answer unto Such things and matters as on his Majestys Behalfe Shall be by the
Said Court Objected against him and in the meane time to be of good Behavour
as well towards our Sovereigne Lord the King as all the good people of this
Province etc.
It is ordered by the Court here that the Attorneys of this Court for time to
Come Shall file all their Declerations with the Clarke of this Court within twenty
dayes after the appearance Court for which the Said Declerations doth belong
beginning from the Last day of the Said Appearance Court. And alsoe that the
Said Attorneys file all their pleas and make up the Issues the first day of Every
Court that the Said Actions Shall be for tryall.
Overseers for the high wayes Appointed for Each hundred in this County.
(Viz.) Hugh Williams and Jonathan Simmons for Mattapony hundred; [Last
line illegible]; [43] Gaven Hambleton and James Stoddart for New Scotland
hundred; Richard Gambrell and Thomas Frederick for Pescattaway hundred.
Ordered by the Court here that the Clarke Send warrants to Each of the be-
fore mentioned Overseers of the high wayes. which was Accordingly done.
Ordered by the Court here that Daniell Buckmaster be Sumoned to Appeare
here the next Court to answer unto a Complaint to this Court made against him
by John Waters.
Ordered by the Court here thatt Benjamin Berry and Robert Wade be Sum-
moned to appeare here the next Court to answer unto their Contempt: to this
Court in not Appearing being Summoned on a petty Jury the Last Court be-
tween John Huggins and John Bennett when the Rest of the Jury Came into
Court to give in their Verdict, which was Accordly done.
William Stone one of the Attorneys of this Court fined two Shillings for
Cursing in open Court. [Fined.]
Ordered by the Court that all the Attorneys of this Court that makes any de-
fault in not Coming to tryall in all their Actions the next Court wherein they
are Conserned the Said Actions Shall bee discontinued without they give a good
Reason to the Court to the Contrary.
Ordered by the Court here that if Mr. Cleborne Lomax write out all the
Lawes or Acts of Assembly of this province from the beginning of Governor
Coplyes time (Except the two Coppys made the two Last Sessions of Assembly
and that the Said Lomax bring here the next Court the Lawes made in Gover-
nour Copleys time and Likewise if the Said Lomax brings the Remaining part
of the Lawes or Acts of Assembly (Except as before Excepted) to the next
January Court that then the Said Lomax Shall be paid out of the Leavie of this
County this yeare but if the Said Lomax doe not Comply with and write the
Same as above that then the Said Lomax Shall Returne Soe much tobaccoe to
the County againe as of the Said Lawes or Acts Shall be Left behind and unwritt
out the next January Court to be deducted out of the Said three thousand
pounds of tobaccoe pro Ratoe.
Ordered by the Court here the Records of this Court be kept at Mr. David