majesty v.), [2], 215
Edlow, Joseph (His Majesty v.), [2], 215