AUGUST, 1699 COURT 521
Speed Wittnesse our Trusty and well beloved. Nathaniell Blakiston Esq. Our
Captaine Generall and Governour in Cheife in and over our Province and Teri-
tory of Maryland this Seventh day of August in the Eleventh year of our Lord
God one thousand Six hundred Ninety and Nine. Nathaniell Blakiston
Mr. Thomas Hollyday, Mr. Robert Tyler, Mr. John Hawkins, Mr. Robert
Wade, Mr. Samuell Magruder and Mr. Thomas Sprigg haveing all of them taken
the Oaths appoynted by act of Parliament and the Oath of a Justice of the Peace
as allso Subscribed to the test Tooke their Seates as Justices of the Peace for
Prince Georges County allso Mr. James Stoddard haveing taken the foresaid
Oaths tooke his place by vertue of the Late Commission.
By his Exelency Generall A Proclamation.
Whereas his Majesty has Signified his Royall will and pleasure to me that I
Should have a Perticular regard to and take Effectuall Care that the Severall and
respective officers which in this Province Should not Exact or demand any Fees
more then what are Settled and allowed according to Law to the End that his
Majesties good Subjects Should not bee oppressed or any Extravigant Fees Ex-
torted or Exacted from them, I doe therefore by and with the advice of his Majesties
honorable Councill of this Province hereby Publish proclaime Command and
Strictly require all and Singular the respective Persons bareing such office in this
province Severally transcribe and Sett up an Exact Table of the respective Fees be-
longing to all and Singular their offices within their respective offices and that
they doe not presume to Exact or demand any more or unreasonable Fees then
what are Really and bona fide due to them according to Law on paine of Prose-
cution according to the uttmost Severity thereof, And whereas the Meeteing of
the Generall assembly of this Province is to be upon the 28th day of June next I
doe hereby Command the Severall and respective Sheriffs that they doe give
notice to the Severall Navall officers Collectors receivers and Treasurers within
this province to prapare and bring up their Severall accounts to the Said Assem-
bly the Said 28th day of June next in Order to make Oath to the Same and to the
End that all persons whatsoever may have due notice thereof I hereby Command
the Said Sheriffs to publish this my Proclamation in all Churches Chapells Court
houses and other Publick places of meeteing.
Given at the town and Poart of Annopolis this 17th day of March in the
Eleventh year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King William the third of
England etc. Annoque Domini 1698/9. God Save the King
[445] Prince Georges County:
By his Exelency the Capt. Generall a Proclamation.
Forasmuch as Devine Providence hath Lately Visitted these parts in a very Par-
ticular manner by Causeing a most Terrible and Dreadfull Stroak of Litening and
thunder to Fall upon the State house the Assembly Sitting therein which Fired
the roofe thereof highly Endangering the Records Lodged in the Said house and
not onely Soe but further Visitting our Sinns Strooke Dead Mr. James Crandford
one of the Delegates of Callvert County and Greiviously wounded and hurt
Divers Others (Viz.) Lt. Col. Hanson, Mr. Thomas Hiks, and Mr. George Ash-
man etc. but inasmuch as it pleased Allmighty God of his Infinite mercy farr
beyond our Deserts to withhold and restreine the violence and Destruction
thereof to the End therefore that our Sincere and Devout thanks and acknowl-
edgement of Such his Gracious Mercy may be Duely rendred I doe by and with