Smalls Store to bee kept in a chest and that Joshua Cecell the present Clarke by-
order of the Justices of this Court may have Libberty to goe to the Same as
often as Occation Shall Requier for the use of the County untill further orders
from Sir Thomas Lawrence for the Selling of a Clerke for this County.
And the Said Joshua Cecell doe hereby bind himselfe in the Sume of one
hundred pounds Sterling that the Said Cecell will not Imbezell any part or
parcell of the Same.
Then Came Jochem Keirsteed by Joshua Cecell his attorney and prayed that
he might have an Attechment Issued out of this Court against the goods and
Chatties of Joseph Letchworth for 390 lbs. of tobacco Debt and 454 lbs. of
tobaccoe Cost of Suite the Said Attechment was Obtained in Calvert County
Court before the Devision of the Countys as by a Coppy of the Said Calvert
County Records here in Court produced more att Large Appeareth and by the
Court here it is granted unto him.
To the Worshipfull the Comisoners for Prince Georges County.
The Petition of William Offoot Humbly Sheweth. That your Petitioner have-
ing been at great Charges and great troubles to purchase a piece of Land and
to make a plantation and Lying Somwhat distance from the water Side desiereth
[44] Your worshipps will be pleased to take it into Consideration and grant an
order for the Clearing and marking of a Convenient Rowling Roade from his
plantation as your worshipps Shall think Fitt and your petitioner Shall ever pray
The above petition being Read is by the Court here granted.
[Truemans Executors against William Barton [for] a Sciri facias.
It was Comanded the Coroner of Prince Georges County that whereas Thomas
Greenfeilld, Thomas Hollyday and Mary his wife Executors of the Last will and
testament of Thomas Trueman gentleman Deceased in the Court of our Lord
the King that is to Say att Calvert Towne in Calvert County before the Justices
of our Lord the King the 24th day of March Annoque Domini 1692 [1693] be-
fore the devision of the County by Consideration of the Said Court had Re-
covered against William Barton Plaisterer as well as a Certain Debt of three
thousand one hundred ninty and Six pounds of tobaccoe as alsoe four hundred
and Sixteen pounds of tobaccoe which to them the Said Thomas Greenfeild,
Thomas Hollyday and Mary his Executors aforesaid in the Same Court were
Adjudged for their Damages which they had by Occation of Deteyneing the Said
Debt whereof he was Convicted as by the Records and process of the Said Court
and herein this Court produced manifestly Appeareth Nevertheless Execution of
the Judgment aforesaid yett Remaineth to be done as by the Insinuation of the
Said Thomas Greenfeild, Thomas Hollyday and Mary his wife to this Court is
given to understand And because etc. that by Lawfull etc. he make knowne to
the Said William Barton that he be here att this day (to witt) the 22d day of
September to Show Cause if any he hath wherefore the Said Executors aforesaid
their Execution of the Debt and Damages aforesaid ought not to have According
to the forme of the Recovery aforesaid if etc. And now here att this day to witt
the 22d day of September Annoque Domini 1696 Came the Said Thomas Green-
feild, Thomas Hollyday and Mary his wife by Joshua Cecell their Attorney and
offered themselves against the Said William Barton of the plea aforesaid. And
he being Solemnly Called Came. And Saith that he Cannot gainsay but that he