Glarvoe, Francis (Furguson v.), 292, 297
Conley, William, Hi, 8, 10, 15, 97, 183, 211, 224,
Clawson, Thomas, 137
234, 237, 240, 243, 244, 323, 325, 328, 345, 347,
Cleborne, William (His Majesty v.), 215
356, 359, 374, 376, 389, 392, 394, 395, 410, 458,
Cleggett, Thomas, 495
463, 498, 518, 534
Clifford, Abigail, 188, 517, 554, 555, 560
Conley, William, gar. Worster (Underwood v.),
Clifford, Abigail (His Majesty v.), [1], Ivi, Ivin, 15,
211, 219,259
Conley (Conlie, Conly), William v. Addis, Rich-
Clifford, Abigail (His Majesty v.), [2], Ivi, Ivin,
ard, 16, 34-35, 54
523, 549
Connell, Daniell, 5, 124, 166, 248, 395
Clifford, Abigail v. Smith, Anthony, 158
Connell, Daniell (Marsh v.), 432
Clifford (Cliffoard), John, 560
Connell, Daniell (Willson, execs. of v.), 517, 543
Clowder, William ([His Majesty] v.), 523
Connell, James, 118
Coach Road, 4, 15
Constable, Henry, 369
Cobb, James, cii, 313
Coode (Good), John, ix, xi, xli, xlviii, Ixix, 325
Cobb, John, 433
Cooke, Edward, 98
Cobb, John, and Co. v. Brothers, — , exec. of, 517,
Gooke, Thomas v. Prather, Jonathan, 390
524, 543
Cooksey, Samuell (His Majesty v.), 215
Cobb, John v. Crotoffe, Cortney, 373, 386-87,
Cooper,—, 489
389, 434-35, 518
Cooper, Benjamin, 276
Cock, Nicholas (Orall v.), 515, 545
Cooper, John (Charlett, admr. of v.), 246, 250,
Cockwell, William, 614
289, 320, 324, 328, 343
Coghill (Cogghill), James, 111, 161, 180, 324
Cooper, John (Keirsteed v.), 56, 106
Coghill, William, 1 12, 491, 493, 495
Cooper, Martha, 458
Coghill (Coghell), William (Bullary v.), 159, 201-
Cooper, William, xvi, xxxiii, xxxiiire, xxxiv, Iv,
Ixviii, xcii, 2, 4, 22, 36, 38, 165, 279
Cogwell, James, 113, 325, 395, 458
Cooper, [William], admr. of (King v.), 210, 215,
Cogwell (Coggwell), William, 375, 395
275, 282, 289, 293, 320
Coke, [Sir Edward], xxiw, xxxi, xxxii, Ixii, xc, ex,
Cooper, William, admr. of (Lyles v.), xcii, 54, 63,
cxiv, 413, 550, 552
Cole, George v. Rothery, William, 281, 289, 320
Cooper, William, admr. of (Nicholson v.), 180,
Coller, Francis, 294
245, 275, 289, 320
Colliar, Thomas, 383
Cooper, [William], admr. of (Tracey v.), 54
Colliar, Thomas (Hollyday v.), 455, 485
Copley (Coply), Lionel, x, xi, xira, 42
Colliar (Collier), Thomas v. Brightwell, Richard,
Cordell, John, 323
[1], 110, 156
Cordiall, John (Fenixv.), 157
Colliar (Collier), Thomas v. Brightwell, Richard,
Cossens, John, 256
[2], 110, 156
Coughlane, John, 350
Colliar, Thomas v. Brightwell, Richard, admrs. of,
Cousens, John, 385, 458, 491
[1], 488, 499, 535-36
Cousens, John (Ramsey v.), 453, 457, 466, 488,
Colliar (Collyar), Thomas v. Brightwell, Richard,
503, 515
admrs. of, [2], 488, 499, 536-37
Coverthought, Robert, 305
Colliar, Thomas v. Ryley, Hugh, 372, 376, 429,
Coverthought, Robert v. Wade, George, [1], 57,
467, 488, 490, 513
108, 158, 167, 209, 245, 274
Collier, Francis, 282, 294, 295
Coverthought, Robert v. Wade, George, [2], 108
Collier (Colliar, Collyar), Francis (Carletons v.),
Cowell, [John], xxxii
373, 384-85
Cozens, John, 113, 189, 204, 206, 277
Collier, Francis (Trueman, admrx. of v.), 178, 184
Cozens, John (Taylor v.), Ixxi, 163, 180, 208
Collier, Francis (Willson v.), 19, 26, 50, 107, 137-
Cozens, John v. Barnett, — , admr. of, 50, 106.
See also Cozens, John v. Wickham, Nathaniell,
Collier (Colliar), Francis (Willson, execs. of v.),
456, 485
Cozens, John v. Taylor, John, 280, 285, 317, 321
Collings,— , 610
Cozens, John v. Wickham, Nathaniell, [1], 19, 26.
Collings, Morgan, 362
See also Cozens, John v. Barnett, — , admr. of
Collington (Colliton) Hundred, xlii, 5, 64, 166,
Cozens, John v. Wickham, Nathaniell, [2], 39, 47,
248, 282, 324, 362, 375, 395, 493, 547
58, 106
Collins, William, 1 1 1
Cranford (Grandford, Crawford), James, xxviii,
Collins, William (Mockeboy v.), 433, 455
xxix, xxx, xxxi, xxxii, liv, Ixv, 7, 30, 36, 63, 97,
Collins, William v. Smith, Daniell, [1], 160
124, 133, 134, 139, 141, 149, 150, 167, 181, 184,
Collins, William v. Smith, Daniell, [2], 160
189, 193, 196, 215, 221, 222, 223, 229, 230, 235,
Collins, William v. Smith, Daniell, [3], 160
237, 238, 239, 241, 243, 244, 250, 310, 312, 339,
Collins, [Mrs. William], 111
408, 409, 466, 467, 468, 469, 477, 513, 521, 573
Collitons Branch, 5
Creed, William v. Plowden, George, 178, 182,
Comgar, — , 90
240-41, 587